Chapter 46: Survive

Lu Xie was quite speechless, seeing the blackening high she was nervous. She scan through their profiles and decided to attack the lowest until she got into the highest.

The highest will be difficult to shake since she is in the stage of possessiveness and obessessiveness toward the male lead.

Seeing that she can only start with Tian Qinlu and Mu Linya, she decided to take action early.

"Being a canon folder is the ominous thing that ever happened to me" Lu Xie mumbled

[Doesn't the host like challenges?]

"Since, when did I say I like challenges"

[The system has been monitoring the host and knew that the host likes challenges]


Lu Xie didn't speak, she thought that the system was asleep while to doing her mission and only woke up when she has a prompt from time to time. She didn't expect that she was being monitored.

She sighed heavily then went to her room and sleep instantly the moment her body touches the soft comfortable bed.


The next day,

Lu Xie woke up early, took a cold shower, and went to the kitchen. The kitchen is near her courtyard and is an open space anyone can see anything going on outside when they passed by.

Lu Xie went to her space farm and took the ingredients she needed to make a simple breakfast. She took some fruits and some snacks she made that were in a refrigerator made of ice. She's not sure if the female leads will come so she needed to be prepared in advance.

Going out of her farm she washed the vegetables, fruits, and meat then cut them into bite-size. Took the wok and then pondered if she will use wood as fuel or use her fire to cook.

She weighs the pros and cons, using the woods would be a little inconvenient since she will smell smoke and she had to check how high the fire is so she won't burn the food. In the end, she chooses her fire.

Snapping her fingers a line of fire came out and went under the wok. Lu Xie put some oil then some species she then stir them until it was brown and soft then put the meat and some vegetables.

The tempting smell of food escapes the kitchen and drifts with the breeze of the wind.

Mu Linya who just stepped out of her room smelled the scent of food she thought it was from their kitchen but looked at the kitchen near their room. No one was cooking so she was curious and followed the smell until she reaches the furthest courtyard where their junior sister is staying.

She hesitated for a bit then jumped up the wall and landed softly on the roof she saw the junior sister cooking in the kitchen with a sweet smile on her face. She felt inexplicably warm watching her cook.

She also noticed that the junior sister was using her spiritual root as fire instead of wood, she felt a little soft for this junior sister. She is not only sweet but also hard working.

[Ding! Mu Linya's favorability toward the host increased by 10]

Lu Xie who was cooking suddenly heard the prompt and stopped her actions for a while they continue.

"System, Where is she?"

[She at the rooftop watching you host]

Lu Xie showed a smile and then wanted to show her cooking skills, after the meat was soft and tender she added some more vegetables and then cook the rice.

She made some kung pao chicken, some dumplings, vegetable rice, and some soup. Lu Xie gently placed the food on a small table near her courtyard and the smell of the food penetrated Mu Linya's nose who was watching from above.

Mu Linya was in the Nascent Stage of cultivation and doesn't need to eat but looking at the food it looks good not to mention the tempting scent coming from them.

She felt hungry and even drool, she was a little embarrassed to go out and appeared to her. But she can't seem to look away from the food and gathered her courage and pretended to knock on her door.

Lu Xie came out of the kitchen with a bowl and chopsticks when she heard the knock, she smile a little helpless and trout toward the door then opened it.

"Senior sister Linya Good morning" Lu Xie greeted energetically with a sweet smile.

"Good morning junior sister" Mu Linya greeted a little awkward

Lu Xie saw her face and was a little amused, "Senior sister please come in" then step aside to let her in

Mu Linya showed a small smile and went into her courtyard, the smell of the food became even stronger and her stomach growled loudly. She felt embarrassed and heard a sweet and cute giggle behind her making her blush in embarrassment.

Lu Xie saw her head getting lower and said with a soft voice "Did senior sister didn't have breakfast yet?"

Mu Linya shook her head and then nodded.

Lu Xie was amused by her and let out a laugh, Mu Linya felt she lose her face to her junior sister but hearing her laugh was very pleasing to the ear.

"Senior sister how about you eat with me, I'll go get you a bowl," Lu Xie said coquettishly

Mu Linya nodded a little embarrassed and sat down at the table. Looking at the food her stomach growled again.


Meanwhile, Tian Qinlu, Zhou Meng, and Gu Wenan just woke up and were about to go to their courtyard to practice but then smell the delicious scent of food. Since their cultivation is high they can either eat food or not.

Following the smell, they came to their junior sister's courtyard. Zhou Meng pushed open the door and saw Mu Linya sitting as if waiting.

Mu Linya noticed them and looked at them.

