Chapter 47: Survive (Treasure )

Lu Xie search the bookshelves and found nothing looking at the tracker it was pointing here, she groaned and kept looking until she noticed something odd.

One of the bookshelves is slightly slanted than the other bookshelves, she touches the bookshelves and then listens quietly.

She heard a faint sound of wind on the other side of the wall, then put both hands on the shelves and then push lightly.


The bookshelves moved, Lu Xie smiled happily the push more and a hidden path appeared, there were stairs leading down it was dark and nothing can be seen.

Lu Xie opened her palm a small ball of fire the size of her fist appeared and lit the way, she then slowly made her way down the stairs.

The bookshelves behind her closed silently as if it was never there.

Lu Xie arrived at a large hallway then the torches suddenly lit up the moment her foot stepped onto the ground.

The torches lit up lighting the way, Lu Xie extinguish the ball of fire and walked straight to the hallway. Nothing odd happened she always look side by side for any attack but nothing happened.

Until she arrived at a large room a throne room to be explicit, the room was a lit up with torches and was covered in dust.

On the throne at the highest stage with a tall chair with gold, a book was laying on the chair.

Lu Xie looked around cautiously and saw nothing she jumped high and then landed in front of the book. Slowly she reach out the book then held it in her hand but nothing happened.

She was about to breathe in relief when suddenly memories were forced into her head making her head hurt like it was about to be cracked open.

[Host, are you okay] the system saw her expression and immediately activated her skills in healing

Lu Xie felt a little at ease and look at the memories she closed her eyes and saw scenery after sceneries flash before her eyes.

It was the memories of Charish the first ever cultivator and the ancestor of all cultivators, Charish was born from an ordinary family at that time there was no cultivation.

Charish refuses to accept that his faith was just mowing the land for vegetables and selling them. So one day, he left home and traveled rivers and mountains until he reach an ancient tomb in the desert.

The ancient tomb was left by an advanced civilization that had perished for unknown reasons, Charish was able to obtain a book that he practice thus learning about cultivation.

His travel was fruitful, he returned home and teach this to his parents. Since then he started a sect where he accept disciples to practice cultivation and protect the lands from ferocious beasts that always appeared.

His sect became the first ever cultivation sect then other sects started to emerge, making the cultivation spread worldwide.

Charish was satisfied with this change and he was happy, but one-day demons appeared and disrupted the harmony. The demons killed a lot of innocent people, and Charish and other cultivators went to war with them.

They were able to defeat them and the demons retreated but sadly Charish was poisoned and made his spiritual root deteriorate. This was heard by people who envied him and wanted to get the book he was cultivating which was the Shan Su.

This not only increase his speed in cultivation but also helped him escape the thunder tribulations many times. Other cultivates wanted this for themselves and attack him.

Thankfully, Charish had faithful disciples and his parents help him escape, and was never seen again. Many people tried to find him but to no avail.

Charish family then had no descendants and the sect was also buried in stumbles. Until the Diamen City was built and this place where the Charish sect resides was forgotten.

Before Charish died he left the book in this place and passed away. Waiting for the right person to take it.

The memory ended there.

Lu Xie opened her eyes and she was laying on the ground.

[Host, are you okay] the system asked worriedly

"I'm fine"

Lu Xie held her aching head and then massage her temples in a circular motion until the pain eased. After the pain subside she put the book in space then left the room and got out of the place.

Leaving the library, she made her way to the training ground.

The plot had already advanced too much where there will be more interactions between the hero and the heroines. Now she is on the plot where Zhou Meng was injured in the training ground.

Lu Xie speed up her steps and arrived at the training ground, she saw Zhou Meng practicing on the ground and had a serious face.

She watched her every movement and also look around she saw Lou Zhen just a few blocks away from Zhou Meng.

"System be sure to get ready to unblock my speed"

[Got it, host]

Lu Xie and the system waited for the incident, a few minutes later Zhou Meng suddenly dropped her sword.


Lu Xie then rushed toward her before she fell to the ground.

Zhou Meng felt the freeze attack suddenly and didn't have time to react when she felt weak and the freeze attack was too much.

She felt her body falling she closed her eyes for the impact when she smell a faint scent of rose and a warm embrace.

Opening her eyes she saw beautiful night sky eyes looking at her worriedly when she was picked up and hugged by the person.

Zhou Meng snapped back to her senses and was about to scold but she saw that it was her junior sister she swallowed the words and stare at her side profile in a daze. Forgetting the freeze attack.

Lu Xie caught her and without giving her time to react immediately carried her to her courtyard then placed her gently on the bed then quickly transfer Yang's energy to her core.

She was kneeling in front of her while holding her hand with closed eyes and kept sending Yang's energy to her.

Zhou Meng snapped out and felt embarrassed then felt a hot and warm feeling, she noticed her junior sister was kneeling on the ground while holding her hand and kept sending her Yang energy.

She felt inexplicably warm and also circulate her Yin energy sending it back to her, the pure yang energies balanced the freeze attack making Zhou Meng feel at ease and the warm feeling spread all over her body.

"Senior sister are you alright now," Lu Xie asked worriedly

Zhou Meng look at the person kneeling in front of her and her eyes was distressed and worry can be seen. Zhou Meng felt for the first time someone sincerely cared for her.

