Chapter 25: World of Magic (R-18)

For 3 days Zu Gan stayed in his room, everyone heard the rumour about him offending the monster duke.

"Hey! did you hear what happened at the banquet"

"Yeah, I can't believe he did that"

"He don't want to live any longer tsk tsk tsk"

"Me too, I thought he was a good guy"

"He wasn't like that before, but after he was defeated by the duke he changed"

"Your right, he was like another person"

The trainess all whispered while taking a break, Zu Gan was in his room polishing his sword and sharpening the edges.

He held the sword upward the sun reflected and he can see his face clearly.

"I will not let you hurt her again, never again" he mumbled

3 days later

Instead of going to train he went to the flower garden where they would always meet in his previous life. He steps were hurried, he wanted to restore his relationship with her.

Going in the garden there he saw his beloved.


Yu Seol happily went to the garden, earlier she just received a letter from her fiance and wanted to read it outside as per say in the letter. She also took the crystal given by her fiance

"Mini, go prepare some refreshments" Yu Seol said happily

Mini nodded and left. Yu Seol came to the garden and went straight to the small tea spot with a shade.

Yu Seol placed the crystal ball near her then she opened the letter gently and began to tea the contents.

My Dear Fiance,

How are you? I've written this letter when we reach our destination. Everything is going fine and don't worry I'm not hurt.

The snow in this place is very beautiful, but the cold wind is a bit harsh.

Ayu I found a beautiful snowflake ill give it to you went I return.

Ayu I miss you, I've been gone for days and I'm missing you.

I wish I could finish this mission and return then hugged you and won't let go.

Ayu I'll see you again in a few months, I love you

Your fiance,

Lu Xie

Yu Seol felt her heart melt into puddle, it felt sweet as honey pouring all over her heart.

Mini came with snacks and some tea, she saw her princess had a wide smile on her face. 'There's no saving her anymore' she thought then stand by her side waiting for her to return.

"I love you too" Yu Seol said quietly then she look at her left hand

The exquisite ring shone a beautiful color of red and purple, at night it will glow slightly in the dark. She really likes this ring more than anything.

When she was busy loving the ring, she didn't notice someone staring at her.

"Greetings your highness" Zu Gan immediately bowed as he stopped a few meters away from her.

Yu Seol was slightly startled by him, she turned her head toward him a little dissatisfied. 'Him again' she thought annoyingly

"2nd Lieutenant Zu Gan, why are you here?" Yu Seol directly asked while raising her eyebrow.

In this time all soldiers should be on the training grounds to practice.

Zu Gan didn't like the way his beloved address him but he knew that they were not as close as before in his previous life, he didn't mind and will make her fall for him once again.

"She... Your highness please forgive me for my rudeness but there is something I want to give the princess" Zu Gan said softly staring at his beloved full of love in his eyes.

Yu Seol frowned, she didn't like the way he look at her. And then she said coldly

"2nd Lieutenant Zu Gan, I already have a fiance. Forgive me but I can't accept your gift"

Zu Gan was dumbfounded, he didn't have the right to give gifts to people who are engage unless they are family members. He forgot.

Seeing that he was frozen in his place. Yu Seol frowned even more and was impatient, she didn't notice that she was being watched by someone.

"My love" a voice suddenly sounded,

Yu Seol knew this voice and immediately turned her head to a crystal ball near her table. She saw the image of her fiance her eyes were a little cold that's when she panicked she didn't want to be misunderstood.

"A..Axie how long have you been listening" Yu Seol was a little scared

"Just a while ago" Lu Xie replied nonchalantly

"A..Axie there's nothing going on between us, he approached me first and he said he wanted to give me a gift but I refuse" Yu Seol instantly explained her hands holding the crystal ball

"Don't worry, I believe you" Lu Xie said softly

Yu Seol then breath in relief and gave her a smile.

Zu Gan who heard their conversation had a dark face his hands were clenched into fists. When he was about to speak

"2nd Lieutenant Zu Gan, please go back. I'm busy now" Yu Seol said coldly without even looking at him

Zu Gan was unwilling but knowing her he knew she is serious. So he turned and left gritting his teeth.

