170: The Akatsuki Kingdom [pt2]

Not only the court, but the kid who had been pointed out in the royal court froze as well. His eyes looked between Elysia and the emperor cautiously before he spoke up his refusal.

"Ugh, I don't think I will be able to-"

"What are you talking about Feize? Of course, we will be honored to be hosting our lord's guest in our residence tonight. Feize, be a dear, and show the emperor your agreement."

Wide black eyes looked at the similar-looking woman who spoke up from the other side of the gathering. Elysia could connect the dots herself about Feize and that woman's possible connection.

They did not look old enough to be parent-child so they had to be siblings. Both had the same black hair and black eyes with narrowed eyes.

"S-Sister, I don't think it is appropriate for a woman to be living in men's residence. Mother would have frowned-"