167: Free at last [pt1]

"Elysia Dirac, do not think you will be able to survive much longer if you do this? Your end is near and only I can help you out."

For the first time in his life, Head Preist Yohan felt the feeling of desperation when it came to Elysia. The person who had never spoken against him was suddenly acting up.

And Elysia was not showing a small resistance she sometimes did before falling into her place. No, this time it was different.

Head Priest Yohan had no way of telling you why he felt like it, but he was sure that if he let Elysia go now, then she would be gone forever. It was not a good feeling to feel for someone who was sitting in such a high posting as him.

"I am grateful for the Head Preist. Not only did you raise me but you also provided me with everything I needed at that time. This debt is something I will never be able to repay you for."

A smile broke out on the Head Priest's face before Elysia's next words made them vanish completely.