219: All the preparations are complete

"I would like to ask you what you are planning. How can you disappear without telling anyone anything? Do you know how much I had to search for to find you? Huh, Lord Axia?"

Head Priest Yohan's eyes were filled with concern as he stared off into those grey eyes in front of him. However, the world's consciousness had no intention of replying to his feelings.

After all, the creature that was tasked to look after the world was selfless and had no awareness of the problems he could cause for the people around him. Especially when it was concerned with the well-being of others.

As long as the world remained functional, he had no problem lying and playing around.

"I told you before, Yohan. Your concerns are a bother to me so you should stop now. If you have time to worry about me, then use it to cause distractions. Oh, and Elysia Dirac will be here soon so be ready to greet her as well."