Chapter 6

Once they enter the village, they see dragons, princesses riding dragons, elves walking, cat girls dancing, witches appearing and disappearing, wizards reading, etc.

"This place is awesome", said Harmony.

"Thank you", said a wizard.

Harmony jumps into Dot's arms.

The wizard has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a blue uniform with white stripes and shoes named Elliot.

Elliot smiled and says "You are a jumpy person".

"Yeah, I'm new here", said Harmony.

"I know, I would never forget somebody like you", Elliot observes Harmony.

Harmony blushes and laughs nervously.

"Are you the welcoming committee?" Dot asks Harmony, with a fake smile.

"Oh yes, I'm Elliot, wizard, pleasure", said Elliot, while waving his wand.

"I'm Dot, vampire", said Dot.

"I'm Harmony, I sacrificed my powers, so I don't have powers anymore", said Harmony.

"That's okay, there are many heroes here like that", said Elliot, then looks at Kell. "And you?"

"I'm Kell, wolfkin, pleasure to meet you", said Kell.

"Same, hope we can be friends, I'm getting good vibes from you", Elliot shakes Kell's hand.

"Oh Okay", said Kell.

"Maybe we can be, do you have a map?" Dot asks Elliot.

"Well, yeah", said Elliot, then makes a map appear.

Harmony takes the map and says "Thank you".

"No problem, are you sure you don't want just a tour?" Elliot offers.

"Uh, no thanks, but we will meet again", Kell tells Elliot.

"Is there something you three are hiding?" Elliot looks at Kell, Harmony, and Dot with suspicion.

"No, on second thought you can take us on that tour", said Dot.

"Alright, don't worry I will give you a great tour", said Elliot, while walking.

Harmony, Dot, and Kell look at each other nervously.

Elliot takes them to the middle of the village that has young wizards waving their wands in front of older wizards.

"Training area", said Elliot.

"That looks a bit dangerous", said Harmony.

"Don't worry, it may be a small area, but it has a force field so nobody gets hurt", Elliot reassures Harmony.

"Fascinating, I have always wondered about force fields, how they are created?" Dot asks Elliot.

Elliot waves his wand and creates a force field around him,

Dot tries to touch the force field and gets shocked.

"Yeah, let's not touch the force field", Harmony tells Dot.

Dot looks at her hair and says "I completely agree".

"Great", said Harmony, then whispers to Kell.

Kell speeds off once Elliot puts down his force field.

Elliot looks at Dot with worry and asks "Are you okay?"

"Yes", said Dot, then feeling a bit of shock again.

"Did you?" Harmony looked worried.

"It was nothing", Dot insisted.

Kell appears by Dot and he gets shocked.

"Kell!" Dot looks worried and helps Kell up.

"Please fix that, Elliot", Kell asks Elliot.

"No problem", said Elliot, then waves wand and a purple aura surrounds Dot.

"Did it work?" Dot wondered. "I don't feel different".

Kell touches Dot and he doesn't feel a shock.

"Thank you, and I will never touch a force field again", Dot promised.

"Great", said Harmony, as he hugs Dot.

Harmony stops hugging Dot and blushes along with Dot.

Kell giggles, but Elliot looks awkward.

Elliot takes them to a dragon flying area near the forest.

"Don't worry, these dragons are friendly", Elliot smiles.

"Interesting", said Kell, then waves at a yellow dragon.

The yellow dragon waves back and flies down.

"Welcome to the village, new comers!" The yellow dragon exclaimed.

"Thank you", said Kell, Dot, and Harmony.

"I have to ask, do you collect jewelry or is that just a rumor?" Harmony asks the yellow dragon.

"We do, in fact our cave isn't that far", said the yellow dragon. "If you want to see that, we can show it to you".

Kell, Dot, and Harmony give each other a high five.

"But, we must warn you, it's a bit of a tourist trap", said The yellow dragon.

"It's okay, we'll handle it", said Harmony.

"Yup", said Kell.

Dot nodded.

They walk deep into the forest, avoiding getting hit by branches, poison Ivy, and Kell chases the dangerous magical creatures away.

After all that, they make it to the cave.

In the cave, they see a red dragon showing a bunch of people the jewels that are decorated around the cave, a rainbow dragon shows off necklaces that are on display, and a green dragon is making a list.

"He was not kidding", said Harmony, looking impressed.

"Yeah", Dot nodded.

"Hey, guys look at that cup", Kell pointed out.

Harmony and Dot look at a golden tea cup.

"A tea cup?" Dot questioned.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is about it, but I'm getting good vibes from it", replied Kell.

"Well, then that must be our way out, ask for it", Harmony figured out.

What they didn't realize is that Elliot overheard them.

"A way out? What does that mean?" Elliot wondered in a whisper.

Kell talks to the rainbow dragon.

Elliot walks to Harmony and Dot and asks "What are you two buying?"

"Oh, we are hoping to get that cup, it's a present", Dot tells a white lie.

"Interesting", said Elliot.

The rainbow dragon walks with Kell, then grabs the tea cup and gives it to Kell.

"How much was it?" Dot asks Kell.

"Nothing much", said Kell.

Kell, Harmony, and Dot walk towards the cave entrance.

"Wait, I know you three are up to something", said Elliot, holding his wand against them.

"Easy, we aren't up to anything, just want this item", said Harmony.

"For what and maybe I'll believe you", Elliot told Harmony.

"Listen, we come from a different timeline and this item is the only way to get back home", Kell spoke honestly.

"Sorry, we didn't tell you the truth, but we didn't know this place, so we didn't know if we could trust you", replied Dot.

"Yup, that's the story", said Harmony.

Elliot puts his wand away and asks "You are time travelers?"

"Surprise", said Kell, Dot, and Harmony.

The tea cup starts glowing.

"Say, is that what's supposed to happen?" Dot wondered.

"I think so", said Kell, as he sees he is disappearing.

"Bye Elliot", said Harmony, as he sees he is disappearing.

"Yeah", said Dot, as she is disappearing as well.

Elliot waves goodbye.

Dot, Harmony, and Kell disappears with the tea cup.