Yu Seol was smiling looking at her fiance's face, "Axie I miss you" she said softly

"I miss you too" Lu Xie giggled

"Axie how long will you be there" she said pouting

"Maybe for a long time" Lu Xie teased

"Boo Axie stop teasing" Yu Seol pouted even more now she look like a chipmunk

She heard her fiance laughed and she also laughed with her.

"I'll be back maybe in 4 - 5 days my dear" Lu Xie said

"Hmm too long" Yu Seol complained

"Give me a little time dear" Lu Xie smiled sweetly

Yu Seol blushed and nodded shyly.

'Just how adorable can she be' Lu Xie thought

They talked for a while before, hanging up. Lu Xie had something to do, Yu Seol looked at the crystal and her fiance's face slowly disappear.

"I miss you already" Yu Shen said

Mini felt cringe, as a single dog she didn't know this kind of affections.


After she hang up the connection, she looks behind her. The center had a floating orb with the color of wind, fire, water and earth. She can either take it for her self or give it another.

She decided to keep for now for her future child, she put the orb inside her farm space. The was an orb that wont break unless it is a descendant of the Lu family.

Opening the farm space, she saw Star sleeping near a tall tree beside the sea. She put the orb in a golden box and put it aside, she went near her dragon and lay beside her.

Star grew up faster and was already a full size adult dragon.

"Star, what do you want to eat" Lu Xie asked while feeling the breeze

"Meat" Star said

Lu Xie chuckle and stood up she took out beast meats from her storage then cook it in an open fire. The meat sizzled then put some seasonings which added aroma to the meat.

They were both drooling, the meat smell so good. Putting them meat on the plate they both devoured the meat in no time.



Lu Xie and Star look at each other before laughing. The two were in the shade of the tall tree lazing around.

"Star, the war is about to happened once more" Lu Xie said lightly

Star raise from the ground, looked at her master "Master, thou shall not worry, I will be your aid in war and promise you victory" Star said serious

"Thanks Star" Lu Xie smiled and lean on her before closing her eyes and fell asleep.

Star also laid on her fore hands and sleep with her master.


Van and the other soldiers returned from exploring the cave they found rich materials like iron, coal, and gold. They all went to the meeting place only to see their master waiting for them

"Master, we have returned" Van knelt down

"hmm let's go" Lu Xie nodded slightly

Lu Xie and her army departed returning to the kingdom, they traveled for 3 days until they reach the gates.

"Welcome back Duke Lu" the guards greeted

Lu Xie and her army have returned, and she directly went to the palace to report.

"Your highness the exploration was successful we have uncovered rich materials from the cave," Lu Xie said standing in front of the king

Yu's dad nodded in satisfaction, he was about to speak when the door suddenly opened with a loud bang.


Yu Seol was in her room reading when suddenly her maid came in.

"Mini, what's wrong? why are you in a hurry?" she asked in wander

"Your highness, the duke has returned," Mini said calmly

Yu Seol immediately stood up and rushed out leaving her maid behind her, she made her way to her father's office not minding whether she is in her pajamas and had no shoes.

The door in the office was closed so she immediately pushed it not being able to control her strength the door was pushed hard.


"Axie," she said happily

Not looking at her father, she runs into her fiance's embrace. She hugged tight and felt her heart at ease she greedily smell the scent she missed the most and the warm hugs she craved. Her lonely heart was filled with sweetness the moment she saw her fiance.

Yu's dad was speechless watching his daughter embrace her fiance and felt bitter. 'Woo woo woo my daughter ignored me' he cried inwardly

Seeing that his daughter has no intention of letting go, he made Lu Xie sit down where his daughter sat on his lap.

"Since you have returned the planning of your engagement is in a week. Is that okay little Seol" Yu's dad asked softly

"Yes dad it's fine" Yu Seol smiled sweetly at her father

That day they discussed the arrangement of the party and the guests to attend.

