Chapter 23: World of Magic (Mission)

Lu Xie went to the balcony, the night sky was very beautiful the stars were twinkling beautifully. Her night sky eyes were reflected in her eyes, the sky was as if being merged.

She was looking at the sky with a nostalgic look before she died on earth she didn't have time to enjoy the beautiful night sky. She was very busy expanding her company, at that time she took on a big project but she didn't have time to finish when she suddenly died.

Two beautiful blue sapphire eyes were looking at her, she didn't even notice. Yu Seol heard the balcony on the other side open after she came out of the bathroom. She slowly walked to her balcony and peek at the other side.

She was baffled her complexion turned red and her throat dried, she saw what her fiance was wearing and can't help but bit her lower lip. Then she saw her looking at the sky, for the first time she saw another emotion in those beautiful night sky eyes.


Yu Seol was curious, and also look up at the sky. The stars were twinkling and shining brightly, looking at Lu Xie the sky was as if being reflected in her eyes. That she felt she was far away, even though they are just 4 meters apart.

"Axie" she called softly

Lu Xie was slightly stunned she didn't notice her fiance was there, she turned her head toward her and saw her wearing a thin night dress. The wind tonight was cold, she immediately jumped from her balcony to her balcony and landed steadily.

In her hand was a warm cloak, and put it over her body. Yu Seol was stunned and a blush crept out on her cheeks like a cooked lobster. She really likes how her fiance is gentle and caring toward her.

"Don't catch a cold, my dear fiance" A magnetic and seductive voice whispered in her ear as if tempting

Yu Shen trembled "U...hmmm" she didn't know what to say, she was nervous, felt weak and her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

Lu Xie saw her blushing face and was satisfied, she step back two steps away from her and stood in front of her. Yu Seol felt the warm touch leave her and was a little dissatisfied.

Looking up at her fiance's opened chest was the first thing she saw, her face turned even redder, her fiance's body makes one very greedy for it.

Lu Xie is not bulky but thin and slender like a girl, his muscles were slightly showing on his skin those muscles keep explosive power. One can be deceived just by looking.

Yu Seol kept staring at him non blinking, Lu Xie saw her not blinking her lips turned upwards showing a handsome smile.

"Ayu, have you looked enough," Lu Xie said teasingly

Yu Seol heard him speak and snapped out only to see a playful smile on her fiance's face. She turned her face away nervously, she bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

Lu Xie was amused by her reactions and can't help but want to tease her again in the future. Her cold face soften looking at her fiance like a little rabbit scared off by prey.

"My dear fiance, you should go to sleep now. It's already late and it's cold staying outside" Lu Xie said softly then kissed her forehead softly

Yu Seol looked at her and quickly hugged her fiance before running away like a child did something wrong. She closed the door but had a small crack and peek at Lu Xie. She saw her jumping on the other balcony naturally then she turned her head.

She was stunned, it seems like she saw her. Then her finances lips moved, she can't hear her so she read her like as they move.


She nodded and saw her fiance enter her room. Yu Seol also closed the door and lay on her soft and comfortable bed. She started at the ceiling remembering what happened earlier, she was a little lost she should have hugged him longer.

She vented her emotion on her pillow, then buried half of her face on the pillow before slowly closing her eyes and entering her dreamland.


In a long table, all the royal family and the duke were all seated.

Yu Man and Yu Lan kept staring at their baby sister as they saw her being distracted, her eyes kept looking at Lu Xie. Making them a little frustrated

Lu Xie kept silent and eat the food elegantly, she felt a stare at her since earlier but she ignored it for now. But Yu Seol didn't look away, her hand movements stop and she was in trance, every move he made she followed her eyes. She didn't even noticed that her father and two brothers are looking at her helplessly.

Then she her fiance looked at her, her face suddenly blushed and immediately looked down as if a child being caught stealing candies.

Lu Xie was amused by her and laughed a little, "Ayu, you should eat properly, your way too thin" Said softly like coaxing a child.

Yu Seol felt warmed in her heart and nodded obediently before resuming to eat her food.

"*Cough*" Yu dad fake cough

We all looked at him.

"Since, we have announced your engagement yesterday. I wanted to know when you will plan your engagement party" Yu dad asked seriously

"Your highness, I have a mission in the north later this day and would be away for a few months" Lu Xie said politely

"I see" Yu dad said lightly

Yu dad remembered he told Lu Xie to go north last month, to kill the beast roaming around and destroying farm lands that the people planted.

