137: Freedom at last [pt2]

"Adam, over here. Brother Lucas asked us to collect in the garden. He said that he would deal with the emperor on his own and not disturb him."

Eve called out to Adam with her annoyingly familiar voice. Even a few months of separation had not made her act any different.

Somehow, Adam had thought that he would feel something different after seeing Eve for a long time. But nothing of that sort happened. All he felt was a familial friendship for her and nothing else.

'What was I expecting to happen? For my heart to skip a beat or to feel something deeper? Doesn't this just prove that I have no feelings for her? I should fire all those stupid maids who made me self-conscious.'

Adam followed after Eve with a bitter smile. He could still not believe that he had doubted his feelings for even one single second. He needed to rethink his priorities right now.

"Since when did you start calling Lord Dirac 'brother?' Are you sure he agreed with it?"