107: Akatsuki Royalty [pt1]

Elysia woke up the very next day and found herself unable to look Lucas in the eye. She did remember what had happened and her brother must have realized that as well.

"Is there something you should tell me? Something that happened between you and that royal couple?"

Elysia turned her head away with nervous laughter as she heard Lucas ask that. 

'Oh shit. He does know what happened and he is not going to let it go. How should I lie about this?'

Elysia was not sure how flexible Lucas would be about her being intimate with people before her marriage. He seemed so open-minded most of the time but there were things he was strict about.

"Well, you see….that is…."

"You don't need to justify your actions to me. I just want you to not be hurt in the end. As for anything else, you are free to do what you want to. But do tell me if any 'unexpected' accidents happen in the meantime."