Chapter 11

Zoe was confused.

Zoe:Do I like Ryan?What?Are you serious right now?

Eric:You don't?

Zoe:Of course no...Why did you ask me something like this ?

Eric:Maybe I was wrong... Fortunately!


Eric smiled and they went back to Ryan.

Ryan:I chose the present!Can we leave now?

Zoe looked at Ryan.

Zoe's thoughts:Do I like Ryan?






Leonor and Sara were wandering around the shops.Sara went to the toilet and Leonor was waiting her outside. Suddenly Steve appeared.

Steve:Finally,she is not here!


Steve: Stalker- I mean what's your name?

Leonor:Leonor and yours?


Leonor:Hi Steve!

Steve:Haha!Your friend was rude to me..She didn't even know me!

Leonor:I apologized for her!That is her attitude!

Steve: But you are....

Leonor: What am I?

Steve:Sweet and kind!You are my type!

Leonor: Your type?

Leonor's thoughts:His type?No way!

I am the type of a handsome guy!

Am I dreaming?

Steve:Do you want to eat with me hot dog?

Leonor:Of course handsome..I mean why not ?

Leonor and Steve started walking.After 5 minutes Sara left the toilet and went outside.

Sara: Leonor?Were that girl went?

She started walking and searching for Leonor when she dumped into Daniel.He was searching for his friend too.

Sara:F*ck!You!Watch where you're going!


Sara:The jerk's brother!


Sara:Are you deaf?

Daniel:Do I know you?

Sara:No,but I know you!You are Edward's brother!

Daniel:Tch,he is not my brother!

Sara:Haha,he said the same.You have similarities!

Daniel:I don't want to waste my precious time to you!So I will leave!

Daniel continued walking and searching for Steve.

Sara:I don't want to waste my precious time to you bla bla bla!

I hope you will fall!





Luna and Peter left the cafe.Peter wanted to gave her a lift.

Peter:Can I drive you to your home?

Luna:Thank you for the suggestion but I prefer walking!

Peter: Don't worry,I will be careful!

They went inside the car and Peter started driving.In the way of Luna's home,her phone rang.



Peter:Your phone...

Luna ignored it

Luna: Don't worry about it!I will call her back later.

Peter:Who was it?

Luna:My mom.





Leonor and Steve went to the hot dog shop.After ordering the hot dogs,they were wandering around the mall.They had a great time.Suddenly they met their friends.

Sara:Look who we found!

Daniel: Seriously Steve ?We were searching for you !

Steve:I am sorry guys!

Daniel: Let's go back!

Sara: Leonor,you too!






Peter:We arrived!

Luna:Thank you, Peter!Do you want to come inside? I mean, maybe you need something!

Peter:I would like a cup of water!

They came inside but a big surprise was waiting them.

Luna:Mom?What are you doing here?

Luna's mom: Finally, you came back!Oh,who is the young man?

Peter:I am afraid that I am not young anymore..I am Peter!

Luna's mom: Interesting!

Luna:Mom!I asked you what are you doing here?

Luna's mom:I am your mother,why I can't be here? The house was so dirty,I decided to clean it!


Luna's mom:I am sorry,I forgot about your future husband!

Peter: Future what?

Luna:Mom!I am sorry Peter!This is your cup of water!You should go!

Luna's mom:Why?Peter,you can join us in the dinner!

Peter: Dinner?


Peter:Thank you,Mrs!But I have to reject your suggestion!I have to work!

Luna's mom:Okay, then! Good bye!

Luna:Have a safe drive!
