138: The last fare-well [pt1]

Elysia waited around for Lexus to come back from the elder's meeting before joining him. Lexus was the youngest member of the meeting but he was also the head of the most powerful family.

As such, his words not only carried weight but were also the best source of trustable information Elysia had.

"So, what was decided inside? Does any of the elders know why those monsters showed up?"

Elysia asked, her voice showing eagerness to know. She could not contain her excitement as she asked for the answers.

But Lexus had a frowning face that likely meant that he did not have the answers that Elysia wanted from him.

"I did bring this topic up but no one had any idea. The only thing that we were able to conclude was that the energy of this world became unstable once those monsters appeared here."

Elysia fell silent at the news, her mind moving a mile per minute.