Chapter 7

In a farm, May and Ka Mary appear in hay.

Ka Mary and May spit out hay as they get out of the haystack.

"That was disgusting", said Ka Mary.

"I agree", said May.

"Hello, partners", said a farmer.

The famer has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue overalls, and brown boots named Kareem.

May and Ka Mary see Kareem and get up.

"Oh, hi, I'm Ka Mary", said Ka Mary.

"And I'm May", said May.

"I'm Kareem, welcome to my family's farm", Kareem smiled.

"Thank you", said May and Ka Mary.

"So, what brings you here?" Kareem asks May and Ka Mary.

"Uh, we are checking out what it is like to work on a farm", May lied.

"Oh, really?" Kareem questioned, looking at May and Ka Mary.

"Yeah, do you need any help?" May asks Kareem.

"Well, if you mean it, I am making a special batch of cookies for a bake sale", Kareem revealed.

"Alright, that doesn't sound bad", Ka Mary says out loud.

"Oh, let's see if you have that enthusiasm when you have to bake 700 cookies", Kareem smiled.

"Wait, what?" Maay and Ka Mary asked.

"This bake sale helps a school earn money and that isn't cheap", Kareem tells May and Ka Mary. "But, you don't have to help, and I can call the police for trespassing".

"Oh, that is dirty", said Ka Mary.

"Well, you didn't exactly ask permission to enter this place", Kareem reminded Ka Mary.

"Fine, we will help", said May.

"Yeah, I don't want to have breaking and entering in my permanent record", said Ka Mary.

"Then, follow me", Kareem smiles.

They make it into a house.

Once they enter the house, they see a woman who has ginger hair, white skin, freckles, wearing a hat, blue overralls, and white shoes named Brylee.

"Sup, Kareem, who's these lost sheep", Brylee smiles.

"Brylee, this is Ka Mary and May", Kareem introduces them.

"Hello", said Ka Mary.

"Hi", said May.

"So, they came to help cook that large batch of cookies", Brylee asks Kareem.

"Yup, isn't it amazing they appeared like angels", Kareem told Brylee.

"Really?" Brylee looks at May and Ka Mary.

Ka Mary and May smile nervously.

"I'll be right back", said Kareem, then runs upstairs.

"So, what are you two's deal?" Brylee asks May and Ka Mary.

"Actually", Ka Mary was about to tell the truth and her mouth was closed by May.

"We're just nervous, we don't volunteer like this often", May lied.

"Oh okay", said Brylee, finding them suspicious.

Kareem slides down the stairs with a clipboard in their hand and lands on the floor.

"What's going on?" Kareem asks everybody.

"Nothing", said Ka Mary.

"Okay, Brylee I thought you were going to visit your friends", said Kareem.

"Shoot, you are right, see ya", said Brylee, then runs out of the door.

"So, ready to bake?" Kareem asks Ka Mary and May.

"Yup", said May.

"But, you know you didn't say what kind of cookies", Ka Mary pointed out.

"Oh, these cookies are my favorite peanut butter cookies", Kareem admitted.

"Those are my favorite as well", May proclaimed.

"Then you know how to bake cookies?" Kareem asks May.

"Yes, I do, I practiced", May admitted.

"I do too, we practiced together because we wanted to do it for fun", Ka Mary told Kareem.

"Yeah, it was during my birthday", May smiles at Ka Mary.

"Yup, we got batter everywhere", Ka Mary giggled.

"Then, we are going to get along just fine", Kareem smiled.

Kareem takes May and Ka Mary into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there are cups of unsalted butter, cups of crunchy peanut butter, cup of white sugar, cup of packed brown sugar, large eggs, all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda on the kitchen counter.

"Seems there are all ingredients accounted for", May noticed.

"Of course, I have a lot of work to do", said Kareem.

"Okay, let's get to work", Ka Mary announced.

Ka Mary put cream butter, peanut butter, and sugars together in a bowl; beat in eggs.

May gets a different bowl, sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; stir into butter mixture.

Kareem put the dough in the refrigerator and sets a timer for one hour.

Ka Mary, May, and Ka Mary roll dough into 1 inch balls and put on baking sheets.

They flatten each ball with a fork, making a crisscross pattern.

May put the oven on 375 degrees F for ten minutes.

They kept repeating this recipe until they reached 700 cookies.

They put the cookies in separate bags.

Kareem smiles at May and Ka Mary, then invites them a place to lie down.

After three hours of lying down, a truck appears.

They put the bags in the truck.

The driver in the car is Brylee.

"So, you want to join us?" Kareem asks Ka Mary and May.

"Sure, why not", Ka Mary decided.

Kareem helps Ka Mary and May into the truck and closes the back of the truck.

Five hours later, they go to Littlerock Academy and give out the cookies.

Ka Mary and May talk to the children and teachers as they give away cookies.

"At first, I didn't think this could work, but I love it", said Ka Mary.

"I agree", said May.

A bag of cookies is given to May and Ka Mary.

The bag glows green.

"This is a present", said Kareem.

Ka Mary and May hug Kareem and say "Bye".

Ka Mary and May hold their bag and disappear.

Kareem looked shocked.