Chapter 8: Plan Gone Wrong


Kathy poured another cup of quince tea for me. "Thank you," I said, giving her a small smile before taking the cup.

"You've been eating so well nowadays, milady… Mr. Chester is delighted," she remarked as she cleaned up the empty dishes on the table. The Duke was not in the manor today thus I opted to eat lunch inside my room.

"Mr. Chester's cooking is very delectable and light on the stomach…" I commented, pertaining to the chef who was hired the same time that Kathy and the other servants started their post. He was especially scouted to attend to my 'special needs' which was actually just a regimen for my diet that Sir Pearson provided.

"He told us that it is very easy to get used to the Lady's eating habits… He was a little shocked during the first weeks and said that he had never seen a noble lady who isn't particular about food. You don't leave out anything on your plate and that really flattered him. Don't you have any preferences, Lady Ava? I'm sure Mr. Chester would be happy if you tell us your favorite food," Kathy said and immediately procured a small writing pad from her apron.

I merely smiled in resignation. "I don't think it's right for someone to be so picky about food. Other people who aren't so fortunate could barely eat once a day. I'm grateful for anything placed on the table so please tell Mr. Chester to just be comfortable with his work and serve whatever is available," I replied.

Upon my response, Kathy's eyes looked downcast and she hung her head in disappointment. "I can't help noticing but Milady is a bit too frugal with everything… You also withdrew just a very small portion from the allowance that the Duke provided for you," she sighed.

"It's a little hot today… I'll rest for a bit and postpone the walk in the garden for another hour," I told her to change the topic.

"Yes milady…" Kathy answered with a resigned smile. She probably noticed the hint that I didn't want to talk about money matters. "We will also prepare the umbrellas and some refreshing drinks for later. Just ring me up when you need anything," she added and left the room with the tray of empty dishes.

After she had gone, I scanned the spacious room and gave a small sigh. I looked back on the past weeks and thought of the long and arduous effort I had to invest to finally be left alone like this.

A week had passed ever since I was able to return back to full health. Sir Pearson had moved out of the mansion at that time and only visited for regular check-ups every two days. To be honest, I think it was rather excessive that an important healer like him still visits me that often. He perfectly knows that I'm doing well and that I do not require further medical assistance.

At first, people found it hard to believe that I would no longer hurt myself. I shook off everyone's doubts by diligently following what I was told to do and showing a healthier mindset by keeping myself busy with hobbies in between my daily regimen. As a result, I was granted some privacy inside my own room. However, the young Duke still wouldn't let me walk around the mansion without proper escorts.

Ever since talking to the young masters upon waking up from the coma, I found myself falling into an almost surgical day to day routine from morning to dusk. Aside from the fact that I was always accompanied by Kathy and the other maids, I enjoyed freedom as to my choice of leisure time amidst the exercising, arranged mealtimes and a rigid bedtime following a regular sleep schedule.

Despite it being a little strict, I have to admit that it was rather nice. I ate good food, spent my time as I pleased and got along well with the new servants. The first young Duke, or Sir Landon as I call him nowadays, had been very nice and helpful, a little too helpful perhaps that I found it rather pressuring.

Despite his busy schedule, he still took his meals with me when he could and always found the time to drop by my room during teatime and stay for ten minutes to talk about random things. Little by little, I got used to his presence but I'm afraid that I couldn't be as relaxed with him as I am with Sir Pearson and the servants.

Yukina once told Ms. Asano that there are some instances when humans feel more at ease with complete strangers rather than people they have known most of their life. I think the same applies to me. However, if I shared good memories with Sir Landon, then perhaps things would've been different. Despite growing up with the three Krauser brothers, I knew nothing about them just as they knew nothing about me. We were merely strangers living under the same roof.

Even though I admitted to myself that I had been enjoying the past days, I have a firm grasp of what my goals are. I am not changing anything and my plans to leave the Duchy are in motion.

I had been feeling a little impatient but I know that it is necessary to gain everyone's trust first so that they would be taken unawares of what I am about to do. Tomorrow, I will finally work the first step of my plan: sneak out, go to Mayberry Cove and find Sophia.

I did all my research and have gotten information by asking Garrett a lot of questions about the ways of transport within the kingdom. Seaside Shore is about half a day by carriage from the capital whilst the Krauser duchy is a maximum of five hours away from the capital by carriage and three hours by horseback. To think that the real lady of the house is only a day's worth of travel from her home, fate really is being playful and staying true to the novel's storyline.

