87: Desperation for help [pt1]

As Elysia had expected, she got a letter from the temple that night. But the timing could not have been more unfortunate for the messenger bird to have arrived.

Because it landed right in front of Elysia on the dining table and eyed her food with a keen eye. It looked famished after having worked for the whole day.

Elysia felt bad for the bird but she could not sympathize with it right now. Not when everyone present in the room was eying the letter in her hand with interest.

"Eve sent this to me. I'll read and reply to it later."

Elysia quickly turned the letter over so that it only showed the temple seal. This was, it would be impossible to tell who the sender of this letter was.

That was what Elysia was thinking right now when she hid the letter. The more she relaxed, the better she would be able to hide her secrets.