161: The prisoner escaped? [pt1]

Eve looked quite torn after she had spoken those harsh words and Elysia tried not to take them to heart. 

Sometimes, a person spoke too much in their passion and ended up hurting those close to them. Eve was just going through that time so Elysia could not hold this against her. Even if it hurt Elysia, she could not stay angry at Eve.

For what it was worth, Eve was trying hard to apologize but the time was not right for a conversation. 

"The prisoner is being held in there. You can still back out if you do not feel like going in and-"

"No, I want to talk with Rahan. I have a lot I have to ask him right now."

Elysia not only needed to ask Rahan about what that incense was, but she also needed to ask about the other person he had hidden in his home.

Rahan might have denied the existence of another person in his plan but Elysia was more than sure that there was another person in there.