Without anyone's interference, everything might play out exactly as the story despite the people having their own thoughts, feelings and choices. Characters would not be allowed to make their appearance when the time is not right unless something happens just like the time I was saved by Yukina on that night in the brothel.

Even without my meddling, Sophia would still be found two years from now. However, I cannot wait that long. I have to take matters into my own hands.

It would be safe to say that if I depart from the duchy early before dawn breaks, even with passing by the capital to hire a carriage and travelling for half a day, I would reach Seaside Shore by sundown.

According to what my research unearthed, I could also opt to take the train from the capital to a city near Seaside Shore. That would only take an hour and I could reach the port town by a thirty-minute carriage ride from the terminal, shortening the original travel time by half, but that would require buying tickets and recording my name on a record log for passengers. As much as possible, I want to avoid leaving any solid traces.

I planned on sneaking out a horse and go by horseback to the capital thus I considered going by horseback all the way to Seaside Shore but I am not that proficient at riding and if I encounter problems along the way, it would be hard to get help. There also wouldn't be a lot of ladies travelling by horseback alone thus I would stick out like a sore thumb to strangers. Carriages guarantee the safety and comfort of the passengers and thus would make it a more dependable way of travel.

Taking everything into consideration, even if it would require a longer travel time, riding the carriage would be a better option to keep a low profile.

Since I would be arriving at sundown, I would have to spend the night in an inn. With Seaside Shore being a port town where ships dock and unload, there were a lot of inns and restaurants available there. I couldn't procure a detailed map of the town from the books and materials within the mansion and asking for one would be too suspicious thus I would have to make do with what little information I have and work my way through the real deal once I arrive there in person.

If I'm lucky, perhaps I would be able to find Sophia in three days and return with her to the capital immediately but just in case I needed more time, I procured enough funds to last me for a week. I had everything planned out and hopefully, I won't get caught by the people from the Krauser household before I accomplish my task.

Fortunately, all of the young masters are busy with their own works and Sir Landon wouldn't be arriving until the sun sets. It would take a while before the servants learn about my disappearance, finish trying to find me on their own and alert the young masters upon giving up. I would be long gone by then. I can't help but feel anxious but I cannot let anxiety get the better of me. I must take this much risk to return everything to their rightful place.

I stood from the table and took out my wooden box from deep within the chest by the foot of my bed. A few days ago, I had Kathy withdraw three hundred gold pieces, five hundred silver pieces and a thousand bronze pieces and had them exchanged for bill currency. I calculated the expenses so that I would be able to pay for the trip to Seaside Shore, a week's worth of room board, food and clothing, random transportation fees and a trip for two back to the Krauser duchy.

I made sure to lock the door before checking the purse with the money and the knapsack I planned to take for the trip. I have to be successful at finding Sophia since this chance would probably not come for a second time. Once I lose the trust of the people in the mansion by going on this getaway, it would be clear that they wouldn't let me off easily.

My hands shook as I returned the knapsack inside the chest and locked it. After today passes, I have to sleep early and wake up while everyone in the mansion are still asleep. The Duke would not be returning until tomorrow night and I only have to get past the servants. With only several more hours to pass by, it's incredibly nerve-wracking but I would have to pull myself together.

I have to make this work somehow. It would be fine as long as I do my best. I need to be optimistic and believe that everything would work out as planned.



Finally, I got most of the work done. Glancing at the grandfather clock by the corner of the room, I took note of the time. Being the Minister of Defense atop managing the Dukedom always made me deal with an unending mountain of files and documents. I could never figure out how my Father was able to cope up with all of these and still had the luxury to have four children.

"Tell Tom to bring my lunch here in the office…" I told Jeffrey Houston, my aide and secretary from the Defense Ministry. He was previously a knight but after an unfortunate accident falling off a horse gone rogue, his body was no longer fit for the military and he left to opt for office work.

He had worked as an assistant to Baron Miller who worked as my late Father's aide during his time as the Minister of Defense. Baron Miller had retired after Father's death and recommended Jeffrey as my aide. He is very efficient in his work for he had worked with the Baron for three years in total. It was thanks to him that I was able to adjust to my duties quickly and he also earned my trust almost immediately with his upright morals and professionalism.

"Again my Duke? Are you not uncomfortable eating meals inside the office all the time? You also finish your food as soon as you can just to get back to work immediately… I'm afraid this would hurt your health later," Jeffrey told me.

