It Has Nothing to Do With You

Zhao Qiang told him everything Wang Lin had relayed in the message.

When Yao Zizhou heard Dong Yingming's name, he immediately stood up. He finally understood that Wang Corporation was being coerced.

Dong Yingming used to be the city's emperor of the underground, and he had once dreamed of devouring Yao Corporation.

At that time, Yao Gui was still in charge of the company. Yao Gui managed to bribe Dong Yingming's subordinates and finally sent the man to prison.

Yao Gui had informed Yao Zizhou of this matter and knew that the other party would definitely try to take revenge.

Yao Zizhou had not taken it seriously back then... He did not expect revenge to come so quickly.


Yao Zizhou returned to his bedroom late that night. Ming Liuyi was still awake.

"Why aren't you resting, dear?" asked Yao Zizhou in surprise.