Chapter 16: World of Magic





Zu Gan kept swinging his sword like a maniac, he was distressed he always thought he was the strongest soldier since he was young and was able to defeat seniors older than him. But seeing that he can't hit Lu Xie he was beginning to lose patience, each time he attacks he uses his magic.

All the watchers were in awe, they can see that Zu Gan was already breathing a little heavy. His face was full of sweat, and his hand and feet were trembling slightly. 'Why! Why can't I hit him' he thought

"Are you giving up?" Lu Xie said coldly

Zu Gan gritted his teeth, his mana is almost depleted. He looks at Lu Xie with both unwillingness and determination, he once more rushed toward her raise his sword and slash it on the sash. Lu Xie tilts her sword and hit Zu Gan's sword with force.

A few more minutes passed and Zu Gan was very tired but he didn't want to give up. Lu Xie put her sword back on the sheath she walked up to Zu Gan who was kneeling on the ground with his sword as if picking it up.

"You did a good job for a second lieutenant but....." Lu Xie stopped midway looking at the hero panting

"Shouldn't you change your way of fighting, instead of creating your own fighting stance you choose to follow what was written in the book" Lu Xie continued

Zu Gan stared at him what he said is true he had always been fighting with what was written in the book. He never change his ways he thought that what was written in the book should be followed but this time he was defeated.

He lowered his head not looking at him, Lu Xie knew he realizes his mistake. Don't always follow what was written in the book.

"Step out of the ring," Lu Xie said coldly

Zu Gan looked at him with determination and unwillingness he raised his sword and pointed at Lu Xie's face. The audience was in uproar pointing a sword at the noble is taboo.

"F*ck does he want to die"

"How dare a lowly commoner points his sword at the duke"

"This commoner does he know what he's doing"

The audience whispers.

"Your bravery is commendable but your stupidity will only lead you to death itself" Lu Xie looked at him coldly

Zu Gan gritted his teeth and rushed toward him, his sword pointing straight at Lu Xie. Lu Xie didn't move her eyes turned colder twisted her pelvis slightly and raise her feet. The moment Zu Gan got near he was mercilessly kicked hard in his stomach and sending him out of the arena then hit the wall hard.

The poor wall cracked and Zu Gan spit out a mouthful of blood. Then Lu Xie looked at him and said solemnly "I will forgive you this time but remember I will not tolerate anyone who disrespects me" then turned and left the arena

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The cost received 500 points. A total of 3550 points left] she heard the prompt of the system.

The ground went to its original place after Lu Xie step down. The audience was dumbfounded by what happened and John immediately look at Zu Gan.

John breathe in relief "You stupid boy, your fighting spirit is good but your arrogance is holding you back" he said and carried him to the infirmary.


As Lu Xie is about to step into the carriage a maid bowed and stopped him.

"Duke Lu her highness the princess wants to talk with you" the maid politely said, Lu Xie was slightly stunned

Lu Xie then nodded, "Please follow me Duke" the maid then lead the way and made their way to a place overlooking the training grounds.

Lu Xie stepped inside the room, it was spacious and a little dim her eyesight is very good during the day and night so she can clearly see everything.

"Good morning Duke Lu" a soft and polite voice sounded like a girl

Lu Xie looked in the direction of the sound and saw a beautiful woman in front of him. She was wearing a beautiful dress with pearls and decorated with patterns the symbol of the royal family.

Lu Xie put her right hand behind her and her left hand on her chest then bowed "Good morning your highness" her voice was cold

Yu Seol felt her heart beating when she saw him face to face her heartbeat accelerated, she was speechless her nightly eyes looking at her as if sucking her in.

His beautiful posture when he bowed made her feel that he is further away "At ease" she said calming her voice not to stutter

Lu Xie put down her hands to her side "What does her highness want to talk to me?" she asked politely

"I just want to have a chat with you. Does the Duke have time to spare" Yu Seol smiled softly her cheeks had a pink taint on it

Lu Xie was about to refuse but she don't know why, she looked at the princess and felt her very familiar the same familiarity she felt when she was receiving the plot.

