The Apocalypse Pt 2

Meanwhile, Envy and the other demons stayed by Lust's side as he slowly lost consciousness. "Damn, of all the ways to die I had to go by some zombie angel." Lust chuckled as he grimaced in pain due to his wounds. "Who would've thought right?" Greed said as he let out a dry laugh. "I know, I know... It's been a long run you guys, you really are my brothers and I appreciate everything we've been through together." "Oh no! You're not leaving us with some punk ass speech, I won't allow it!" Pride said as he held his hands tight. "Listen, just pr..." Lust paused as he swallowed hard. "Just promise me Derrick wins this fight, no matter the cost." Lust said as he looked at his brothers. "Please don't do this man, we'll fix you!" Sloth said with tears in his eyes. "Nah, not this time brother, I believe this is my time." Lust said as a single tear fell from his right eye. "You gotta beat this man! Please!" Greed said as tears began flowing from his eyes. "Y'all better win this, it'd be a shame if my death was in vain." Lust chuckled as he winced once more before letting out a sigh as he passed out.

The group stared at Lust's dead body with sad expressions as Michael with the other archangels approached them, Greed glared at them as he rose to his feet. "You all heard Lust, he can't die in vain." Greed said as he turned to face his brothers before looking back at the zombified angels. "For Lust!" Pride screamed. "For Lust!" The six demons chorused as they charged the archangels.

Derrick had gone full demon, his skin became black with his veins and eyes glowed a fiery red and his horns grew out of his head. He still managed to hold the line against Lucifer even though he had been wounded by the fallen angel. He didn't dare give up until the battle was over but now that he had, his stamina had left him. "Y'know... there's no shame in quitting now champ. I'm getting bored already." Lucifer said as he looked at his fingers. Derrick struggled to stand as his knees gave in. "You talk loud for a supposed strong fallen angel you know." Derrick said as a long smirk crept across his face. "Oh I'm not the one who got hit by the devil himself. It must have really hurt like hell." Lucifer said as he grabbed a hold of his horns as he twisted them violently causing blood to pour down his forehead.

"LUCIFER!" Derrick yelled as he attempted to get away, however it proved impossible as Lucifer's grip only grew stronger. He felt an overwhelming sensation of helplessness rush through him as he felt his mind begin to blur. "It hurts... so much." Derrick muttered as he could feel the pressure increasing. "Yeah but it doesn't matter. This was always going to be inevitable, you know." Lucifer said as he stopped twisting Derrick's horns. "The plan was to never kill you boy, but to imprison you. Because what good is a demon prince that can't even stop the ruler of Hell?" Lucifer said as he gave Derrick a light pat on his cheek. "You should be happy, you got the chance to even battle me." Lucifer said as he gave Derrick a small push forward. Derrick stumbled, unable to keep his balance as he fell onto the ground. Lucifer laughed as he watched Derrick fall flat on his back, he then proceeded to walk towards where Derrick laid on the floor. "You lost boy, and this Lance..." Lucifer paused as he looked at the spear. "It's gone." Lucifer said as he broke Derrick's Lance clean in half. Derrick whimpered from the pain as he saw the broken spear laying uselessly in front of him. Lucifer looked over at his brother. " I win." Lucifer said as he looked back down at Derrick, "But I will say one thing." Lucifer continued before kneeling down in front of Derrick. "There is something about you, I want to see what it is." Lucifer whispered as he leaned closer to Derrick. "Something... different." Lucifer added. With the end of the spear being pointed directly into Derrick's heart, he couldn't help but chuckle. "You sure took your sweet time, now I'm stuck here with this fucking headache." Derrick groaned as Lucifer smirked. "Maybe we could make it worth your while." Lucifer said as he stood up, walking away as Derrick lay on the ground in agony. Lucifer began chanting as the ground beneath then crumbled as demons came out from underneath with razor sharp claws and teeth, looking for human souls to prey on. "Isn't it beautiful? Total chaos, anarchy and doom. All for me to rule." Lucifer said as he turned around looking at Derrick's bleeding face. "Now I will show you how a real demon does things, starting with the Earth, then Heaven. And no one will stand in my way. NO ONE!" Lucifer screamed as he lifted his hands in the air. Derrick groaned as he got back on his feet with blood all over his body. "I never said I was done now did I?" He said as he let out chuckle. "Fascinating. You still fight for a lost cause." Lucifer said as he sprouted his wings. "Well then, let's have one last dance." He said as he took to the skies, Derrick following close by. They exchanged blows and blasts on the air , Lucifer dodging and jumping every attack Derrick threw at him, Derrick trying to stay behind him as they flew around. Eventually, Lucifer had the upper hand as he grabbed Derrick by the wings, ripping the off his back in the process. "NOOOOOO!" Derrick screamed in agony as Lucifer threw him to the ground. "He's... it can't be." Pride said as he watched the spectacle unfold before them. "Oh Derrick." Envy said with a sad tone. "He's really dead isn't he?" Greed asked as he began to sniffle. "No..." Gluttony said as he ran towards Derrick's unconscious body. Lucifer landed next to the body as he picked him up with one hand. "Yup, he seems pretty dead to me." Lucifer said as he turned to face the six demons that approached him. "Oh hey kids, just a second okay? I'm off to throw this body into Hell." Lucifer said as he walked off, dragging Derrick's limp body along before he threw him into the pit where the demons came from. "NO!" The demons screamed as the rest of the demons followed Lucifer into the abyss. After a few moments, Lucifer turned around and faced his demons. "Well that wasn't too hard was it? Let this be a lesson to whoever wishes to dethron me." Lucifer said before he flew into the sky and headed towards his the Heavenly council.

