206: All laid out [pt2]

"You do not have to worry about me, Elysia. I promise to help you out and I won't leave you even after you get married. Besides, both I and Adam already had this talk with each other and we decided that I will become your personal knight."

Eve finally made her presence known as she pushed her weight against Elysia's back. It was adorable how Elysia tried to look at her with a calm expression but her pleasure overwhelmed her.

Adam had not stopped his thrust inside Elysia's pussy and she cried out when he hit her pleasure spot.

Eve was jealous of Adam a little but she busied herself by squeezing Elysia's beautiful breasts. They were full and filled Eve's hands quite well. 

"E-Eve? What do you…ughhhh…mean? You are…the…Saintess…so…you c-cannot-ahhh."

Adam found Elysia's talking to be unnecessary. There was no need for her to worry about anything when both Adam and Eve were there to handle things for her.