The Wang Family's Betrayal

Wang Lin pondered for a long time. On the one hand, there was the Yao family, and on the other, there was his son.

In the end, Wang Lin gritted her teeth and decided to listen to Boss Dong. After all, he only had one son, and Wang Lin was too old to raise another child.


Wang Lin returned home and immediately went into the study. He took out his phone and called Wang Ke'er, telling her to go come at once.

Wang Ke'er did not understand, but obediently went home. 

She had just taken a few steps into the house when Wang Lin immediately had people lock her in her room and confiscate her phone.

This made Wang Ke'er panic instantly. She cried, "Dad, why?!"

Wang Lin's face was gloomy. "Don't worry about the reason, I won't harm you." 

With that, Wang Lin turned and left. He posted people to watch her door 24/7.