Chapter 17: World of Magic (Agree)

Yu Seol stepped out the carriage and made her way inside the palace, she was greeted by the maids who she passed by. She didn't have time to greet back and only nodded she wanted to talk to her father immediately.

She made her way to the dining room, her father and two brothers are sitting waiting for her.

"Seol come here and eat the food is about to get cold" Her brother Yu Lan said softly

"Come sit beside brother," said another brother Yu Man

Yu Seol went to sit on the right side of her father making the brothers pout but she didn't have time to take care of them and look at her father.

"Father, I have something I want to speak with you about," Yu Seol said seriously

Yu's dad saw his daughter serious for the first time and also said seriously "After dinner come to the study room" Yu Seol nodded and elegantly eat the food a little fast than usual

The two brothers saw it and made them think about what made their baby sister act like this.

After dinner, the two brothers wanted to listen to what their sister wanted to ask but were driven away by their baby sister. They both put their ears on the door and tried listening.

Yu Seol conceals the sound so her brothers won't hear it, then sat down in front of her father.

"What do you want to talk about, princess," Yu's dad asked softly

"Father I agree to be engaged with the young Duke Lu Xie," Yu Seol said determined her eyes were serious

Yu's dad felt he had been by a large boulder fell on his shoulder and his smile stiffen, her look at his daughter whose eyes were serious and determined.

This is the first time his daughter was serious regarding marriage, though he doesn't want to marry his daughter in a commercial marriage. He wants his daughter to love someone she truly likes and not just follow her duties as a princess.

Princess from royal families is all sent to powerful countries to earn friendship or help them if there is war. But the person who always suffer was the princess if her husband didn't like her.

They will be most likely to die in that country, women in this world are looked down on. But not the Yu Empire they treat everyone equally and those mistreating women or children are sent to death door without parole.

That's why the city had been put on by a video magic stone around the place, a lot of women from foreign countries came here to escape the hurtful things they experience in their country.

For them to enter they all received badges to keep, which can help track them if they were ever forced to be kidnapped by their relatives.

The Yu Empire was one of the top strongest Empires in the world, in this world there is there are 5 countries. The Lan Empire is located near the pacific ocean.

Hu Empire which is next to the Yu Empire, the Duan Empire right above them, and lastly the Iny Empire located below the Yu and Hu Empire.

Which makes the Empire surrounded by them but the Yu Empire had an impenetrable shield that is the Lu family. All people who is born into the Lu family were all-powerful shield that was raised carefully.

They went through intensive training and a lot of hardships since young, the reason he wanted his daughter to be engaged with the young Duke was that every Lu successor can only have one wife which will be good for his daughter.

But at the same time, he was worried she won't receive enough love from him since the young Duke was cold and heartless like his father.

So he told his daughter to watch the training grounds and speak with Lu Xie after the examination. So she can speak with him and decide if she wants to engage with him.

Yu Seol knew what his father was thinking.

Today, she had two things she wanted to confirm. One was that she was curious about the second lieutenant and the second was that her father told her if she wants to engage with Duke Lu Xie.

At first, she wants to refuse but when she heard his name, she swallowed her words and was told to speak with him after the examination.

After she carefully screened him she was very satisfied and her heart was always pounding like a drum in her chest.

"Are you sure about your decision, princess?" Yu's dad asked

"Yes father, I like him" Yu Seol nodded seriously

Yu's dad sighed hard and leaned into his chair "I will announce your engagement on my birthday in 3 days so asked him if he wants to come" he said helplessly

"I already did and he agreed" Yu Seol grinned happily

Yu's dad looked at his daughter smiling, she was serious and even asked him already. He sighed and let her go.

The two brothers didn't notice that the door opened and both stumbled and then fall to the ground.

"Ouch, that hurt" Yu Lan rubbed his butt

"Brother, you shouldn't lean on the door. How many times have I told you already" Yu Seol pouted madly at him

Yu Lan pinched his sisters. cheek softly and smiled. "Sorry, princess brother won't do it again, okay," he said spoiling

"No more next time," Yu Seol said seriously and left

Yu Man immediately went to speak with his father "Father, what did you and princess talk about" he asked hurriedly

Yu's dad sighed "Your sister is going to be engaged with the young Duke Lu Xie in 3 days," he said low

The two brothers were struck by lightning, they are a year younger than Lu Xie and he is also their role model. They heard stories about him like subduing bandits and defending the front row in battle.

They never had the chance to speak with him since he was always out of the kingdom for a long time and only returns when he had finished everything.

"Then did you agree, father" Yu Lan asked

"Your sister is excited about him so let's give him a chance and observe if he does something to her. Let's take her away immediately" Yu's dad said seriously

The two brothers nodded at the same time understanding, that if Lu Xie hurt their sister then they will also act against her.

The three discuss this matter for a long time.

Yu Seol went back to her room and lay on the bed then thought about Lu Xie agreeing to accompany her to the birthday of her father.

Her face blushed about what happened today and even her heart was restless in her chest. His smiles and laugh were repeatedly replaying her mind involuntarily.

'Gosh I'm going crazy' she thought to herself

She was excited she didn't fall asleep that night.


The Lu carriage returned to the mansion and Lu Xie eat a small dinner before returning to her room. She remembered the main mission.

Lu Xie who was shocked by the first mission, she's going to deal with the reborn hero.

"System is the hero reborn now"

[Ding! The hero will wake up from the coma]

"He's in a coma, that's good I still have time to prepare" she mumbled and then look at the mission again

Lu Xie looked at the third mission of the system and weirdly asked "System I'm a girl how am I going to have an heir" she asked aggrieved

[Ding! The host doesn't need to worry about this, as you may know, everything you learn from the previous world it will be taken by you and make it your permanent skill.]

"Really! Then what are my permanent skills"


A blue rectangle panel appeared in front of me suddenly.

[Pheromones - a sweet and refreshing scent from the host, won't have estrus but the scent will be like a natural scent from the host]

[Mating organ - the host had the skill to impregnate another woman by using this skill]

[High Iq And Eq - the host is wise and intelligent]

[Martial Arts - a set of punches and kicks that are perfected by the host]

[Automatic Self Healing - wounds will 10x time faster]

[Strong Muscles - though you are thin bit your muscles are strong enough to beat a hundred people]

Lu Xie was reading her skills and most of them can help her on her mission in this world. Then afterward, she closed the panel.

"System I want to try spinning the gold roulette"

[Ding! Each spin costs 100 points from the host]

"100 that's a good deal, I want to spin it 10x"

[Ding! Spin set 10x]

*tak* *tak* *tak*

The golden roulette in front of her spun a lot of times before it finally stopped.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received a skill of dragons loyalty]

[Dragons Loyalty- every dragon the host came across will swear its loyalty to you]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received a skill Dragons Roar]

[Dragons Roar - the host can intimidate enemies and fear will be embedded in their minds and heart]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received a skill Demon Lord]

[Demon Lord- the host has the same power that can rival demon lords]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received a skill Gods Blessing]

[God's Blessing - the light will guide you on the righteous path. The dark and light have merged with the host]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received a skill Weapon Mastery]

[Weapon Mastery - the host can wield any sword to its full potential]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving an expansion of the host space farm, new animals and specifies have been added]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the new system shop]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host she received new seed's to plant]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host who received Talent]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtained a healing spring]