108: Akatsuki Royality [pt2]

"The Dirac house welcomes the delegates of the Akatsuki empire and the Crown Prince of the kingdom. Can I talk with the Crown Prince before we begin if you do not mind?"

Lucas gave a low bow to the delegate who had a suffering look on his face. Somehow, there was a bitter smile on that man's face but that was not directed toward Lucas or their kingdom.

"I am afraid that it would not be possible for now. Our Crown Prince is a little tired after traveling all this way alone. I hope you understand that he needs rest for now."

The servants immediately begin gossiping about the rude gesture Lord Dirac was met with. Lord Dirac was someone even other nations held in high regard.

Even the servant looked nervous as he delivered the news but did not succumb to the pressure. It seemed like there was no way for Lucas to be able to meet the Crown Prince right now.