Until they finished talking Yu Seol didn't let go of Lu Xie and kept hugging her, Lu Xie coaxed her but to no avail and had to sleep in the palace for the night.

"Baby, we're in your room now. You can come down now" Lu Xie said softly

Yu Seol obediently put her feet on the ground looking at her fiance with a little pout. Lu Xie giggled pinched her chin and press her lips against hers.

Yu Seol happily kissed back pulling her fiance's head closer and deepening the kiss. She missed her so bad and kept kissing her passionately.

Lu Xie pull out the kiss her fiance is very aggressive her lips were red and broken.

"My my I didn't know you like this, naughty" Lu Xie seductively licked her broken lip

Yu Seol redden from embarrassment but didn't regret it, she buried her head in her lover's chest avoiding his sight.

"Baby, go take a bath now, or do you want to go in together" Lu Xie hooked her waist pulling her closer

"I... I'll go first" Yu Seol ran to the bathroom in a hurry, her complexion was red to her neck, and was biting her lower lip, her legs clenched together.

"How can he be a hooligan" She mumbled looking at herself in the mirror she had a smile on her face

"Gosh, just how many more times does she want me to fall in love with him"

Yu Seol shook her head slightly, removed her clothes, and took a bath.

Hearing the sound of smashing water in the bathroom, Lu Xie put down her gears and cloak near the sofa. She took out a bathrobe from the closet and wait for her fiance to finish washing.

A few minutes later, Yu Seol came out wearing a white bathrobe. Lu Xie saw her and her eyes darken, she stood up and went near her.

Yu Seol looks at her fiance coming over, pulling her by the waist and kissing her deeply. She put her arms around her neck enjoying the kiss.

Lu Xie was trying to hold herself but her fiance is just so hot and sexy, parting their lips. Her left hand scooped her up on her buttocks and gently lay her down on the bed.

She removed her upper clothes revealing a hot and toned body, Yu Shen was surprised her fiance's body which she was imagining in her imagination before was even better than what she imagined.

Lu Xie captured her lips again, and slowly pulled the tie that is tieng the robe, she easily opened the robe revealing the princess bare breast. While kissing her passionately her right hand gently fondles her beautiful breast.

Yu Seol widened her eyes and hugged her fiance's head tighter, her body was shaking and her heart was about to explode. Feeling breathless she parted her lips and moaned softly.


Lu Xie trails a kiss on her neck and sucked on it leaving dark purplish hickeys. Then went to the other boob gently she sucked and nibbled gently her nipples, the princess felt the pleasure and moaned a little loud.

Her mind went blank and felt she was about to melt, the pleasure she so good she kept wanting more.

After she was satisfied with her breast, she once more trailed a kiss on her stomach down to her cunt. Parting the robe that was covering her, what greeted her was a drenched cunt.

It seems like she came while she was playing with her breast, she was not wearing anything. Parting her thighs gently and smelling the intoxicating scent.

Yu Seol felt a hot breath on her private part and wanted to close them but was held in their place. She felt shy and excited at the same time.

Lu Xie didn't speak and gave her cunt a lick when Yu Seol suddenly arched her back. So without further a do.

Lu Xie licks and teases her cunt and clitoris pinching and sucking. Yu Shen moaned loudly her eyes rolled back and felt her brain was being zapped with pleasure.

She put her hands on her fiance's head and pulled her closer to her cunt. It felt so good and her body kept twitching her pleasure nerves were high.

Lu Xie put her middle finger inside her cunt and slowly thrust that earning a sudden squirt from her fiance. She didn't stop thrusting her finger and kept adding more as she felt her getting used to it.


Yu Seol moaned her name, her body tensed and felt something coming she was about to speak when her lips were sealed by a kiss.


She moaned inside her fiance's mouth, her body twitched from time to time, and felt she release something.

Lu Xie parted their lips and took out her drenched fingers, she showed them to her and licked her fingers seductively. Yu Seol saw it and blushed furiously she wanted to speak but she didn't know what to say. She didn't want to scold her fiance.

Lu Xie then unbuttoned her pants and removed them revealing her mating organ a d*ck. Yu Seol widened her eyes and gulped nervously.

