97: So we meet again [pt1]

'Fuck it all. Why do I have to be stuck in here with such a tense atmosphere? I feel like I will choke.'

Enma's inner lament went unnoticed by everyone else around him. The maids put food on his plate but the neon green of that food shade made something in his stomach churn and threaten to come back up.

"I hope that the food is to your liking. I know my staff worked hard to prepare it for you."

Baron Pheros's sugar-sweet voice reached Enma's ear and he almost gagged at the tone. He had to swallow down his words to not say anything triggering. 

He looked toward his companions, only to notice that they had stopped eating. In fact, Elysia was the only one who was trying to swallow the food. Sorias had not even touched it.

On the other hand, Lord Baron was enjoying his meal. He even reached out to take a second serving of the food which only served to make Enma even sicker.