Then felt her heart being wrapped up by a warm feeling. Zhou Meng smiled and patted her head gently

"I'm fine now, thank you, junior sister," Zhou Meng said softly

"Won't, senior sister please be careful next time" Lu Xie pouted cutely which suddenly pierced an arrow in her heart

Zhou Meng can't help but soften "I'll be more careful next time," she said softly

Lu Xie then look at her and showed an innocent sweet smile.

"So cute" Zhou Meng gently pinched her cheeks

"woo woo senior sister is bullying me" Lu Xie pretended to cry her cheeks became red where she pinched it

Zhou Meng let go and looked at her red cheeks she felt a little guilty but looking at her small round cute face she was in a better mood and want to bully her again but stopped herself.

"I'm sorry, you are just so cute" Zhou Meng scratched her nose embarrassed

"Hmph, then I'll reluctantly forgive you" Lu Xie pouted then crossed both her hands and look away

Zhou Meng was very amused by her and can't help but laugh.

[Ding! Zhou Meng's favorability toward the host increased by 10. A total of 20 points]

Lu Xie smiled inwardly

When suddenly the door burst open, Lu Xie turn her head and saw Gu Wenan at the door breathing a little heavily.

Gu Wenan was busy practicing when she heard that Zhou Meng collapsed on the training ground. She suddenly stopped practicing and got up then ran.

The place she was practicing there is also Lou Zhen she gritted her teeth and ran faster than the wind. Ever since they fell for Lou Zhen they have been in a constant war to get his favor.

And her biggest rival was Zhou Meng so she tried anything to stop them from being together alone.

Arriving at the training ground Zhou Meng was already taken away, Gu Wenan felt very angry then run to their house and bust opened every room.

Then she went to her junior sister's courtyard and bust opened the door only to see, Zhou Meng sitting on the bed and Lu Xie kneeling on the ground.

Lu Xie immediately stood up and got some water then handed it to her.

"Senior sister please drink," Lu Xie said in a worried voice

Gu Wenan took the cup and then drank it straight after drinking she felt a little better and smile warily at her junior sister.

"Senior sister shouldn't run so fast look you're already sweaty" Lu Xie took out her handkerchief and wiped her sweats gently

Gu Wenan was stunned and then blushed.

"I.. Thank you I can do it myself," Gu Wenan said shyly then grab the handkerchief then wipe her sweat

Lu Xie just smiled and went to Zhou Meng then check her pulse

"Senior sister Meng how are you feeling now," Lu Xie asked softly

"Thanks to your energy I felt better" Zhou Meng was happy

"Next time if senior sister is in trouble please come to me," Lu Xie said with an innocent smile

Then turned to see the other one.

"Senior sister Wenan why we're you in a hurry earlier are you looking for someone," Lu Xie asked prented to be confused then tilt her head to the side gently

"I... Nothing I was just exercising and wanted to chat with you but no one answered the knock so I burst in to see if you alright" Gu Wenan said lying

Lu Xie knew she was lying but just smile "Thank you senior sister for caring for me" then showed a meaningful smile

Gu Wenan bit her lower lip she was very bad at lying.

Zhou Meng laughs a little watching the two of them, her heart getting warmer, and looking at the junior sister her favorability toward her increased.

[Ding! Zhou Meng's favorability toward the host increased by 30. A total of 50 points]

[Ding! Zhou Meng's blackening dropped down by 20. 67 blackening points remain]

Lu Xie was slightly stunned by the prompt but was very happy that she cried without tears.

"Senior sister Wenan I forgive you but lying is bad," Lu Xie said in a childish tone

Gu Wenan looked at her cutely pouting and her heart soften then patted her head.

"Yes yes, senior sister is sorry she won't do it again," Gu Wenan said a little pampering

"Promise" Lu Xie owned her pink finger

Gu Wenan had a sincere smile on her face and said softly like coaxing a child" I promise" then hook her fingers on her pinky

Lu Xie's face beamed happily then looked at both of them then showed a beautiful smile.

That smile was very beautiful and innocent making the two of them swear to never let that smile leave her face.


After Zhou Meng returned to her room she felt pure yang energy flowing through her core soothing the freeze attack.

Usually, when she had Lou Zhen helped her with the freeze attack his yang was not pure enough to fully ease the attack.

But her junior sister was able to soothe her, the attack earlier was sudden and the most dangerous attack on her life. Thankfully, her junior sister helped her though they were not intimate she knew her junior sister forced her energy on her.

To relieve the freeze attack, one should be intimate with the other which involves kissing, etc. But her junior sister seems to force her energy through her hand to relieve it.

She felt a little sweet in her heart, no one have treated her with respect as her junior sister did to her earlier.

Zhou Meng had a shy smile on her face thinking about what happened earlier and the way she was carried. Though she was stronger than her she was lifted easily from the ground.

For the first time, she felt embarrassed and her heartbeat quickened she was a little confused was she nervous or she just didn't expect her junior sister whose cultivation was far from her and was able to carry her.

She didn't understand and decided to ignore it.

Feeling that the yang energy in her core she sat crossed legs on her bed and started to meditate she guided the yang on her core and mixed it slowly with her yin energy.