"Baby, we don't have to continue if you are not ready yet" Lu Xie leaned down and kiss her cheeks

Yu Seol immediately shook her head "T..that's not it.. It's just... I'm nervous" she said shyly

"Don't be shy, baby." Lu Xie kissed her forehead lovingly

"Axie I want to do it with you," Yu Seol said seriously

"Baby, don't force yourself I can wait" Lu Xie patted her head gently

"No, I want it to do it" Yu Seol repeated seriously

"Are you sure baby?" Lu Xie asked softly

"Yes, I want you Axie" Yu Seol peek her lips

Lu Xie who got the yes, kissed her lover passionately and positioned herself at the entrance of her cunt. Slowly she pushed in the tip on the d*ck the person below moaned and wrapped her legs around her waist.

Moving slowly inside the walls were throbbing and so tight, then felt something blocking the way. She looked at Yu Seol that had tears in her eyes and a trickle of drool on the side of her mouth.

"I love you Ayu," Lu Xie said lovingly and pushed straight


Yu Seol felt her insides being stretched from the inside, it felt good when she heard her fiance said I love you she was about to respond when the d*ck got pushed straight to the womb entrance.


She moaned in pain and cried, she hugged her fiance tightly. Lu Xie immediately leaned down kissed her face and wiped her tears she felt distressed when she saw her lover crying.

"Don't cry baby, I'm sorry" Lu Xie said softly a little guilty

Yu Seol shook her head and kissed her fiance she knew that she was going to feel guilty for hurting her. But she didn't mind.

"Baby, let's stop I don't want to hurt you" Lu Xie was about to pull out when the legs around her waist stopped her

"Baby" Lu Xie looked at her lover

"I.. it's fine just let me adjust for a little" Yu Seol said

Lu Xie nodded and played with her breast as she wait. Minutes later, " can move now honey," Yu Seol said shyly

Lu Xie smiled and kissed her passionately then moved her hips slowly she gave her long hard thrusts. Yu Seol moaned then parted their lips


Lu Xie felt the tightening of the walls and thrust even faster and harder.

"Ahhhh...s..soo...good" Lu Xie whispered under her breath and looked at her lover like a hungry beast.

Her hips moved rapidly going in and out of her cunt and hitting her sensitive spot. Yu Seol kept moaning loudly her voice can be heard outside thankfully she put on a voice obscured in the place.

Lu Xie suddenly stopped her hips and pull out, Yu Seol frowned when suddenly she flipped over her buttocks facing her lover while her face was on the pillow.

Before Yu Seol could speak, a sudden thrust went in her cunt shocking her nerves and squirting. She moaned hard as her lover thrust once more.

Her walls tighten and felt something coming again. She tried to speak but the pleasure she felt was too much and just moaned louder and louder.


Yu Seol moaned her name as she cummed hard, Lu Xie held her waist firmly and shoot her semen rope after rope inside her fiance's cunt. Her hips moved slowly but her thrust was slow long hard thrust until she voluntarily stopped.

Lu Xie looked at the person below, her body was twitching and her legs were trembling. She removed her d*ck and let go of her waist.

Yu Seol collapsed on the bed while her face distorted from pleasure and some of their mixed cum flowed steadily out her cunt.

Lu Xie scooped her lover and held her in her arms as she caress her back while waiting for her to return. Minutes later, Yu Seol calm down and notice she was being hugged by her lover.

"Are you okay? My love" Lu Xie asked gently and kissed her forehead affectionately

Yu Seol was blushing remembering their activity earlier, her heart was filled with happiness and completeness. She snuggled in her lover's chest listening to her heartbeat.

"Baby, instead of an engagement party. How about we just get married" Lu Xie kissed her softly

Yu Seol was stunned for a while then tears ran down her cheeks. She didn't know what to feel but one thing is for sure she wanted everything about Lu Xie.

"Let's do it. Let's get married honey" Yu Seol cried

Lu Xie was helpless she wiped her lover's tears and coax her to sleep.