Chapter 24: World of Magic (Inheritance )

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The host received 300 points. ]

Lu Xie and her army travelled far north where snow and cold wind as winter is the only weather. The place was covered in thick snow and ice making the journey a bit difficult.


The cold wind blew hard on the army trying to make their way to a cave for the night. Lu Xie purchased an aura of fire in the system for a skill, this made their way a little easier to walk through.

Upon reaching the cave near a large frozen lake, the soldier all prepared the tents while the others immediately cook some food for all of us.

Lu Xie went out and was stepping on a small hill looking at the frozen lake, she felt a faint mana energy under the frozen lake. If not for the prompt of the system she won't notice if she won't focus enough.

[Ding! Get the inheritance under the deep frozen lake

Reward: EXP (Qi)

Failure: Demoted]

Stepping on the frozen ice it is estimated that the ice is about 10 inches thick, she can melt the ice using her fire aura but it will take a while. She put her index finger under her chin thinking.

"Master, dinner is ready" Van voice was heard behind her.

She nodded then returned to the cave, they prepared a dinning table and some delicious food on it. Sitting down she began to eat then her army also began to eat.

There's a tradition where anyone higher starts eating only then can they eat. Lu Xie wiped her mouth with a clean cloth and Van cleared put the small table.

"Today, I have something to tell you to all of you" Lu Xie said coldly all her soldiers paid attention to her

"Tomorrow you will set off East about 100 kilometers from here there is a cave that was unexplored. I will not be going with you, Van will be in charge to all of you while I'm not there." Lu Xie said eyeing them then stood up

Before she could go to her tent she turned her head toward them and said lightly "Consider this as your additional training and return with good news" then she turned around and left.

"As you command and have a good rest, Master" all of them say at the same time

They all went to their tents and rested for tomorrow they can't disappoint their master.

All the soldiers of the Lu family are all people whom they saved from beast or destroyed villages, they all followed the Lu family and trained to be soldiers or assassins. They will do through hellish training before being tested for their loyalty.

All in all the army of the Lu family are invincible compared to the royal family which is only below them.


Getting up the next day, all the soldiers packed up and left after saying good bye.

Lu Xie sat down in a lotus position and concentrated her fire aura surrounding her whole body. The ice beneath her slowly melts as she wrapped her body with fire aura like a hot lava.


The ice completely melts and made a hole, upon entering the icy water Lu Xie put down her fire aura and the icy water collided through her whole body. But she didn't bother since she had an ice ability and the ice didn't hurt her.

She swim deeper in the icy water, the stronger the Qi she felt as she said deeper. She reached almost 3,000 feet and still kept going.

Thankfully she can find her breath a long time, so she didn't panic about not being able to breath under water.

Reaching 10,000 feet under the water she saw a small hole under the sea. She swim closer, the hole is approximately 100 cm wide and 50 cm tall, it's enough to fit her slender body.

Entering the hole she came upon a surface, getting out of the water and took deep breaths as she was almost getting out of air.

Looking around the cave it was big and the mana is denser, the cave had small pieces like stones that shone it had different colors like a rainbow it was scattered around the place.

Lifting her body out the water the droplets on her body immediately evaporated from her fire aura leaving her dry, she removed her cloak and other top. Leaving only a thin long sleeve black polo, pants and shoes.

Lu Xie made her way inside the cave with no difficulty with the help of the shining stones it made the path clear to see.

She didn't see any enemy as she walked deeper making it strange, isn't an inheritance always have protectors or guardians to guard it.

Her steps stop when she saw a wooden door at the end of the cave, she felt the mana more and more denser, her core started to circulate on their own and the mana roamed around her blood cleaning it and removing impurities. Just like in cultivation, since the original owners body was different from others.

The blood, skin, bones and muscles were being tempered as she circulate her Core absorbing large amounts of mana in the air.

