Chapter 26: World of Magic (Wedding)

The next day, Yu Seol talked with her father and changed from engagement to wedding. Yu's dad was shocked and collapsed on the spot, he wanted his daughter to first spend time with them but then suddenly she wanted to get married.

The two brothers also cried on the spot but their sister was serious and they couldn't do anything to stop her. That day, they made someone announce the wedding of Princess Yu Seol and Duke Lu Xie in a week.

Everyone in the palace and the duke's territory was all busy preparing.

The wedding of the princess and the duke was the biggest news that circulated for a whole week.

Zu Gan who was in town when he heard the announcement of his beloved and that bastard. He felt as if thunder struck him again and again, he was unable to recover for a while.

After 30 minutes he regained his senses and couldn't believe it, he immediately went to the garden where he met her before but was stopped.

No one was allowed to see the princess until the wedding, he was unwilling to leave but if he didn't he would be beaten. So he had to change plans.

That night he tried to sneak into her room, he wore all black clothes and covered his face. Looking around the place he saw the palace was heavily guarded and there are at least 100 level 80 guards, 30 level 50, and 20 level 30 guards guarding.

If he is not careful he would be caught his level was only 45 and he was not like what he was in the previous life. Slowly he walked to the rooftop of the palace watching out for the guards patrolling.

He soon hopped on a tree near his beloved room, when he was about to land on the balcony. He saw her come out, he was stunned he saw her wearing thin nightwear as she walked to the tailings of the balcony. The cold wind blew past.

Zu Gan wanted to hug her and warm her up, but once more he stopped for what he saw. Lu Xie also came out of the balcony wearing a black bathrobe.

Then saw him hugging his beloved, and finally, he lost it. And dashed toward them

"Let's her go!!!" he shouted taking out his sword attempting to slash that bastard.

Lu Xie knew his presence and easily blocked his attack, which also alerted the guards and instantly appeared. The guards restrained him and blocked his powers.

"How dare you try to assassinate the duke and princess," Van said coldly as he removed his masked

The guards were shocked to see Zu Gan, some of them heard about him and some were optimistic about him. But now looking at him, he looked crazy, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Take him away," Lu Xie said coldly while covering her fiance

"No! Please I just wanted to speak with the princess" Zu Gan struggled

Lu Xie pretended to frown "Lieutenant Zu Gan, you have been trying to speak with my fiance. What is it that you want to say to finish this once and for all" She asked coldly

"I want to speak with her alone," Zu Gan said seriously

"How dar...." Van was cut off

"You have ten minutes," Lu Xie pull out a cloak from her space and wrapped it around her lover

"Baby, let him speak okay" Lu Xie kissed her lips and then stepped aside together with the others.

Only the two of them were facing each other but Zu Gan was tied up on the ground so he stood up with both his hands behind his back.

"Ayu I ----" he was stopped

"First, of all don't call my name like we know each other. Second, I'm getting annoyed by you, and Lastly, stop interfering with me and my lover." Yu Seol said coldly

Zu Gan was hurt in his heart, "A..ayu you might not remember me but you should not marry Lu Xie" he said seriously

Yu Seol frowned even deeper and wanted to slap him hard.


Zu Gan felt a little happy his beloved wanted to listen "You might not know but Lu Xie is not what you think he is. He is scheming and wanted to take the throne. He is also cooperating with Lan kingdom for an all-out attack" he said gritting his teeth remembering the past.

When he looked up.



While waiting for Zu Gan and Yu Seol to finish speaking, Lu Xie waited patiently she knew what he would tell her fiance and had already made a reassurance to the king and two brothers.

She knew her fiance is smart and won't be swayed by anything without evidence. Then suddenly


A loud slap was heard and saw that Yu Seol slapped Zu Gan hard on his cheek causing it to be red and swollen.

"Not only did you slander my fiance, but you also dared to accuse her of rebellion" Yu Shen didn't find back when she slapped him he dared to ruin her lover's image on her face

She knew her fiance better than anyone else and has been observing him since day one. She also knew her sacrifice of giving her the diamond mine and the thousand-year-old fire tree that would bear fruit every thousand years as her dowry.

So she knew that her fiance loved her more than anything and also the ring on her finger is one of her promises that Lu Xie loved her.

So she didn't hold back when she slapped this man who dared to taint the person she loved the most in the world.

"Take him away and punish him for slandering my fiance and accusing my fiance of rebellion" Yu Seol ordered the guard coldly

The guard bowed and immediately took him away, and other soldiers return to their posts.

Zu Gan was beyond stunned that his beloved slapped him and even sent him to prison for punishment. He didn't believe it 'Why? Why? Did that bastard brainwash her? Lu Xie!!!!!' he shouted in his mind

Now his beyond crazy.

Yu Seol hugged her lover tightly and felt her heart calm down, she couldn't forgive anyone to taint the image of her lover, especially in front of her.

"Baby, come one let's go to bed. If you stayed out for too long you will catch a cold" Lu Xie gently picked her fiance up and kissed her lips

Yu Seol nodded and rest her head on her shoulder while her lover carried her to the bed.


The guards were doubled after the incident and Zu Gan in prison was whipped 100 times and made him bleed for a whole night.

He survived miraculously the next day and was taken to the hospital where he stayed for a long time.

Yu's dad gets to know what happened last night and demoted Zu Gan from his rank to a normal soldier. The two brothers were also dissatisfied and put him on the bad list in their hearts.

The palace continued to prepare for the wedding and didn't have time to spread rumors.


**After a week**

All invited guests were all in the church waiting for the bride to come. The venue was grand and had exquisite flowers and rare diamonds decorated in the place.

Some noble ladies were jealous that this is a dream wedding for all noble ladies.

Lu Xie was waiting at the altar as they waited for the bride. When the door opened all guests had their eyes on the entrance.

Yu Seol was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress accompanied by her father and two brothers. They walked toward the altar slowly.

Lu Xie was stunned it's like she had a wedding before but didn't remember where and who she was with. But her heart was throbbing excitedly in her chest.

Yu's dad and the two princes were in front of her. And gently handed Yu Shen to her. She took her future wife's hands and gently guided her to the altar.

"You look so, beautiful baby" Lu Xie whispered gently

" look dashing too honey," Yu Seol said shyly

Lu Xie giggled and the biggest event of the year started.


Yu Seol and Lu Xie changed their suits into simple dresses and suits, they walked to the ballroom where the reception is happening.

All guests were given a token of an exquisite diamond embedded all over in a beautiful jade bracelet. Everyone was having dinner and laughing on the occasion.

Lu Xie and Yu Seol cut the cake together and fed each other, both had a smile on their faces.

**Ting ting ting**

Everyone stopped talking and everyone looked in front of the small podium.

"Now let us call the newly wedded husband and wife to please come to the dance floor," the mc said happily

Lu Xie stood up and offered her hand, her wife happily took it and both went to the dance floor.

Soft music was played, Lu Xie put her hand on her lover's waist while another was holding her right hand. She guided her wife and danced to the music, staring at each other lovingly.

Slowly people also joined them for fun. After the music ended Lu Xie kissed her wife's left hand. Yu Shen blushed

After the event, everything was smooth and after congratulating and giving gifts the guests slowly left one by one.

"Baby, let's go to bed it's already very late" Lu Xie gently picked her up from the ground.

Yu Seol was startled and subconsciously put her hands around her neck.

"Yah, you scared me" Yu Seol complained while pouting

Lu Xie giggled and made her way to their bedroom, to rest. ONLY TO REST HEHEHEHEHE
