Zoe was more powerful than before.She decided to go to school.She saw Eric,but she ignored him. She was mad and disappointed otherwise Felicia was pleased.Ryan run to Eric and asked him.
Ryan:Is that true ? Why did you do that to Zoe?
Eric:It wasn't me!
Ryan:Then who?
Eric:I don't know but I will find him!
Ryan:Do you need help?
Zoe was in her classroom alone.Suddenly Mr Peter appeared.
Mr Peter:Zoe,are you alright?I heard that you came over with difficulties!
Zoe:I am good!
Mr Peter:Zoe,you should tell me if something bothers you!If you need help,you can count on me!
Zoe:Thank you,Mr Peter!
Mr Peter was about to leave but Zoe stopped him.
Zoe:I was actually feeling really lonely....
I was so lonely this year...I thought I didn't have friends but I was wrong...I have people who care about me and I am happy!
Mr Peter:I am happy for you!
Mr Peter left the class and after 5 minutes Edward appeared.
Edward:Hi,Roberts!This is for you!
He gave her a box.
Zoe: What's this?
Edward:Open it!
Zoe opened the box.It was. with candies, chocolates and sweets.There was a note.
"Eat well and be happy"
Zoe:I don't need it...
Edward: It's from a girl!She told me to give to it to you!
Zoe:There are lots of sweets! I'll become fat!
Edward:No,you will not!...Anyway I'll go now!
Edward left the class and he was proud.Actually he was the one who made it.He bought the sweets and wrote the note.