98: So we meet again [pt2]

"Hello, did you miss me?" 

The orange-eyed man grinned at Elysia's surprised expression, his eyes shining with satisfaction at seeing his prey freeze at his actions. 

His face looked rather proud at having been able to take his target by surprise but Elysia was not going to have it.

Unknown to the man, her fight and flight instincts were quite sharp and the man never saw that kick aiming for his leg. As a result, he managed to lose his footing and fall on his ass.

But that was not the end of his humiliation. The man was forced to look at Elysia's eyes as she pointed a polearm in front of his neck.

"H-Hey, put that thing away, please. I am sure we can talk our differences out and -" the sharp end of the spear was dug deeper into his neck.

One wrong move would be enough to get his neck served forever and he would bleed out even before he could get any help.