"Waah, it smells so good" Gu Wenan went to the table and saw the newly cooked food on the table

"Did junior sister cook this?" Tian Qinlu asked

"Yes, I watched her cook earlier" Mu Linya nodded lightly

When Lu Xie came out of the kitchen she saw the three female leads in her courtyard and was a little surprised but then walked toward them.

"Senior sisters good morning" Lu Xie greeted sweetly in the morning

The three look back and saw their junior sister with a sweet smile on her face, their mood suddenly eased and showed a smile.

"Good morning junior sister, did you have a good rest," Gu Wenan asked first a little soft

"Yes, the bed was very comfortable not like the floor" Lu Xie smiled softly

Hearing what she said Gu Wenan felt a little complicated by what she said, then looked at the three beside her who also had a little stunned in their eyes.

"Do the senior sisters want to join us" Lu Xie immediately said as she saw them starting at the food earlier

"Then trouble you" Zhou Meng softened her voice

"No trouble, please sit down senior sisters I'll be right back" Lu Xie run to the kitchen like a rabbit hopping once in a while

This was seen by the four and can't help but think that this junior sister is so cute.

Lu Xie came back with three more bowls and chopsticks she place them on the table and gave them chopsticks.

"Senior sisters please have a taste of my craft and see if it's your liking," Lu Xie said sweetly

[Ding! Tian Qinlu's favorability toward the host increased by 10]

[Ding! Gu Wenan's favorability toward the host increased by 10]

[Ding! Zhou Meng's favorability toward the host increased by 10]

Lu Xie smiled more when she heard the prompt. Then pick out some meat then put it one by one on the four plates.

"Please taste it" Lu Xie showed a puppy look making the female leads stunned and warm

Taking a bite their taste buds never felt satisfied until now, the meat was soft and tender and the sauce was a light and little sour.

Seeing that they were eating a little hurried Lu Xie felt satisfied and asked a little coquettishly "Is it good"

"So good" Gu Wenan answered immediately with food in her mouth

"It's very delicious junior sister" Tian Qinlu smiled softly

"The taste is so good junior sister please cook more food like this" Mu Linya said while picking out some meat

"Junior sister where did you learn to cook," Zhou Menh asked softly

"I learned from my grandmother when I was a child," Lu Xie said a little sad in her voice

Zhou Meng noticed her tone and felt as if she bullied her junior sister.

"Junior sister don't be sad, I'm sure your grandmother is proud of reaching this far" Mu Linya comforted her gently

"I'm not sad senior sister, I was just reminded by some memories of me and my grandmother" Lu Xie showed a sweet smile

But the four thought that she was trying to be strong and felt that this girl is brave in facing her emotions. Their impression of her increased.

"Junior sister from now on you are not alone, you have us and rely on us if you feel sad okay," Tian Qinlu said softly and patted her head gently

Lu Xie felt the pat and let her pat her face showed a silly smile and her eyes were cresent.

The four saw her expression and can't help but give birth to a small cute puppy wagging its tail while she was being patted on her head.

'So cute' was the only thought they had and Tian Qinlu kept patting her head

Mu Linya, Tian Qinlu, and Zhou Meng also wanted to pat her head.

Feeling the stares of the three female leads she softly grabs their hands and put them on her head. Then at the same time, they patted her head.

The four then showed a sincere smile, their junior sisters' head was small and cute. Her hair was smooth and soft to touch making them don't want to stop.

"Senior sisters the food is going to be cold" Lu Xie pouted a little aggrieved they patted her head for a long time and she's hungry.

The four snapped put their senses then reluctantly retract their hands, seeing the pout on their junior sister's lips they were in a good mood.

"Alright, let's eat," Zhou Meng said softly then continue to eat

Lu Xie also eat some food she needed the energy to complete a task today.

After they all eat, the four is goodbye to their junior sister and then left.

Lu Xie waved her hand the and plates on the tables disappeared.

She got ready and then went to the library.

[Host why are you in the library aren't you going to cultivate to get stronger]

"Did you forget in the original plot, Lou Zhen found a mysterious map in the library and was able to obtain some treasures"

[Right the treasure of Charish]

In the original plot, Lou Zhen found the map and traced this location this finding the legendary Charish treasure where there were a lot of ancient cultivation books and pills that helped his cultivation go higher.

It was not said in the plot where the exact location of the map but Lu Xie had a way. She purchased a tracker to find the map more easily.

[Host, the tracker is green go straight]

Lu Xie went straight and arrived at the innermost and secluded place of the library, this place was dark and a little creepy.

The place was far and no one wants to stay here there was a saying that a ghost haunt this place and a few people disappear.