220: The first step

Elysia stopped in front of Lucas's door for one last time. She could feel that there were people in there and she did not want to be seen. Especially since being seen would mean that people would try and stop her.

"Emma, can you help me out one last time?"

Elysia asked but did not have to explain to Emma what she needed help with.

Emma was sensitive to magic as well and she had sensed the presence inside Lucas's room much better than Elysia had. She wanted to help Elysia so she agreed in the end.

"Fine, I guess I can do you this one last favor. And I am sorry about the way things ended up like. It was not my intention to make you or anyone else worried. I just wanted to…"

"Make Sorias happy and cause him to finally look at you, right? Don't worry because I understand how you feel."

Emma quickly looked up at Elysia but could only see her back. It was such a shame that Emma was never able to answer the sincerity she received from Elysia.