Chapter 10

Two days passed and Saturday came.Saturday was the day of happiness.The students could go anywhere they want.They could visit their parents.

Zoe was at her room.Her roommate went for a walk with her friends.She opened the door and went outside the room.There she met Eric.


Eric: Anorexic?What are you doing here?

Zoe:I should have said that! It's my room!

Eric:I want to return Vanessa's book.

Zoe:She went for a walk!You can give it to me!I will put it on her desk.


He gave her the book.

Eric:Also,this is for you!

Zoe:What is this ?

Eric:Your missing notes!

He gave it to her.

Eric:How is your hand?

Zoe:The same!

Eric:We are about to go to the mall.Do you want to join us?

Zoe's thoughts:Go to the mall with the psycho?

Zoe:No thanks!

Zoe's thoughts:Did he say "we"?

Suddenly Ryan appeared.

Ryan: Good morning!

Zoe:Oh!Good morning!

Zoe's facial expression changed.She was happy to see Ryan.

Ryan: Actually,my cousin has birthday and I want to buy her a gift!Maybe you could help me to find the right present!


Ryan: Because you are a girl.

Zoe:If you say so!I may go!We will meet in the mall!

Ryan:Okay!See you there!





Luna was in the cafe and she was talking on her phone.

Luna:I am here!

Amy:Did he come?

Luna:No,yet!I am regretting it now.Why did I join the blind date app?

Amy: Don't worry!He can do nothing to you.You are in public area!


Amy:Did he come?

Luna:No!I will call you later!

Luna hanged up the phone.

Luna:Mr Peter?What are you doing here?

Peter:Miss Luna? It's funny!I have a blind date!

Luna:Are you the" black master "?


Luna:I never thought that a P.E teacher could join a blind date app!

Peter:Haha!I am also a Maths teacher!

Are you the" I don't care but I am single" ?

Luna: It's a stupid name...I know!

Peter:Hahahah!What a surprise!

Luna:Are you disappointed?

Peter smiled.

Peter:No,I like it !





Sara and Leonor were watching Zoe and Ryan,who were choosing a present for his sister.

Sara:Now I get the reason why we are here..

Leonor:Oh!He is handsome and he seems kind!

Sara:Is his name Ryan? Does Zoe like him?

Leonor:I don't know.Let me come closer!

Leonor got closer to them but she dumped into someone.

Steve: Stalker-fan!

Leonor's thoughts:The handsome guy!

Leonor:Are you real or I am out of my head?


Sara came to them

Sara:Leonor!Who is he?

Leonor: The handsome guy...


Leonor:I don't know.

Steve: Don't you know my name?

Sara:Are you famous?

Steve:I thought you were a stalker-fan!

Sara:You have a big idea of yourself!

Let's go Leonor!






Luna:So you are a P.E and Maths teacher!How?

Peter:I like P.E but my mom wanted me to become teacher of Mathematics.Fortunately the school needed it P.E teacher and I became him!And you?

I mean,can I talk to you casually?

Luna:Of course!....Peter..

I was very fat ,when I was a child and have a really strict diet and exercises and I learn lot of things about healthy lifestyle. I like P.E!

Peter:Wow!Why did you join the blind date app?

Luna:My friend forced me.And you?

Peter: It's silly but I was curious about what if I find my destiny.

Luna: It's not silly at all!So do you think you found it?

Peter:Who knows but I don't think that our meeting is just a coincidence!





Ryan and Zoe were choosing a gift.At the nearby aisle Eric was watching them.

Daniel:Why we are hidden?

Eric:Shh! Something is not right here..

Daniel:Yeah,you,who are stalking them

Eric:I am not stalking them

Eric came to the aisle,in which were Ryan and Zoe.

Eric:Did you choose the present?

Ryan:Not yet

Eric:I have an idea,buy her a bag with make up.

Ryan: It's not a bad idea!What colour?

Eric:Pink ,girls love pink!

Anorexic come with me for a minute!

Eric grabbed Zoe's hand and they went far away from Ryan.

Zoe:What do you want?

Eric:I want to ask you something!


Eric:Do you like Ryan ?