"It can't be helped. I plan to return home earlier tomorrow. Brandon and Greyson also took a couple of days off from work and studies. It's been a while since the three of us saw Ava together. Ava had recuperated perfectly and we didn't even throw her a celebration for her successful recovery. Tomorrow would be the perfect chance to say our congratulations," I told him.

"Pardon me for saying this again, my Lord, but aren't you pushing yourself too much to take the long trips back and forth from the capital to the Krauser mansion? Your schedule was laxer back when you were using your family's villa near the Imperial Castle. Wouldn't it be better to return to that routine? It's too time-consuming that you have to go back to the mansion so often and you can get more rest and more work done if you go back to going home every two weeks to one month," Jeffrey told me, frowning a little.

I heaved a sigh. "We've gone over this so many times already Jeffrey… I told you, I can't leave Ava alone in the mansion for so long. Brandon's work and Greyson's studies cannot be compromised thus they can't go home often. I'm the only one who can tweak my schedule to do that," I answered.

"Was the Lady's condition so severe that you're going to such great lengths to keep her company? You never bothered before so I'm a little surprised for the past month…" Jeffrey told me.

"She's gotten a lot better and to be honest, everything I'm doing is not for her sake but for mine. I have neglected my little sister for such a long time. I want to make it up to her and I also want to get closer to her. If I don't make the necessary efforts, she'll grow more distant than she already is," I remarked thoughtfully, tapping a fingernail on the wooden desk.

Jeffrey gave a small smile. "Miss Ava must be quite loved by the Duke. I have heard a few rumors that she doesn't get along with her brothers but that doesn't seem to be the case…" he commented.

I pursed my lips. So there were rumors about our bad relationship with Ava within high society… They weren't wrong and perhaps the reason I didn't wind up hearing about the gossip was because everyone is tight-lipped and afraid to offend the Krauser Dukedom. I also didn't bother about any gossip about Ava before unless it had something to do with the family's reputation.

I remembered that back when Ava was just registered as a legal member of our family, her adoption became a great scandal within high society. It was rare for any aristocratic family to adopt a child of common origin and even more for a Ducal household to do so. Thus, our family had been in the spotlight for gossips during the first few months.

I was irritated by the rumors and the whispering around hallways during my time as a student. I vented my frustrations at Ava by saying harsh words to her. I blamed her for the gossips, something that were not by any means her fault. I really was a short-sighted child in the past. I saw nothing but the matters that I care about with no regards to the fact that what hurts me would also hurt others.

I tried visualizing the memories that Ava had of my younger self by how much I could remember. She must've hated me so much and I must've made her shed so many tears. She was a child, such a small child… When we met for the first time, her height didn't even reach my shoulder. I could vaguely remember holding her hand once when Mother made me and it was so much smaller than mine. I didn't notice that for I was too busy getting annoyed.

If only I was more sensible... If only I saw the little girl as the harmless creature that she truly was… Then perhaps things today would be different and Ava would not be so scared of me.

I like to think that there had been improvements between the two of us for the past weeks but Ava is an expert at hiding her real thoughts and feelings. She knows how to act fine when she really isn't. She's a complete mystery, a puzzle that the current me has no hopes of solving.

"Nowadays, you seem to think about your sister a lot, my Duke…" Jeffrey suddenly said, making me snap out of my own thoughts. He casted a wary glance at me as he arranged books on a shelf. "For the past year that I have been serving you, I haven't really seen you nor heard you refer to Lady Ava the same way you mention her now… Perhaps, did something happen? If my Lord requires a listening ear, I would be more than happy to be of service," he remarked.

As expected, Jeffrey is sensitive to changes and noticed that my recent actions have a solid reason. I stared at him and couldn't help but admit that it would be nice if I can tell someone about my worries. Perhaps telling someone close to me could help lighten the burden that I'm carrying.

I had never struggled with this kind of matters in my life and despite my efforts, I'm still at a loss on what to do about Ava. One lesson I learned from Father was to have the humility to admit to situations where I feel incapacitated and incapable of providing a thorough solution to a circumstance that I'm facing. He said that it is during those kinds of situations that I should seek the aid of the people around me, may they be subordinates or superiors.

Thus, while we ate lunch, I summarized everything and told my aide about the recent discoveries that we made about our adopted sister. I also told him my side of the story, of my wretchedness during my immature days and how much I regret everything. Jeffrey listened attentively with lines furrowing his forehead every now and then.

