56: The Charity Ball [pt2]

Adam currently sat on the side-thorn, his eyes setting as he glared across the hall at the gossiping nobles.

Eve looked uncomfortable at his side, her eyes darting around in an attempt to get away from the prying looks as well. Her dress attracted too much attention with the small Royal creat it held.

'It's all Eve's fault I am being made the bad guy here. How many times do I have to yell out that I don't like Eve for these people to get it?'

It was not only the nobles who were gossiping about their current arrangement. The common people seemed to be loving the idea of Adam and Eve being a couple as well.

"I'm so glad Elysia is not here to hear all this. I would never be able to look her in the face again."

The only thing that made this situation bearable was Eve's expression of discomfort.

Too many people had come to congratulate her on "finally getting her rightful place at the Crown Prince's side" for her not to be angry.