207: All laid out [pt3]

Despite everything having gone to normal, the atmosphere at the Akatsuki palace remained tense and not very harmonious. Especially since everyone could see that the emperor and Lord Lucas were having a small dispute.

There had never been any real fight between the pair so it was the first time everyone was seeing this cold war brewing between them.

Even those who wanted to take advantage of this gap hesitated to do so because of Lucas Dirac's heavy gaze and his terrifying aura.

On the other hand, Chrome looked like he did not care about any of it and was busy messing around as usual. Elysia Dirac was also busy entertaining the guests from the empire so she was out for the count as well.

This atmosphere lasted for a few days and then Lucas Dirac collapsed in the middle of the hallway.

Then the whispers began and everyone was hushed into silence by the imperial order.