"I see… Such things happened without your knowledge…" Jeffrey said after I finished. "My heart goes out for Lady Ava. I have only seen her a couple of times. I would never have imagined that she endured such things; she looked calm and mature and very well-bred, fitting for the dignity of a Duke's daughter… She's also very low profile which I thought was rather uncharacteristic for a noble lady with a high social standing. People referred to her as an introverted lady and thus never questioned why she doesn't leave the Krauser mansion very often…"

I nodded in agreement. "Ava is a very level-headed and perseverant girl and she only behaved erratically because everyone around her pushed her to the limit… Sadly, I had to see her fall apart for me to realize how important she is to me and my brothers. After Father died, Greyson and Brandon chose different lines of professions and I have to inherit the duties that Father left behind. It was Ava who acted as the mucilage that still bound us together despite leading different lives and spending weeks and months far away from each other. She was the home that we always returned to. She had always been special but we never acted to show her that and we failed to shower her with the appreciation she deserved," I said.

Jeffrey looked at me with compassion. "I cannot even imagine what you are going through at this moment my Lord… I don't think I could be much help since this is such a complicated situation but I'll do what I can to lighten your workload and allow you to have more time at home. I now understand why it's a must that you return to the mansion and see her as often as you can… There's no cure for this but to let time pass and heal everything slowly," he told me.

Upon hearing his answer, I sighed in resignation. I had hopes that Jeffrey would be able to provide an alternative to deal with the situation. "Do you also think that this is the best option?" I asked him.

Jeffrey nodded in response. "You cannot force her into accepting your care all of a sudden when she was so deprived of it for the past seven years… From the way you describe her, she's very timid and cautious in personality and even though she may come off as emotionally fragile, I think that she's the opposite. Others wouldn't stay sane after going through what she endured for so many years. The fact that she only broke down once and was able to break through the depression recently proves that she has a firm mind and a strong heart. If I were in your shoes, I would also let her adapt to me with her own pace, without hurrying anything," he explained.

I stayed silent for a moment and thoughtfully processed the points of what he said. "Let us go back to work," I told him afterwards.

"I'll have Tom clear the dishes," Jeffrey said upon getting up and bowing. "Thank you for sharing your worries to me, my Lord… I'm sure it wasn't easy telling me such personal matters…" he added.

I smiled at him. "No, it is I who should say thank you. I felt much better after putting all my thoughts and feelings into words," I answered.

"I am glad to be of service, my Duke…" Jeffrey smiled back and bowed again before excusing himself.

After being left alone, I pulled myself together. As Jeffrey said, I should not rush things. Time would gradually take care of everything. For now, I should concentrate on getting more work done so that I could return home earlier tomorrow.



I checked the time from the clock at the corner of the hallway. It's only half a quarter past five. The Young Miss would be getting up at six o'clock thus it's still a little early for me to have breakfast and bath prepared.

Last night, I have written my daily report to the Duke and sent it by the messenger hawk that Lord Brandon provided. Ever since I started caring for Lady Ava over a month ago, they told me to report everything that happens to the Lady on a daily basis. Very unlike several years ago when I was a young maid here, the young masters are now quite concerned about their little sister and did their best to make up for their past mistakes.

Personally, I am very taken with Lady Ava. I had seen her as a tolerant, timid little girl from the first time we met and I had always pitied her circumstances. Despite being adopted into such a rich family, she was treated worse than a servant. Thus, I could not understand the scorn and jealousy of Matilda and the other maids. They knew she wasn't loved and they were also aware of how powerless she was. She made no effort to defend herself and was very passive with the abuse that everyone gave her.

There was not a scarcity of the servants that felt bad for the little Miss but we were all new and low-ranked. Thus, none of us had the courage to speak up. None except perhaps for the boy Garrett. He was quite obstinate at his efforts to help Lady Ava. As a result, he was the first one who was laid off. I didn't want to end up like him and so I kept my mouth shut and turned a blind eye to the bullying and abuse for a few months until I resigned and left. That was a time in my life that I would forever be shameful about.

Thus, I vowed to be a good maid to Lady Ava. I would use my guilt as a fuel to be the best attendant that I could possibly be. I want to be of help to her unlike the younger me who was a coward. Right now, there is nothing for me to be scared about and I could devote my whole heart to being Miss Ava's maid.

Even as a lass of fifteen, the Lady remained as quiet, restrained and tolerant as she was at eleven. Although the circumstances have changed and the young masters showed a massive improvement at how they treated her, the Young Miss remained the same.

