57: End of the Engagement [pt1]

People began speculating about possible causes as soon as the Crown Prince and his 'significant other' left the hall.

"It must be because of Lady Dirac's arrival. Maybe the Prince could not stand looking at her any longer."

"Right. He was so desperate to get away from his fiance and spend time with his lover that he ditched us all."

"Why did she have to come? Not only did she drive away the Crown Prince but she's also hovering around Lord Dirac. How will I ever approach Lord Dirac now? He's turning away everyone since he has his sister with him."

People were not sensitive enough to what they were saying, nor were they quite enough to keep their talk to themselves.

Elysia could hear them talking about her and it hurt to hear these things about her. She had managed to get bad-mouthed by simply standing around.