Chapter 18: World of Magic

Lu Xie felt dizzy from the prompts of the system in her mind but at the same time, she was excited. She received a lot of skills and felt her body had an abundant source of mana.

After she received all the rewards, her head became clear and refreshed. She scans through the skills she received and was pleasantly surprised, that her space farm expanded and new species are added.

She immediately entered her space farm and saw the added animals were crayfish, octopus, tuna, and lobster. They were in a big pond near the healing spring, she lick her lips in excitement.

She had always wanted to eat lobster but didn't have time when she was alive on earth before. She rolled up her sleeves and pick a big lobster from the pond.

The lobster tried to get free but was held tightly, she made a small campfire and boiled some water. Then took a knife and pierced the lobster on its head then put it in the boiling water.

She made a delicious sauce using the vegetables that were planted on the space farm. A few minutes later, she took out the lobster and snapped its head then removed its shell.

The lobster meat was put on the sauce and then put in her mouth her taste buds exploded in joy and satisfaction. The big lobster that was good for 5 people was eaten by her like a hungry beast.

Lu Xie patted her full stomach and put away everything she used before she returned to her room. Took a short shower and then went to bed.


The next day,

Yu Seol had a few dark circles on her eyes but she didn't mind she wanted to immediately find a dress that she will wear on her father's birthday and also what Lu Xie likes.

But then she remembered that she don't know the preference of Lu Xie, she felt aggrieved and looked at Mini pitifully.

Mini was amused by her master, the face she maintained to have no expression break a lot of times by her master's actions. Then she saw her looking at pitifully, she shook her head inwardly.

"Don't worry your highness, I'm sure Duke Lu Xie will like anything you wear so don't worry your highness" Mini said calmly

"But I want to have the same style as him" Yu Seol pouted

"Then your highness can write her and ask what his outfit would be" Mini proposed

"But I'm a little shy" Yu Seol's complexion was flustered

She put her hands on her face covering her blushing face, mini twitch the corners of her lips. 'She's fallen deeply into the abyss called love' Mini thought

"Your highness, how about we look into what clothes the Duke normally wore when he attends banquets before. That way we can have a clue as to what he would wear on his majesty's birthday" Mini proposes again

"Mini your a genius, go ask what Duke Lu Xie used to wear in banquets," Yu Seol said excitedly

Mini went to the butler who always encounters Duke Lu, the listed all the things he usually wears. After she got what she wanted she returned to the princess's room who was waiting for her at the door.

"So? What did you find?" Yu Seol asked immediately after her maid walked in

"Cough... According to the butler who always encounters Duke Lu Xie he is seen wearing either black and navy blue clothes " Mini read the two color list she wrote

Yu Seol listened attentively and began to imagine what she would wear.

"Mini go call the best tailor in town and tell them to make me a dress" Yu Seol had already planned her outfit

Mini then left the room and told the butler to get the best tailor in town. Yu Seol in the room can't sit still and kept rolling in her bed.

'Aahhhh, I'm really going crazy'


Lu Xie got on her horse and ride to her own training grounds, the Lu family owned a large forest for training new generations and it is used for intensifying the child's mind and body.

The same training ground as the original Lu Xie face death for 16 years, this forest is located north of the mansion where active ferocious beasts like bears, wolfs, lions, and panthers roamed.

She arrived at the location and stopped at a 6 feet wall, she went down her horse and handed the lead to Van.

"I'll be training until tomorrow, come at the same time tomorrow," Lu Xie said coldly

"Yes, master" Van bowed and watched his master enter the training ground then ride his horse and left the place.

The moment Lu Xie stepped in she felt the place cold and eerie, she walked unhurriedly in her hand was a bow and an arrow. She saw a target board now far she stretched the bow string her eyes looking at the target.

Her finger holding the arrow let go, and the arrow traveled tree by tree at an insane speed. It hit the target board then it broke, she heard a growl of the beast behind her. She glanced behind and saw a 2-meter-tall bear with spikes on its back.

The bear was looking at Lu Xie dangerously but dare not get close, the power inside her body was so strong. The bear is having second thoughts about either attack or retreat.

"what are you standing there for?" Lu Xie stretches her bow and positions it to the bear

The bear was angry at her and roared loudly, it run towards her fast. Lu Xie let go of the arrow and it accurately hit its head killing it before it got close. The bear fell to the ground bleeding, the smell of blood attracted the lions and wolf's in the area.

Lu Xie smiled and removed her cape then took out her weapons, a moment later wolves and lions surround her. Growling and staring at her with killing intent.

[Ding! Dragons roar activated]

"Roar" Lu Xie opened her mouth and let out a loud roar

The wolves and lions were immediately frozen in fear and their legs were trembling.

[Ding! Fear has been inflicted in their hearts]

Lu Xie smiled sinisterly holding her weapon and dashed through the wolves frozen in fear. Swing her sword diagonally the sword cut through its head like smooth butter.

The wolves and lions were stunned and attacked her together, she raised her feet stepped on the ground, and under her feet ice froze everything in its path.

Lions are not very good on ice, when they stepped on it they slipped and fall on their side or front. Lu Xie switch her weapon into a throwing dagger, while the blade was in between her fingers and aimed at the head of the lions.


The blade flew and penetrated the lion's head making a deep hole in its skull, the remaining wolves and lions knew that they aren't a match for her and tried to retreat.