She acted friendly towards all the servants but I could sense that she still has a barrier put up between her and the people in the mansion. I could not blame her for being cautious but I do hope she would try and open her heart to us. The best way for that to happen is for us to keep doing our best. We have to reassure her that we wish for her welfare and happiness sincerely.

I have reached Lady Ava's chambers and gently opened the door. I planned to coordinate today's outfit before she awoke. The Duke wanted her to buy new clothes because the recent changes in her body made the several gowns she currently had a little ill-fitting. I had spoken about the clothes to Lady Ava the day she got her allowance but she merely dismissed the matter as 'a waste of money'.

By selecting a gown that would show the obvious difference between her past figure to her current body proportions, it might make it easier to convince Lady Ava to procure new clothing.

I slowly entered the room and was very careful at walking about. I looked over at the Lady's bed and found it a little peculiar that she has the sheets over her head. She didn't like covering her face; she said that it makes her stuffy and suffocated. It's also the beginning summer and the days are turning hot. Last night was also windless that I had to select my thinnest nightgown to be able to sleep comfortably. Seeing her all covered on the bed didn't sit right with me.

Being very careful, I walked over to the bed to check on my Lady's condition. Just a peep wouldn't hurt and I would just apologize if I wake her up accidentally.

However, the moment I flipped the blanket by the headboard, I was met by nothing but pillows. Surprised, I took the sheets off completely. More pillows, no Lady Ava.

With my eyes widening in fear, I ran out of the room and immediately alerted the Head Butler.



I did it! I really did it! I sneaked out successfully!

The hoof beats of the black Palfrey I'm riding reverberated through the ground and I concentrated on the wind whistling in my ears. I have been taught to ride only twice, once when I was seven and had the privilege to experience riding a kind merchant's horse, and once when Lord Greyson's horse-riding lessons weren't going so well and he told me to take the lessons in his stead just so hiring the instructor wouldn't be a waste.

To think that I would get to utilize this skill, I was lucky to have previous experiences. It wasn't hard to ride even if the last time I mounted a horse had been a few years ago. I wasn't scared of horses and they too seem to like me. I took a horse that the servants use so that I wouldn't stand out.

By the time the sky slowly brightened, I was halfway through the capital and had been riding for an hour and a half. I checked on my stead and stopped for a quick break somewhere inconspicuous, letting the Palfrey drink water and graze for about ten minutes.

I resumed my journey and reached the capital after an hour more. Entrance wasn't very restricted especially because I had taken one of the servant's tokens indicating that they work for the Krauser Dukedom. They usually use it when procuring supplies and shopping for the mansion's necessities. By showing it, I was able to pass through security.

The next step that I planned to do is to leave the Palfrey under the care of a hired stable often utilized by travelers. Thus, the moment I entered the lively marketplace at the edge of town, I tucked my blonde curls under the shawl over my head and quickly looked for a stable house.

It took twenty minutes for me to find one and negotiate a deal with a proper pricing. I also asked for information regarding where I should go if I wish to ride a carriage going to Seaside Shore. The stable personnel pointed me towards a station where carriages leave and arrive on a fixed schedule going back and forth from the capital to places around the whole Kingdom.

"Thank you," I told the personnel and handed him a couple of bronze coins as a token of my appreciation.

"Oh no, it's a pleasure to be of service to such a lady like yourself…" he said and refused the tip.

"I insist that you take it. You've been very helpful," I told him, mustering a smile.

"Naw, well… Can't say 'no' twice to a beautiful young lass…" he answered and finally took the coins. "Do be careful on your journey, young miss… It's dangerous for a beauty like yourself to be travelling alone…" he added.

"Thank you for your concern. Have a nice day," I told him before I left and he waved his hat at me.

On my way to the station, I couldn't help but look around all of the places and buildings that I passed. It just dawned to me that this is the first time I have stepped out of the Krauser Duchy for seven years with no escorts, no private carriage and no important event to attend. The only times I ever left the mansion were only when I absolutely had to. Because I wanted to be as quiet as air, I didn't want to draw attention to myself for asking to go out.

There were trees, buildings and fountains in the duchy, grand ones and normal ones, but it was as if it was my first time seeing them. They looked so different just by being outside the properties of the Krausers. Perhaps I have longed for the outside world far more than I thought I did.

