
As the building crumbled to dust, Derrick with the demons Al stared in disbelief. "We could've been under all that." Envy said in-between pants. "C'mon guys, let's get going." Derrick said as he held the Lance in his hand, watching it radiate a golden glow. "The very Lance of Michael, do you know the kind of power you hold in your hands Derrick?" Wrath asked with visible astonishment. "Pretty cool huh?" Derrick said as he spun the staff, making it give a shrilling echo. "Can it dude! You wouldn't want Michsel getting signals from the staff when we barely got out." Sloth said as he stretched out his arms. "Michael was right, you all are nothing but annoying cockroaches." A voice said from behind. Everyone turned their heads to see who spoke. It was a woman around 30 who walked up to them, her face covered with a mask and a sword strapped to her side. She also had a sword attached on her back and another one on the ground.

"Well well well, look at what we have here!" An ethereal voice rang out. Everyone looked to where she was staring. A bright light shined from the skies as Michael descended to the ground as his wings flapped slowly before he touching the ground as he tucked them inside his back. He looked down at everyone before him with an amused expression, crossing his arms. "What brings you here?" Michael said as he smiled at the group. He looked over to where Derrick was standing before looking back at the demons, raising an eyebrow. "It seems we have ourselves some thieves.." The woman answered, a smirk escaping her lips. "And what do we do to thieves Uriel?" Michael asked cracking his neck. "We smite 'em hard." Uriel said as she took off running towards Derrick, swinging her sword wildly. Derrick dodged to the left, avoiding her swing. He quickly jumped back, kicking Uriel in the stomach with all his might, sending her flying through the air. As soon as she landed she quickly stood back up and ran over to Derrick. She was stopped by Wrath as he stepped in the middle of the three.

"Ain't no way bozo!" Wrath shouted. "And who might you be?" Uriel asked as she kicked Wrath in the stomach, sending him into the ground. "Alright, my turn." Pride said as he quickly ran to where she was

going but she managed to step on his foot, sending him sprawling onto the ground. While this was happening Envy, Sloth and the others were fighting against Michael keeping he occupied. Derrick tried to avoid getting hit as much as he could, only stopping when Michael would come towards him. When they finally separated from each other, Uriel had already taken charge, charging straight for Derrick. He tried to dodge out of the way, but she caught him by surprise. "You shouldn't have come boy." She said as she sent him flying across till he plummeted head first to the ground, not showing any signs of consciousness.

"Derrick!" Gluttony as the boy lay unconscious on the ground. Uriel walked away from him before turning back to face Pride. "So... who's next?" She questioned. "You... You self righteous twat!" Pride yelled as he stood up, rubbing his bruised leg. "Yeah... You wanna fight me too?" She teased. "I'll show you all a real good time!" He replied as he charged towards her, knocking into her shoulder and causing her to fall to the ground. "No need to be so aggressive man." Uriel muttered as she got back up to her feet grabbing Pride by the leg as she proceeded to slam him hard to the ground causing him to gasp for air. Michael on the other hand looked like he was having fun beating the life out of Greed, Envy, Sloth and Lust. Wrath came in soon after and tried to even the odds while Gluttony stayed by Derrick to ensure he was okay. "You all bore me." Michael said letting out a fake yawn as he released a force field that knocked them off their feet. "These are the seven deadly sins personified?? Buncha washoffs." Uriel said as she folded her arms. "Tell me about it. To think father warned us no to mess or make contact with these fleas." Michael said as he guffawed. "Anyways, this was fun but you all have overused any form of time I have with you all." Michael said as he raised his hands to smite the demons before him.