Lu Xie didn't let them and created an ice wall tall enough that even if they jumped up they won't get out.

"Why are you running away, the fun just started" Lu Xie's pupils turned red and her aura was heavy

The wolves and lions whimper and refuse to be intimidated by her but fear was implanted in their hearts. They all attacked her at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right.

Lu Xie easily dodged their attacks and also tried her whip which had the bears spike the rope. Each time she whips it a loud smack was heard.

The wolves and lions who were hit by the whip were bleeding heavily, and the bear spikes had poison on them. Making them get poisoned slowly. Lu Xie took another weapon this time was a hammer.

A wolf jumped to attack, but it was greeted by a large hammer and hit the side of its face. The wolf was sent flying and smashed into the ice wall breaking its spine, then die on the spot.

Lu Xie massacred the remaining wolves and lions, she remembered them from the memories of the original owner. These wolves and lions were also the ones who gave the original owner deep scars on her body.

She remembered them by the wounds on their eye given by the original owner, she escaped from them from time to time. Until she survived running and killing wolves that are alone.

She put down the ice wall and continue walking deeper into the forest, each beast she encountered was killed. She took all the corpses in her space and let the system function and disassemble the corpse.

Lu Xie walked until she reach a familiar place, the cave where the original owner hide from the wolves. Every time she enters this place, the wolves don't dare to come close so she always came here to hide and rest.

She walked in and felt dense mana magic in the air, she circulate her mana veins in her body as she walked further into the cave. In the plot, there was nothing that describe that something is hidden in this cave.

But she needs to know, that the deeper she went the denser the mana magic became.

[Ding! Talent Activated]

[Ding! The host can contain a large amount of mana without worrying about overdrive]

Lu Xie breathe in relief, she take any more mana her body would explode from overdrive. Thankfully, the skill activated in time.

The cave was straight ahead and the path was like it had been made by a person, the walls had strange cravings like fire, wind, water, and earth there are also light and dark cravings on the wall.

Then she reached a large door, it was like a giant door with two dragons engraved on each door facing each other. Different patterns were also engraved and two tall statues are on each side of the door.

The statues don't have a face but each holds a long spear made of stones, they were having each other face to face. She tried to recall the original owner's memories about this place but nothing.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for finding the hidden treasure of the Lu family]

"Treasure" She mumbled

[Ding! Get the treasure

Reward: 20,000 points

Failure: Mana deviation]

She put both hands on each door and pushed it but it didn't budge so she put her strength on her hands to push. Slowly the door was opened, Lu Xie gritted her teeth and released her magic on her hands and feet.


The door opened wide, Lu Xie saw the inside it was clean and there was a formation in the center of the room. There were only lights surrounding it.

She stepped closer and suddenly a voice sounded and the door closed tightly behind her.


Turn your eyes, your wings, your fire

To the land across the sea

Where dragons are poisoned and dragons are dying

And no one can ever be free

A secret lurks inside their eggs

A secret hides within their book

A secret buried from below

May save those who are brave enough to look

Open your hearts, your minds, and your wings

To the dragons who flee from the hive

Face a great evil with talons united

Or none of the tribes will survive

The voice ended in that sentence, the ground shook under her feet. And a force tried sucking her into a black void, she used her ice magic and froze her feet on the ground.

She felt a strong presence in the void as if aiming her to be on the ground. She persisted in standing and used her mana to surpass the pressure of the void.

The pressure was like a ton of concrete being fallen into her back she staggered a bit. But kept her balance her legs were trembling.

Then the black void opened its eyes, the eyes were filled with killing intent and negative emotions, affecting her. She remembered the line 'May save those who are brave enough to look'.

Lu Xie gritted her teeth and looked at the eyes staring at her, blood came out of her eyes but she didn't look away. The negative emotions were affecting her badly, 'Open your heart, your mind, and your wings' the word resounded in her mind

She accepted all the negative emotions and opened her heart, mind, and wings, still staring at the void eyes. Lu Xie felt tried and didn't dare to look away.

A few seconds later, the eyes in the void closed and disappear. Lu Xie fell to the ground and closed her eyes, she was breathing heavily and her heart was pounding in her chest.

Then a bright light appeared in front of her, she look up and saw a black colored egg. The egg was about half a meter tall, Lu Xie stood up slowly and approached the egg.

Then the voice sounded again.

Descendant of the first dragon master,

The egg in front of you is the last remaining egg of the most powerful dragon.

You who were brave enough to take the challenge have passed, this dragon egg will be hereby given to you.

The fate of this child is in your hands.

Good luck Young dragon master.

The voice then disappear again, she touched the egg and felt life inside the egg.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host on receiving the title Young Dragon Master]

"System, how am I going to raise this dragon if I don't know how to feed it"

[Ding! Host, you can feed the dragon any kind of beast meat]

"Then how will I hatch it"

[Ding! The host can just drop blood on the shell]

"It's that simple" Lu Xie was stunned then bit her finger and put a drop on the shell

The blood got absorbed and the shell started to crack, Lu Xie waited patiently and saw a small dragon's feet kicked out from the shell.

Lu Xie removed some of the shells and saw a baby dragon the color was like the night and the eyes were like stars twinkling. The dragon took after her eyes night sky eyes.

The baby dragon looked at her and rubbed its head on her palm, she stroked the baby's head gently. And had a small smile on her face.