172: The tasks are never over [pt1]

The morning in the Akatsuki kingdom was not any different from the empire. Elysia had gotten up early to see the sun. She had felt that maybe something would change if she looked at the sun.

But all it did was make her miss her home. The bright red sky reminded her of Eve's bright hair while the golden glow of the rising sun was reminiscent of the Crown Prin-Emperor she had left behind.

The early house of the morning made Elysia feel restless and lonely for some reason.

"Is it your habit to wake up this early every day? Or were you not able to sleep well last night? If you tell me the reason then I can try and rectify it for you."

Elysia jolted as she looked behind her. Chrome had managed to sneak up on her. He was well dressed and put together even at this early house of the morning.

And since Elysia had seen him head toward his quarters last night, she was sure that the emperor had woken up at the crack of dawn.