I smiled at the sight of shoppers bargaining with stall owners, of the children playing by the sidewalks and the carriages going past the main streets. Everything looked so lively and animated that I felt like I stepped into a different world. My world had always looked dead and grey to my eyes but here is a colorful burst of life and color enough to blind me.

I didn't realize that I was getting so distracted until I bumped onto a running child and was called back to reality by a dull pain on my behind.

The child who rammed straight onto me fell on top of me and cried noisily.

"Oh no, are you alright?" I immediately said as I struggled to sit and try to hold him.

I stood up and assisted the child on standing before crouching to his height. "Are you hurt?" I asked, looking over his arms and torso.

The child shook his head. "Sorry," he cried.

I realized that he was just startled and apologetic for bumping onto me. I tried smiling in a reassuring manner. "Don't cry. It's alright. I wasn't looking where I was going either…"

Taking my knapsack, I dug for some of the caramels I brought with me as immediate snacks to replenish energy. Giving a handful to the child, I smiled at him. "Here you go… Take these and stop crying…"

At the sight of the candies, he indeed stopped crying. Taking the caramels timidly, he bowed to me. "Thank you, big sister," he said.

"Eat them well but not before your meals… Run along now and mind your steps," I told him.

He smiled at me with his eyes still moist with tears before bidding goodbye and going on his way.

After that, I took extra care on paying attention to my surroundings. I reached the station a few minutes later and was just about to ask for the carriage going to Seaside Shore when all of a sudden…


The gruff voice made my back stiffen and the hairs on my body stood on ends. It can't be… How is he here and how did he recognize me? My hand automatically went towards my head. I have a shaw—

It was just at that moment when I realized that the black shawl I used to cover my head with was gone. Perhaps I had dropped it after the child bumped onto me on the sidewalk. My red-blonde hair is already striking on its own and thus I intended to keep it hidden. It was foolish of me not to notice the shawl gone.

"Ava, is that you?" he said and my feet were frozen in place. I couldn't move an inch and I was too terrified to turn around.

Turning around was unnecessary for the owner of the voice went straight towards me and grabbed my shoulder. I found myself staring at the troubled grayish-blue eyes of Second Young Master Brandon.

"You… Why… How…" he said, seemingly unable to piece a sentence together. He looked confused and extremely shaken.

The tinkling of a nearby shop bell interrupted the awkward tension between us and a young knight went towards the second young master.

"My Lord, I've bought the cakes. Are you sure we're not buying too much? The Lady wouldn't be able to finish all of these," the knight said. He is tall and built, with light brown hair and green eyes.

Upon seeing the young master with a blonde girl, he stopped and looked confused.

"My Lord?" he asked.

At that moment, Young Master Brandon snapped to his senses and found his voice. He immediately confronted me. "Say something. Why the bloody hell are you out here? Who's with you? Did you come with someone?" the second young master told me, the confusion in his gray-blue eyes replaced with an agitated look.

I didn't speak and merely lowered my eyes from his. It's over. After this attempt, it would be very hard to sneak out for the second time. How long would I have to wait for the next opportunity? Why is it that I had to get caught this early?

After seeing that he wouldn't be able to get an answer out of me, Young Master Brandon took my hand and turned towards the brown-haired knight. "Get the carriage ready. We're going to the Krauser mansion," he said with a serious tone.

Recognizing his authoritative voice, the young knight straightened and gave a salute. "Understood, Lieutenant."

And just like that, I found myself ten minutes later inside a carriage with Young Master Brandon.

I kept myself completely still, wringing my hands on my lap. Young Master Brandon didn't allow me a moment of peace because he kept his eyes on me during the whole ride back. He didn't say a word and just continued staring as if trying to figure out what I was up to.

Just as we were about to reach the duchy, he opened his mouth. "Be ready to explain what this is about. But don't be intimidated. No one is going to scold you or yell at you as long as you tell the truth. If the servants have a hand at this, I have no choice but to punish them," he said.

At the notion of the innocent servants getting punished for my actions, I looked at him in horror. "They don't have anything to do with this!" I blurted. "Please don't drag them into this. It's all my doing. I sneaked out alone. No one helped me!"

"Then why did you sneak out and go to the capital? There must be a valid reason," he remarked.

"That's…" I said but was unable to continue. I pursed my lips and looked at my feet.

"Very well… You still have time to collect your thoughts… Older Brother would be coming home earlier at lunchtime. Let us wait for him before we speak again," Young Master Brandon said.

