Chapter 12

"Hey do you want to hang out?"

Felicia was on her phone and sent a message to Eric.He was her childhood friend and she was really admiring and loving him.

Felicia, Veronica, Victoria and Vanessa were in Felicia's room.

Felicia:He didn't read it!

Vanessa: Don't worry,maybe he is busy!

Felicia:Oh,I can't anymore!I am jealous!

Veronica: Jealous of what?

Vanessa: Don't say of her?My roommate?

Felicia:He cares only about his friends but why does he pay attention to her?


Felicia was searching for Eric.She saw him at Zoe's classroom, talking to Edward.

Eric:You broke her hand?

Edward: It's not your business!

Eric: Actually,I am curious.Why did you do that ?

Edward: Curiosity kills the cat!

Eric:Sorry,I just want to warn you!If you ever hit her again,I will kill you.Have a good day!

*End of flashback*

Vanessa:I don't think so!

Felicia:I have my own reasons saying that!

Victoria:Hey,look Eric came back!

Veronica: Let's go!

The four girls came to the boys.Felicia want to suggest something to Eric but he was in his own world.

Felicia:Look...I wanted to tell you maybe we can hang out together?

Eric's thoughts:She said she doesn't like him!

*Flashback *

Zoe:Of course no...Why did you ask me something like this ?

*End of flashback *

Felicia:Eric!Are you listening me ? In


Felicia: Nevermind...Where you were?

Ryan:We went to the mall!Zoe was choosing a present to my sister !


Eric:Yeah, Anorexic!Haha!

Felicia's thoughts:You didn't read my message because you were with her!

Felicia:Anyway!Could you give me the Maths's notes,I missed them!

Eric: They're on my desk!


Felicia went to Eric's room.She was searching for the notes but she found something more interesting.

Felicia:What is this?Zoe Roberts was analysed with anorexia?

Hahaha! Interesting!

Does she know that he have this?

If I can't be with Eric ,then I will make Zoe hate him!






Eric was walking outside and found Zoe cleaning the garden.

Eric:Do you need help?

Zoe:No,I don't!

Eric:The teachers forced you to do that?

Zoe:I volunteered, don't worry!You can go!

Eric:Why do you hate me ?

Oh! Because of the papers and that time I was playing with you?

I am sorry,I was bored!

Zoe:Yeah,you were bored so you decided to threat an unknown girl!

Eric:I will never reveal your secret!I promise!

Can we be friends?

Zoe:Okay..I will forgive you!

Eric:Thank you!

Eric was so happy and started running.

Zoe:Hey,where are you doing?If you want to be friends with me ,you should clean the garden!

Eric:I will do it!

The two were cleaning the garden.Eric was teasing her.Unfortunatly Felicia saw that and she was very mad.

Felicia:We will see how happy you will be on Monday!