"ENOUGH!" Derrick screamed in anger as he began levitating in midair. Michael and Uriel were taken aback as they witnessed Derrick use his powers. "You'll hurt my friends no more." Derrick said as he stretched the Lance, spinning it before zooming towards them. "He won't win this." Michael declared as he prepared himself for a counterattack. But as soon as the Lance made contact with Michael's body, a bright blue light emitted from Michael's eyes and mouth as he let out a loud scream before he vanished into thin air. Confused, Wrath ran over to his brothers, as they helped each other stand. "Dude, are you ok? You're bleeding pretty bad." Lust asked Wrath. "I'm fine, let me heal it up." Wrath said as he healed himself and the other demons. They all watched as Derrick approached Uriel menacingly. "My brothers will hear of this." She said as she stretched out her wings preparing to fly until Derrick held her by her foot. "Good, I'm counting on it." Derrick said as he inscribed something on her wings causing her to scream out her lungs before he spun her round and round before letting her go, sending her flying high into the sky.

With that out of the way, Derrick wielded the Lance, spinning it above his head before hitting it on the ground causing a tremor. As it subsided, the demons watched Derrick in awe as he gave out a red ura in his eyes, then he looked up. Looking out towards the sun he grinned to himself, thinking about how he was now able to defeat two archangels in one swing.

His skin began going dark as wings sprouted out from his back, the veins on his body glowing as red lines covered his body. The demons all watched in astonishment as the spectacle unfolded before them. Derrick was amazed at how powerful he felt, how freeing it was. "Holy shit! This is incredible!" He exclaimed as he looked down at his hands that were now engulfed in flames. He looked up, smiling widely at everyone and everything around him. All of a sudden the world was filled with a blinding white light as the Lance of Michael shone brighter than ever before. "Whoa..." Everyone said as their faces lit up in amazement. After it faded, the Lance began to radiate a red aura similar to that of Derrick's. "It's his Lance now, it answers to only him." Wrath said as a sinister smile appeared on his face. After what felt like thirty minutes, Derrick reverted to normal as he descended slowly to the ground.

"Damn son, you are really something else." Envy said with a smile plastered across his face. "I feel so amazing, This is incredible!" He replied happily, staring at the burn marks on his body as a result of his veins burning out on him. He healed it in an instant , leaving no evidence that he was burnt at all. "Wow, I've never seen anything like that!" Sloth said in amazement. "You were so next level man!" Gluttony added excitedly. "That thing is fucking awesome! Who knew you could do that dude?" Sloth continued. Derrick chuckled to himself quietly, still feeling the euphoria that consumed him. "I really don't know, but I know with training and a little fine tuning, it could be better." He stated, laughing at himself. "Let's get out of here guys. All this fighting has done a number on me Sloth said as he yawned. They all agreed as they headed for the car, heading out from the ruins of the temple.

The trip back took several hours as everyone remained silent, no one saying anything to break the silence or disturb the quiet night they had just arrived in. "We should stop by my house. I'll cover it all with Devil's Trap for Lucifer and wardings for angels." Derrick said as he looked out the window. "Sure, we'd head there now." Greed said as Wrath stepped on the gas. Once they arrived at the parking lot, A voice called out to them. It was Alastair, she looked burnt and beaten up to a pulp. "Guys... we need... to talk." Alastair slurred as she dropped to the ground. Derrick hurriedly went to where she lay and put his hand on her head, healing her in the process. "Come on, let's get inside." Wrath said as Derrick helped Alastair up to her feet. Once she was settled in Derrick's house. "What happened to you?" Derrick asked as he handed her a glass of water. "It was too fast, too sudden... he was so fast." Alastair said as she gulped the water down quickly. "Slow down, tell me what happened." Derrick said gently. She took another long gulp before answering. "They came back. We weren't prepared for him, he murdered half my minions." Alastair said still shook from the event. "Who did?!" Wrath questioned. "It... It was Raphael. And he sent me to send you a message." She said looking at Derrick as she opened up her shirt to reveal a sizzling inscription carved boldly on her chest that said I AM COMING FOR YOU. Derrick took a short pause before he said with a low voice. "We'll be waiting for him." Everyone turned to look at Derrick with a questionable look on their faces. "Dude, after Michael, Raphael is the strongest, most violent angel there is. You sure you need that heat on you man?" Sloth asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well we better get ready then." Derrick said as he stood up from the couch staring into the night from his window as he closed his eyes to inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, opening his eyes as they glowed red ominously.