162: The prisoner escaped? [pt2]

While the interrogation was happening inside the Dirac prison, something else was happening outside. A man with wild hair walked up to the jail slowly. He was visible from every angle of the building.

"Hey wait. Who are you and what are you-?"

Before the guard could finish asking questions, the wild-haired man threw his hand up and the prison wall exploded. All the guards could do was look at the wild man in wonder as that happened.

The wild man did not stop to see what was happening behind him. He knew his destination and hurriedly crossed the threshold.

"You! Come back here now."

The guard yelled but the wild man did not listen to him. He just ducked his head so that no one could see his face and went to rescue his partner who had been imprisoned by the Diracs.

"I will apologize to the boss later. Right now, reducing Rahan is the priority."