"Of course, your highness" Lu Xie nodded

Yu Seol's face lit up and let him sit, Lu Xie sat down at a small round table. The princess stared at her maid and the maid understood that stare and silently went out. Yu Seol poured her some tea she wanted to let her see her skills.

"Thank you, your highness" Lu Xie used both hands to take the tea from her and also sat down opposite to her

"Just call me Ayu, your highness is too long," Yu Seol said she doesn't like hearing Lu Xie call her your highness she felt that she is always far away when she called her that.

"Then call me anything you want Ayu" Lu Xie nodded

When Yu Seol heard her call her name she felt sweet and for some reason, it was as if love was overflowing from her heart. Her smile reached her ears and never came down.

"I heard that Axie defeated a large group of bandits yesterday," Yu Seol said trying to calm down her wildly beating heart

"Yes, the citizens near the border are always being troubled by bandits so I need to eliminate them all" Lu Xie said lightly

"That's so cool, defeating a large group of bandits all by yourself" Yu Seol was excited and her eyes sparkled.

Lu Xie only slightly smile and sip the tea, the refreshing taste of the tea made her relax, and even felt a little sleepy.

Yu Seol saw her small smile and it looked dazzling in the sunlight, her body was as if being surrounded by light. That time she swore she would not let others see this light and keep it to herself.

They both talked about random topics and also laugh from time to time, Lu Xie would smile occasionally at her. Yu Seol felt she was going crazy every smile and laugh of the person in front of her make her in a trance.

Every emotion she showed was imprinted in her mind, and would repeatedly replay in her mind involuntarily. Yu Seol would carefully observe her while talking about anything and she would respond whenever she asked questions.

This was the best tea time the princess had ever amassed she didn't need to put on an act or mind her etiquette in front of him. Her body relaxes and her mind was at peace she was showing the real her.

As they both enjoyed the day, they didn't even notice that the sky already getting late. Lu Xie looked at the sky and knew that it was late.

"Ayu, thank you for today but I think we should go now it's getting late," Lu Xie said a little cold her face was softened

Yu Seol heard her and also look outside, the sky was getting dark. She didn't want to finish this day yet, but she needs to return or her father and brothers will be worried.

Lu Xie reach out her hand to her which Yu Seol took excitedly, they both went to the door and saw Mini and Van standing on each side.

"Mini go prepare the carriage," Yu Seol said softly

Mini nodded and left, Van was right behind her. Lu Xie walked as she held the princess's hand until they reach the door.

Outside, two beautiful carriages were waiting for them. Lu Xie helped the princess into her carriage.

"Axie, can you accompany me on my father's birthday in 3 days," Yu Seol asked nervously

She wanted to spend more time with her, but her hand slightly trembled. Lu Xie felt it and smile softly at her.

"As you wish, Ayu" Lu Xie kissed the back of her hand and let go

Mini bowed and closed the door then the carriage moved forward. Yu Seol's cheek was red and the hand which was held and kissed felt very hot. Her heart won't stop beating and she always felt excited.

Her mind then flashed the image of her smiling at her before kissing her hand, her smile was beautiful and enchanting.

Yu Seol held her hand and also kissed the back of her hand which was kissed and her smile was seen by her maid, this is the first time the princess showed favor to someone her expression almost cracked when she saw her kissing the back of her hand.

The princess didn't mind her maid and her heart was about to explode, 'What am I doing' she thought but she can't help but thought that they kissed indirectly.

The princess carriage made its way back to the palace, while Lu Xie also went back to her mansion. Van who was sitting opposite her saw his master's face was at ease, not the usual cold face.

Van didn't think that his master would take even a minute with the princess but they didn't stop chatting until sunset. This was the first-ever record that Lu Xie spoke with someone the longest.

When people talk to Lu Xie it will only take a minute and it's done. He saw that his master's face had a small smile if you pay close attention enough.

Van was shocked this is the first time he saw his master smile, it was a very sincere smile.

"System what is my main task," Lu Xie asked in her mind

[Ding! Main mission:

1. Stop the reborn hero from getting together with the heroine

2. Yu Seol's happiness to reach maximum

3. Have an heir

Reward: 1000 points each]

Lu Xie "...."