I bit the inside of my cheek. After all that planning, after all the thoughts, efforts and patience for me to reach this point, why did I have to be so stupid to lose my shawl and give my identity away? If my head was covered back then, there was no chance of the young master recognizing me.

"What time did you leave the duchy?" the young master suddenly asked.

"Be-before sunrise…" I said, unable to stop my mouth from speaking the truth.

"Did you have breakfast yet?" he asked.

His question made me look up in surprise. "No…" I answered.

Young Master Brandon nodded. I was shocked to see the absence of the hostile and agitated glare on his gray-blue eyes. He seemed to be taking this a little too calmly than he usually would have.

"Take a bath once we arrive. And join me for breakfast afterward," he said.

We arrived shortly after that. The whole mansion was going frantic over my disappearance and at the sight of my figure entering the grand doors, Kathy ran to me crying. The butlers and maids as well as the other staff who left their post to look for me around the surrounding areas were all relieved after seeing me back safe and sound. I felt really bad for them and thus made a mental note to emphasize to the young masters that the servants did not help me in any way to sneak out of the mansion.

I had the promised bath and joined Young Master Brandon for breakfast when the door to the grand dining room exploded open.

Lord Landon and Young Master Greyson walked toward us with urgency in their steps.

"Ava, explain to me what this is," the young Duke said upon reaching the table.

"The servants reported to us that you were missing. What on earth happened?" Young Master Greyson followed.

My shoulders stiffened and I found myself cowering. I couldn't stop my own body from its recoil of defenses that I adapted from a young age. Even though I wanted to face them bravely, my own body is betraying my will.

To my surprise, the most unlikely person went to my rescue.

"Brother Landon, Grey, both of you calm down and have a seat. Ava hasn't eaten breakfast yet. Let her have her meal first," Young Master Brandon suddenly interjected.

Sir Landon and Young Master Greyson looked as if they regretted yelling and did as the second young master told them. They took their seats and had a maid arrange plates for them.

It was hard to finish breakfast and I dreaded the moment that would come late. Thus, as I ate, I formulated the explanation that I would use to state the reason for my actions.

"Yukina… What should I do? What should I say?" I asked inside my mind over and over.

"You can do it…" Yukina's faint voice seem to answer me.

Right. Yukina is a part of me. She loved writing and would have been a writer if only she was given the opportunity to do so. Even during those trying times that she was hiding relentlessly from debtors, she kept a notebook and pen with her at all times and wrote lots and lots of storylines. I must utilize Yukina's creativity and use it to concoct a believable story.

However, at this point, I wouldn't be able to swerve away from the truth that easily. I should be a little truthful while patching the story with a few made-up lies to make it sound plausible. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I am going insane by telling them the whole truth about reincarnation and this whole world being based from a novel.

After we finished a very stressful, tension-filled breakfast, we retired to the sitting room for me to be interrogated by the three young masters.

"Where did you find her?" Sir Landon asked the second young master.

"Right by the carriage station," Young Master Brandon answered.

The third young master turned to me, still resplendent in his emerald and blue robes that served as the uniform for the Magic Academy. The colors represented his affinity to the wind and water elements. "Why would you go there? And how did you even get to the capital?"

"It's hard to think that there would be a carriage that early for you to hitch a ride," Sir Landon remarked.

"There wasn't…" I answered. "I went on horseback. The horse I used is in a stable house at the edge of the Capital's marketplace," I fessed up.

Their eyes widened at my unexpected answer.

"You rode a horse? When the sun hasn't even risen yet?" second young master remarked.

"You know how to ride on horseback alone?" Sir Landon asked.

"Do you know how dangerous that is? You're a girl and a noble lady at that!" third young master interjected.

Startled at their reactions, I looked at them trying to look remorseful. "I'm sorry…" I replied.

"Why would you need to sneak out to the capital? If you want to go there, you could've just said so," Sir Landon told me, his tone scolding.

"What's your reason for sneaking out? At least tell us that," third young master added.

I held my silence for a moment and pulled myself together. I can do this.

"It's so that I can go to Seaside Shore alone," I answered.

"You plan on running away to Seaside Shore?" second young master said.

"No," I replied immediately before any of them misunderstand. "I… I want to go there to search for your sister, Miss Charlotte Sophia…" I finally said.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Sir Landon said, frowning deeply.

I heaved a deep breath, stood up and went down on my knees. "Please listen," I told them.

They looked taken aback seeing me kneel but I ignored their facial expressions and went on.

