Chapter 15

Zoe was at her room.She wanted to call her mom but she was afraid.She stayed there.Someone knocked her door.It was Eric.Zoe didn't want to open the door but she was annoyed with the knocking.

Zoe:What do you want ?

Eric: Anorexic,it wasn't me,I swear!

Zoe:Then,who did it? You were the one who has my analysis papers and threw them! It's your fault!

Zoe was about to close the door but Eric blocked it with his foot.

Eric:Anorex!I did that but I would never expose you!Do you remember what I said on Saturday?

Zoe:I don't care!Just leave me alone!

Suddenly Sara appeared.

Sara: Leave her alone now,jerk!


Eric left them and went outside.The two girls where at Zoe's room.

Sara:Are you okay?

Zoe was silent.Sara was worried about her friend.She was speechless when she found out her secret.She thought that she did something wrong.

Sara:I know that you had anorexia...I was wondering why he was bothering you?Now I know.

Zoe:I don't want to talk about it.

Sara:All the time you were feeling terrible!But why...why you didn't tell us?We are friends,are we?

Zoe: I was scared...I didn't want you to find out that I am weak..

Sara:This doesn't make you weak! Don't worry!

We are here for you !

Me, Leonor, Nicolas and Andrew!



Someone knocked the door.Sara opened the door.It was Leonor, Nicolas and Andrew.

Andrew: Where's Zoe?

Leonor:Is she okay?

Nicolas:We are worry about her!

Zoe:You weren't supposed to be in class?

Andrew:Yeah..but we left it to find you!

Leonor:Are you okay?

Sara:See!I told you!

Zoe smiled and hugged them.

Zoe:I am so lucky to have friends like you!I apologize for not telling you anything.I love you, guys!

Sara, Leonor, Nicolas, Andrew:We love you too!