Chapter 14

The next day came.Zoe was having a good feeling for this day.She arrived to school and saw her friends.When she entered the school,she saw many students paying attention on the announcement wall.

Sara:Why there are so many people there?

Leonor:I don't know! Let's go closer!

The three girls came closer and didn't see anything because of the many students there.Felicia appeared.

Felicia:Zoe,do you want to see what is there?

I think you are familiar with it.

Zoe:What do you mean?


Zoe could clearly see what was there.It was her paper.Her mind came to Eric,who was teasing her.She tried to handle the tears.Ariana appeared.

Ariana:I thought,you were strong!But you are so weak!

Zoe left them but dumped into Eric.

Eric: Anorexic?Are you okay?

Eric saw her sad face and was worried.Zoe slapped him.

Zoe: Don't pretend!I thought,you were a good person!I believe in your words!You are a real jerk!I hate you!

Eric couldn't understand until he saw the announcement wall.After that,he ran to Zoe.She was in the second floor.There she met Ryan.

Ryan:Zoe,are you okay?Why are you crying?

Zoe:That bastard- Eric!He..

Ryan:I saw it!It was him?


Zoe started crying and Ryan hugged her.Eric saw them and he couldn't do anything.He was maybe jealous.

The lesson started,Zoe didn't feel well so she went back to her room.Her friends tried to find her.Sara think about all the things that happened to Zoe and came to a conclusion.

Sara:Eric Williams!It was him!I will kill him!

During the break she came to his class.She was about to enter the classroom when she dumped into Daniel.


Daniel:Why are you here?

Sara:Where is your jerk friend?

Daniel:Watch your mouth!

Sara: Don't tell me what to do!He make my friend sick!He is a jerk!

Daniel:Get out! Don't make me use violence!

Sara:Did you threat me right now?

Sara started to hit him,he held her.

Sara:Youuu!Let me down!Nowwww!

He took her to her class.

Daniel: Please,make sure she is vaccinated.Maybe she has rabies!

Sara:What did you say?

Daniel left the classroom.

Sara :Go back now!