88: Desperation for help [pt2]

To be hornets, Elysia found herself a little lost in what the situation was. But she could tell that it was serious enough to make Lady Pheros look on the verge of collapsing.

Luckily for her, Lucas was here to let her know of the situation without making it awkward.

"Baron Pheros is the person in charge of our military affairs and recruiting people. But there is a rumor that he practices illegal means to do that. That is why we were investigating them when we came across a terrified Lady Pheros and her children. Someone was trying to have them killed so that they can get out of way of the succession."

'Ah, so it is that case. It is quite common in such noble households, right?'

As much as it broke Elysia's heart to admit, this was not the first such case she had come across. 

In fact, it was so common that it was even difficult to even keep count at this point. But Lady Pheros seemed distressed.