Chapter 17

Eric was feeling terrible.He wanted to find the guilty.He with Steve and Ryan went to the security room.

There they check the cameras and find out the one who did it.

Steve: Felicia?But why?

Eric: I'll find out!


Eric left the security room and started searching for Felicia.He find her in the classroom with her friends.

Eric: Felicia! There you are!

Felicia:Eric!What do you want?

Eric:I wanted to tell you that you are a really good person.I appreciate that you are besides me.

Everyone surrounded them and started gossiping.

Someone:Will he confuse to her?

Someone 2:I think so

Felicia:Why are you telling me that?

Eric:I wanted you to know that I like honest people and I can't stand liars like you!

Felicia:What are you talking about?

Eric:You know exactly!You are the one who put the paper on the announcement wall!You are such an evil person!We are not friends anymore!You ara such a bitch!

Felicia started crying.

Eric:How cheap at your side!Stop, crying!

Suddenly Zoe appeared.

Zoe:You!Stop it,now!

Felicia are you alright?

How dare you! You are the one who is rude!

Eric:Zoe,is not what you think!

Zoe:I am disappointed at you!