"After your mission we will plan your engagement party" Yu dad said

Lu Xie nodded but Yu Shen felt a little lost she just got engage yet her fiance is going on a mission for a few months. She had plans to spend time with her after this but seeing that her fiance is busy, she purse her lips.

After they finished eating, Yu dad returned to his office, the two prince went to the training grounds while Lu Xie and Yu Shen went downstairs.

Yu Seol saw her fiance wearing her cloak and felt dejected, her eyes were slightly red about to cry. Lu Xie saw her and felt a little distressed, so she hugged her tightly around her arms.

"Don't cry Ayu, I promise I'll be back in no time" Lu Xie coax her softly

Yu Seol tighten her embrace and buried her face on her fiance's chest shamelessly, she smell the sweet and comforting scent of rose in her body like a natural scent. She likes this scent very much and kept inhaling the intoxicating scent of rose.

Lu Xie knew what she was doing and didn't say anything she softly caress her back comforting her. A few minutes later, she pulled the hug slightly and kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you later my dear fiance" Lu Xie peck her lips and was about to leave when suddenly she was pulled back

A soft lip press against hers, Lu Xie was stunned slightly then respond to her kiss affectionarely.

Yu Seol felt like she's the luckiest woman in the world, the person she likes kiss her but lightly. Seeing that she's about to leave she pulled her back press her lips against hers and put her arms around her neck pulling her closer.

Her heart was beating loudly in her chest like it's about to explode, she felt so happy at this moment. Pulling out the kiss a silver thread connect them, she looked at her fiance with a little lust in her eyes.

Her mind and heart were fighting if she could have her before she leaves and mark her completely as hers or wait for her to return and marry her.

She choose the first one, since she knew that her fiance won't touch her unless their married, she knew every Lu children are thought to be conservative. Which she likes it and Lu Xie did respect her, even though this was going to fast she can't stopped it and wanted it even more.

"Be back soon, my love" Yu Seol whispered lovingly on her ears

"I promise my princess" Lu Xie kissed her fiance's back hand and kiss the ring on her finger before entering the carriage and left.

Yu Seol watched the carriage leave until she can't see it anymore, she rushed to her room. While Mini was chasing her from behind, going to her balcony she watched as the carriage leave the gates of the palace.

Then saw her fiance also looking at her direction, seeing that her lips move she put Qi on her eyes to read her lips.

"" she read

Her face turned red and also whispered "I love you too"


Meanwhile, Zu Gan woke up the next day, his body jolt up and then felt pain on his stomach.

"Arrggg" he moaned in pain

Fan Zoa heard his cry and immediately asked worriedly "Brother Gan are you okay"

Zu Gan opened his eyes and saw that he was in a cage, the cage was cold and dirty, he was laying on a hard cold floor on the ground with only straws of hay as his bed.

He sat up and leaned on the cold wall holding his stomach the scenes from last night replayed in his mind and his fist clenched tightly that it turned purple.

Fan Zoa saw that he was not talking and was worried if he got hit pretty hard.

"Brother Gan, please wait here I'll call Mr. John" she said and immediately left the cage

When she returned John immediately opened the cell and she rushed in, wanting to check him but her hand was slapped away.

"Don't touch me" Zu Gan said coldly at her

Fan Zoa was shocked and felt aggrieved, she silently followed them out the prison.

Zu Gan stood up wobbly with the help of his mentor and walked put the cage. John made him sit near the training grounds bench.

"Are you an idiot" John suddenly said

Zu Gan didn't reply and knew what he did.

"You actually tried to create trouble on the birthday of the king, do you want to be demoted and be a cadet for the rest of your life" John said angrily he looked at his apprentice who's head is looking down

He sighed hard.

"Be thankful your my apprentice or else you would have been killed last night."he sighed hard

"Reflect on what you did I'll give you 3 days to rest" John continued and left without letting him speak. He was greatly disappointed on him yesterday.

Zu Gan clenched his fist and gritted teeth hard, until he tasted blood his eyes were red and covered in a layer of dark color.

"LU XIE" he repeated in his mind over and over again non stop.


That same day, the moment Prince Lan opened his eyes and look beside him. His face went horror and screamed like a pig.

The maids heard and immediately rushed in only to see the prince naked on the ground looking at the bed with a shocked expression.

They all looked at the bed and saw a pig laying and then look at the naked Prince. They all were disbelief and that day rumours spread that day.

Prince Lan returned to this country traumatized and every time he look at women he saw a pigs face and he would immediately ran away and hide in his room.

(A/N: Serves him right (^∆^))