It'd been two years since the showdown between Derrick and Lucifer ended, Lucifer went on to takeover Heaven and enslaved the entire garrison of angels, no one dared stand in his way. Wrath and his demon brothers were all prisoners in Lucifer's former cage along with Derrick who still hadn't awoken from the battle, Lucifer decided to leave his body with the seven demons as a reminder of their devastating failure to save the world.

The war raged on for a year, everyone knew Lucifer was gaining power because he was taking souls and using their energy for himself, but nobody knew that this power was being used against the whole Heaven. The angels began losing faith in heaven as they realized nothing was ever going to change, especially after watching Lucifer use his power and might without a care in the world. A lot of them even began calling him Lord Lucifer, a name which caused many to shake in fear when they heard it. While they were scared of Lucifer, there was no denying that they respected him, however this respect wasn't enough to protect humanity or save any of them anymore.

Lucifer was finally able to regain control of the Heavenly Council and began ruling the Heavens with ease. Many of the fallen angels wanted nothing more than to overthrow Lucifer, but they all feared death and were willing to do anything to escape punishment and live. "We really lost Lust and Derrick in one day." A very bruised Sloth said as he looked over at Pride who sat with Derrick's limp body, nursing it with hopes that he'd come back to life. Pride remained silent, knowing exactly what he was feeling but chose not to speak to Sloth, he was too busy dealing with the pain and despair that he had endured during the ordeal with Lucifer. "If only we had prepared better we'd-"

"Shut the fuck up Sloth! Wrath growled as his anger boiled within him, he had gone through a traumatic event, one that would forever scar him on the inside. "I understand your loss... but you need to let go of it for once in your damned life! That's not your fault, it's theirs." Sloth spat. Wrath glared daggers at Sloth, his jaw clenched tightly as he tried to suppress his rising rage. His body trembled with fury, his eyes were bloodshot red, his teeth gritted together. "We shouldn't be fighting man, look at us... We're all shadows of our former selves. The least we can do is stay alive." Wrath said as he leaned back on the wall, glaring at the chains that bound every prisoner together.