171: Are you offended?

Elysia could see the teen's chest moving up and down in slow motion. It was the only indication that Feize was still alive and breathing.

However, from the way he held himself to the way he bowed, nothing gave away that he was even alive at that moment. Elysia was afraid to even speak to him since it felt like the illusion keeping Feize together would break apart.

"If you have something to speak to my sister about then you should right now. Both of us do not have time to be standing around here for."

Lucas was harsh in his words but Elysia could feel his concern leaking out into his voice. He was concerned about this kid as well.

But Feize took Lucas's harsh tone the wrong way and his body flinched before sagging tiredly. When Feize looked up, he looked ready to burst out into tears. It made Elysia uncomfortable to see but she still somehow kept her composure.