After Sigurdsson de marsh and the monarchical council of Norway decided on sending delegation to London they arranged number of twenty men and horses to table the Idea to the kingdom of London and inform them about the benefits attached to the journey so as London can grant them a successful passage since the shortest route is by sea and it might also be of the interest of London to join the hunt and that can strengthen their diplomatic ties despite the king related problems they had and London has the best ships that can travel even at a storm. On their way to London they came across two wounded soldiers near the North Sea who were brought to the riverside by water and seven dead they decided to take those wounded soldiers along so that they can take them back to Norway as servant or prisoners; upon reaching London they were entertained before meeting the king and one of the wounded soldiers just fall dead as a result head injury. The next morning the king came to the palace to listen to diplomats and the Norwegians were allowed in and told the king that they came with message from Norway about a treasure hunt which they were planning to embark upon. The king of London asked them that is it true that Sigurdsson de marsh is the king of Norway? And is he the one that sent you here? One of the envoys responded yes my lord and the king ordered soldiers to seize them and cut off their heads but they should spear one of them to deliver their heads and a letter to the kingdom of Norway and all the twenty soldiers from Norway were executed but only the wounded soldier they found in a riverside was speared and was giving twenty heads and a letter from the kingdom of London to be delivered to Norway which says '' to grant you passage through north sea your kings head shall pay the price'' unknowingly the wounded soldier is Harold bjoha from the bloodline of Ivar son of Ragnar Lothbrok who is suppose to be the crowned king of wessex but was assassinated by his uncle (Arthur) who claims the throne , on his way to Norway he came across a small Norwegian town and was recognized by some few Vikings because of the vulture signed necklace on his neck. Upon reaching the city of Norway information has already reached king Sigurdsson about his arrival and the king arrange a welcoming dinner for him but unfortunately the king saw the unexpected; grandson of ivar the boneless with heads of his twenty men sent to London with a letter, after reading the letter and analyzing the circumstances king Sigurdsson was furious and decided to consult the executive chamber of Norway about their next action but none supported him about taking revenge of their men until after a journey to Africa is of success, though Sigurdsson groused about his falling soldiers he still allow the executive chamber to decide the kingdoms next move. That's night king Sigurdsson sermon Harold bjoha and was telling him about his plans of treasure hunt and Harold told him that he has been having dreams of a place with abundant treasures but in his dreams he always see desert and a long trees with wild animals but always woke up at the scene of reaching the treasures and he added I always see a dark skinned errand beside me; king Sigurdsson confidently replied to him " that's Africa" one of the pagan Vikings narrated similar dream you just stated , then Harold ask to see the pagan upon reaching the pagan he knew the pagan as their missing priest in wessex who left in search of Odin and his dreamed Valhalla since when Harold is 12 years old ; then he told Sigurdsson that anything this man said is the truth and has never state a wrong prophecy, he then added ''though I'm a Christian but I believed in him more than I ever believed in god'' . Sigurdsson was amazed by the positive comments by Harold over the pagan and decided to ask for Harold to join the hunt as a way of getting immunity and support to reclaim his kingdom of wessex from the atrocities of his uncle (Arthur), Harold has no other option but the one in hand and decided to be part of the journey. On the other hand the executive chamber of norway are strategizing on how the journey is going to be since northern sea seems impossible and kingdom of London are furious and are not interested in any form of negotiation; some suggest that a delegation should be sent to Kattegat and inform them about the hunt so that the soldiers of Norway can have well formed ships and men and can pass the northern sea without the interference of London because of Kattegat influence among the Vikings both the Christians and the pagans and is the only kingdom that resolve Vikings disputes with utmost sincerity and balance; another set suggested that the journey should just begins by horses being the only way with less implications , the last set suggested that the travelling soldiers should be divided into two some should go to Kattegat and some should begin with the journey and no matter what they already started their process . After all the suggestions were tabled to Sigurdsson he decided to take the last suggestion of dividing his soldiers though very confident that Kattegat will take part in the hunt and his soldiers can pass North Sea safely on Kattegat ships and more over king Igor is his childhood friend and a number of fifty soldiers to be led by Harold bjoha were prepared to embark on the journey the next morning.