"When I was asleep for eight days, I had a long dream. It was of the true lady of the Krauser duchy, Lady Charlotte Sophia being kidnapped on a chilly day in early autumn. She was supposed to be sold for ransom but the kidnappers who nabbed her had a disagreement amongst themselves regarding how they would split the money. They were on their way to a hide-out in a port town on a carriage but as two of the men started stabbing each other, the commotion made the carriage fall off a steep roadside. The child they carried with them was able to escape and collapsed in front of a village. When the child woke up, she was inside a small house. A kind lady picked her up and saved her but the child lost her memories including what her name is and where she came from," I narrated before looking at them.

"It's your sister, Miss Lottie… She's still alive and had been living somewhere in Seaside Shore. That was what I saw. I have doubts about it but the dream was so vivid and so detailed and it hadn't left my head since I woke up. I did my research on prophetic dreams and retro cognition and it wasn't impossible for a mana-less person to be able to perceive them after experiencing a near-death experience or after being casted with a complex spell. Sir Pearson was unable to explain why the spell's effects lasted longer than it should. It must be because of that dream," I said, glossing over the rough details of my made-up story with a few facts.

"And so you're saying that you were going to Seaside Shore in search of Lottie?" Young Master Greyson said.

"Yes…" I answered, hanging my head down. "I didn't want to tell anyone because you might say I'm crazy. I have to prove to myself if she's there or not and so I planned to sneak out quietly and see for myself," I added.

"I understand. Get up from the floor first. It's cold there," Sir Landon said.

Reluctantly, I picked myself up from the floor and sat down on the couch. "You believe me?" I asked skeptically.

"I would have to hear what Sir Pearson has to say about it first. He's a healer. He's more familiar about matters regarding prophecies and lucid dreaming," Sir Landon answered.

"Please believe me… I just wanted to find her," I told them.

"And then what?" second young master suddenly said. I looked at him questioningly.

"What do you plan on doing if you do find her?" he added.

"I…" I said and faltered. I must tell a bit of truth. This is necessary to make the story more believable. "I would like to return her rightful place as the Lady of the Krauser Dukedom and perhaps… perhaps I could receive some grace from the young masters, gain my commoner status and live outside," I finished.

Young Master Brandon gave a small scoff. "So you are hanging onto the hope of finding Lottie based on a dream you saw so that you could leave from here?"

"I don't belong here in the first place… My existence here was a mistake…" I answered, averting my eyes from them.

Silence enveloped the whole room, a tense, heavy silence that made it hard to breathe.

"You want to leave from here this much? For you to cling onto a dream that may or may not be true?" Young Master Greyson said, breaking the silence.

"Yes," I answered straightforwardly. I have to tell them the naked truth. I have to leave; I need to leave so I would survive and live my life the way I want.

"I thought…" Young Master Greyson said but he didn't continue. He just gave an exasperated huff and turned away with his back facing me.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused but I really don't mean harm to anyone…" I said. At this point, those were the only words I have known to appease them.

"Very well…" Sir Landon suddenly said before looking straight into my eyes. "You don't really have to go through so much trouble to get what you want. We have just recently learned of this but the former Duke, our Father, left a will that was meant especially for you," he added.

At his words, the two young masters turned to him in surprise.

"Brother," they both called in alarm.

"That's Duke Krauser to both of you!" he exclaimed at them, his grayish-blue eyes sparking. "I may be your older brother but I am also the head of this family. Shut up and let me speak!"

With that, the two young masters were stunned into silence and Sir Landon looked at me again.

"Enclosed in Father's will is a document that detailed the annulment of the adoption of Charlotte Ava Krauser and the removal of her name from the family registry," Sir Landon declared.

Upon hearing his words, my eyes went wide and I stood from my seat. "Pardon?" I asked.

Instead of answering me, Sir Landon continued. "The document shall be passed and made official on the day of Charlotte Ava's sixteenth birthday. I shall tell you all of the details later and have you look over the documents yourself. There's also a letter from Father addressed to you," he said and stood from his seat. "I am tired from the trip from the capital thus I would like to rest first. I'll have a butler call you so stay in your chambers for the meantime…" he told me before vacating the room.

I watched as the second and third young masters looked at their brother in utter shock and reluctantly look at me before following him out of the room. I could only blink in confusion. After I was left alone, my knees gave out and I collapsed onto the couch with shallow breaths.

An annulment of adoption? Doesn't that mean that I'll no longer be a Krauser? I can leave this mansion? Is this true? Can this possibly be true?