Let's Get Crazy

It was a brand new week, and Derrick felt good about it, in a very long time he hadn't ever looked forward to a new week as much as he did now. A whole lot of things had happened last week, things that he never thought were capable of happening. It was Monday and he woke up at five thirty sharp, got dressed in his favorite outfit from the year before, and left for school in a bid to get some revision done for his forthcoming test.

In all honesty, there was something so satisfying about studying for exams, especially if you got to spend most of your free time doing it alone. He knew what he had to learn and was able to concentrate on the task ahead without feeling overwhelmed by the pressure that came with high expectations of himself. It allowed him to focus more effectively. He also used this time to do a recap on the past events of the previous week, who would've thought a mere boy like Derrick Taylor would be home to seven of the most deadly sins personified and he could wield their abilities at will. A smirk grew on his face as he kept reminiscing about what he could actually accomplish , what power he held now that he was a harbinger of such mass strengths. The thought caused shivers down his spine.

After finishing up his revision, Derrick checked his schedule. The next two days consisted of the usual classes and then he had another half hour to get through one final class before lunch . He sighed deeply, knowing it wasn't going to be easy but determined not to worry. Not when he felt as ready as he felt right now and definitely not when he could still feel the energy coursing through his body. It all seemed to be going well until Kyle showed up as Vanessa followed behind him, both approaching Derrick at the same time , causing his smile to fall and an uneasy feeling to settle in the pit of his stomach. As they drew closer Derrick began packing his backpack so he could leave earlier than usual, but didn't manage to put everything away.

"Hey." Kyle said, his tone lacking his normal cheerfulness.

Derrick didn't bother replying, instead focusing his gaze elsewhere completely avoiding them in the process. It was time for and he was trying his hardest to avoid any interactions, they weren't going to be the reason his week would get soiled or ruined, so why wouldn't they leave him alone? It was bad enough that they straight up betrayed him and now they're trying to apologise like it's normal? He got so sick of it so much so he had to call in sick and get dismissed from school early. "Hey Derrick!" A faint voice called from behind causing Derrick to turn around quickly, only now realizing how fast he was getting worked up. It was Vivian his seat partner, he realised that throughout their time together as students he hadn't take time to ACTUALLY check her out, she had brown eyes and black hair which complimented her dark brown skin as her dentures glistened each time she smiled at him, she had a shape that went well with her facial features, one would mistake her for a model if she wasn't in uniform. "You're leaving early, are you okay?" She asked as she placed her hand on Derrick's shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit under the weather that's all."Derrick said as he scratched his neck lightly, fighting off the urge to blush. "Jeez that's a shame, well I also got dismissed early so you mind if i stay a while at your place?" Vivian asked as she played with her fingers facing the ground. "Oh uhh, umm sure you can, i could use the company anyways." Derrick said as he fixed his posture so he could stand properly. "Yay! Let's go already before it gets late." Vivian said putting her arms under Derrick's as the left the school.


Once they arrived at Derrick's place, Vivian immediately helped herself to his bed as she let out a sigh while she stretched her body over the bed. "I'll go fix us something to eat, be back in a sec!" Derrick said as he left for the kitchen. "Dude! Give me control I promise you won't regret it!" Lust said as he appeared right in front of Derrick. "Woah! What? How?" Derrick said as he tried to recover from the brief jumpscare he just experienced. "Trust me on this, I promise you'll thank me later man!" Lust said as he snapped his fingers. "No... look, can we do this some other time please? I have a guest." Derrick said as he left the kitchen. "All you have to say is TAKE OVER!!!" Lust screamed as Derrick moved farther and farther away from the kitchen. "So uhh, Lunch is ser-" Derrick was stopped in his tracks to see Vivian cladded in sports bra and her school skirt. "I hope you're not uncomfortable? I felt hot so I thought it wouldn't hurt." Vivian said as she reached for her shirt. "Oh no no, don't be silly, you're alright it's fine... Well, lunch is here so." Derrick said as he placed the plate on the bed. As they ate Vivian noticed Derrick kept stealing glances at her and averting his gaze everytime she'd noticed, it began to get awkward and the silence was of no help at all. "Hey, I heard you broke things up with Nessa, I'm really sorry things turned out like that. If its worth anything, she's not even worth it." Vivian said as she drank a cup of water. "Oh yeah, no it's fine. I don't even think about it anymore. I, I just don't wanna dwell on it." Derrick said as he pretended to pick something off his fingers. "Yeah yeah, Well umm... I got a question." Vivian said as she fixed her gaze on the plate of lasagna. "Yeah sure, ask away." Derrick said as he picked his plate. "Do you ever think we could work out for a change? I mean... I like you a lot, even before Nessa. I'm not asking for much, just give us a chance, please?" Vivian said as she faced Derrick who was dumbfounded from what he heard. Haha..." Derrick laughed dryly. "That was a good one, you almost had me at first." Derrick said. "Oh I'm not, I'm really serious." Vivisn said. "But... How's that possible? I mean me? Of all people. C'mon!" Derrick said as he waved his hands as emphasis on his disbelief. "I'm serious Derrick, I really am! I don't know how else tk prove it. But it's true." Vivian said. "Hey buddy! Let me take control now!!!" Lust said as he appeared right in front of Derrick again, startling him a bit. "I mean are you sure Viv? I'm barely recovering from a breakup and the last thing I need is someone playing with my feel-" Derrick was cut short as Vivian lunged forward for a kiss, he was shocked, amazed yet confused all together. It was at this moment he got a glimpse of Lust behind Vivian as he mouthed "Let me take over." Derrick hesitated at first but eventually gave in to Lust's request as he shut his eyes and everything faded to complete darkness.