Staring at the wooden, one might think that it was a normal door but if you look closely it had a mechanism inside it if you suddenly burst in you will be cut into pieces.

Their are hidden traps around the place each time you put a wrong passcode. Their is a wooden like number as passwords and needed 4 numbers to opened the door.

Lu Xie searched the place for any clue, "Instead of getting a inheritance I'm doing an escape puzzle" she mumbled lightly

She searched around the place for anything abnormal, but she didn't notice anything. The walls are bricks and the floors are covered in smooth cement.

She walked to the right wall and tried to press any brick that might move but none. Then she tried the left wall but also none.

"How the heck am I going to find clues" she said a little disgruntled

Lu Xie kept walking left and right until


The sound of stone being moved sounded, she looked down below and saw her right foot sink a little, the stone shone with a red color. She was a little puzzled then she saw a stone engraved with a wind she then press it and it moved.

It shone a color white. This got her thinking.

'The inheritance was left by a legendary hero. Legend says that he was a master of all elements and he can freely control them at the same time he was a born genius and became the youngest magic Grandmaster.' Lu Xie thought as she recall the plot

But not long after he was promoted war broke out, causing him to be severely injured and weaken his body. He decided to retire and left the kingdom, no one knows where he went he just disappeared into thin air.

Some say he dead from injury, some said he hide away, some say he allied with enemies and some says he left an inheritance to where he was last seen.

Many people wanted to get his inheritance not knowing if it's was true that he left a inheritance, but people were greedy for his magic so they all painstakingly search but to no avail.

Soon people gave up since no one can truly tell what happened to him.

Lu Xie look around for the other two element sand sure enough she saw the earth and water symbol on the floor near the fire and wind. She decisively press the two and shone a color of blue and green .

Upon lighting up numbers were appeared the green was 4, red 6, blue 9 and white 1. Looking at the numbers it was the day when he retired, she immediately went to the door and put in the mumbers.


The door made a sound, and the numbers glowed. Slowly the door opened.....


Back in the kingdom

Yu Seol is in a trance in her balcony, she kept staring at the palace gate, her father and two brothers notice her and was worried.

Mini put down the tea and snacks on the table but the princess didn't even notice it. She sighed and softly patted her shoulder.

Yu Seol jolt up and looked beside her only to see her maid.

"Princess, you have been out of yourself since the duke left. Are you alright princess?" Mini asker worriedly

"I'm fine mini, I just....miss him" Yu Seol said a little sad

"Don't worry princess, I'm sure his hurrying to finish his mission" Mini said cheerfully

Yu Seol nodded slightly, took a sip of tea calmly. Ever since she meet Lu Xie she felt so happy being by her side and when she's gone she felt that as if the whole world lost it's color and vigor.

Her heart also felt empty and a little sad, this is her first time falling in love with someone so she was very sensitive to little details about her fiance. She noticed herself that she kept paying attention to anything her fiance do making her fascinated and kept it in her mind.

Remembering, how her fiance kissed her forehead that night. Her heart felt warmth and a little sweet, her face had a small smile a beautiful one. Look at the beautiful blue sky she thought.

'I wonder how he is now'


Back to Lu Xie




Darts, arrows and blades surrounded the inheritance that is located in the very end of the room. First, she needs to escape the darts that had vicious poison on the tips. Second, the arrows that shoot in all directions leaving no blind spot. Finally, the blades that are very sharp to slice a man in half in seconds.

Lu Xie look at the system shop.

[Ding! Mystic Steps have been learned]

[Ding! Remaining balance 21,300 points]

Lu Xie ready her self then rushed to the traps, the darts started to shoot her as they directed movements. Her steps were so fast that she left an after image, she avoided the darts, arrows and blade.

The blade were a little tricky since it is merged in the walls and floor, she kept moving forward. And avoiding left and right, up and down.





Lu Xie breathe heavily, the mystic steps almost drained her mana, she's still not used to it and used a lot of her mana energy. She took her time to composed herself.