168: Free at last [pt2]

"Are you regretting all that you said and did now? Isn't it too late for that?"

Elysia sharply looked up at Lucas's face. Her brother looked back with an equally blank face, not willing to back down from Elysia's challenge.

He was asking Elysia a serious question and he was not going to allow Elysia to run away from him. All Elysia could do after that was to sigh and face her feelings about the matter. Did she regret what she did?

"Maybe I do regret it a little bit right now but I am not sad that I told the Head Priest off. It feels like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders."

Elysia did feel lighter right now. She felt like she would be able to do anything right now and things would somehow work out.

No, they were already working out for now.