Chapter 52: Survive (Secret Realm 4) (R-18)

Lu Xie didn't know she had been missing for 2 days, she had been busy sorting out her newly build treasury and reading cultivation books.

Yesterday she broke through the peak Qi foundation and now she's on the 3rd Foundation, she was reading a book when suddenly the system sounded in her brain.

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 20]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 10]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 5]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 7]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 9]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 3]

[Ding! The heroines blackening increased by 10]

A series of prompts sounded in her brain making it hurt, but she ignored the pain and was more afraid of why the blackening of the heroines increased.

"System what's happening why did it increase," Lu Xie asked hurriedly

[Host, you have been gone for two days and the heroines are worried]

"F**k" Lu Xie cursed and went out of the treasury

She didn't have time to change her clothes which were wrinkled and there were some Blood stains from when she touched the two beats. The white snake Lili and the black tiger Anso.

"Star, I'll get going now take care of them okay," Lu Xie said hurriedly

"Okay master goodbye" Star nodded

Lu Xie immediately stepped into the portal and appeared inside the cave, she hurriedly went out of the cave and looked around the place.

'System where is the shadow guard'

[Ding! His on his way to your host]

'Damn it

Lu Xie run away in the opposite direction and exhaust her core she just reached the 3rd Foundation so her Qi was still not stable she leaned on a tree branched and closed her eyes.

The shadow had been looking for the person he was tasked to protect and he had been very nervous that if he don't find her his head is going to separate from his body. Not until he felt her Qi and immediately chased.

He run in the direction and found her leaning against a tree, he didn't sigh in relief. And immediately opened his senses and checked her. He finally let out a heavy sigh she only exhausted her Qi and is slowly returning.

The heroines finally saw their junior sister but felt suffocated they saw blood stains on her their eyes darken. Their hearts were clenched by an invisible hand making them unable to breathe.

They were still confused about their feelings but during the two days she had been gone they noticed that they did more attention to Lu Xie than Lou Zhen. And they can't stop worrying about where she had been gone, seeing her now made them realize that they had already been in love with their junior sister.

"When she returns we need to make sure she's not alone anymore," Zhou Meng said seriously

"Agreed" Gu Wenan nodded

"But is she alright," Mu Linya asked worriedly

"It's fine, the shadow guard checked her and she exhausted her Qi that blood is not hers" Tian Qinlu touch the video stone affectionately

Lu Xie didn't know what they were thinking and spent the rest of the time resting. After resting and recovering her Qi, she decided to explore the realm more and maybe get some presents for the heroines.

There were herbs, fruits, and other kinds of medical plants in this realm everytime Lu Xie came across she would pick them up. She may need it in the future, then she spotted what looks like to be a flower meadow with different kinds of flowers she saw on earth.

Lu Xie spread her consciousness around the place and it was safe, she landed softly on the ground and then sat down. Pick out a beautiful red flower then another flower twist and bind the two of them then added more and more other flowers.

She was making a flower crown, she made four flower crowns each one unique and exquisite. Lu Xie smiled happily looking at the four crowns then put them neatly in her ring.

It was almost time to get out of the realm so she made her way to the nearest teleportation. Stepping into the teleportation it shone brightly making her close her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, suddenly four figures rushed toward her and hugged her tightly. Lu Xie was stunned for a while then smiled sweetly.

"I'm back senior sisters," Lu Xie said happily

"Xiexie..." Zhou Meng said aggrieved

She tilts her head confused why are they looking at her like that. The heroines all felt like crying seeing her and hearing her sweet voice.

"Junior sister, are you alright" Suddenly a man's voice sounded behind them

"I'm fine senior brother, thank you for worrying," Lu Xie said politely

"That... Blood" Lou Zhen pointed at her bloodstained clothes

Lu Xie looked at her clothes and there were bloodstains on them, she forgot to change. So embarrassing.

"It's not senior brother don't worry," Lu Xie said normally but Lou Zhen thought she was embarrassed.

"Then junior sister can go and rest," Lou Zhen said softly

"Okay senior brother" Lu Xie nodded obediently and was about to leave when both her hands were stopped by four women.

Their expressions were worried and aggrieved, Lu Xie was confused then smiled "Does my senior sisters want to come with me?" she said ambiguously she licked her lips seductively

The four noticed her words and temptation and felt hot all over, they suddenly blushed but nodded their heads while looking down.

Lu Xie didn't expect them to really come so she gently took their hands and then flew to her courtyard.

"We'll get going now senior brother, see you later," Lu Xie said while on the air

They fly to the courtyard landing on the ground she made them sit down on the small table and get some tea snacks.

"Senior sisters please wait for me here for a while I'll just go and change" Lu Xie smiled then turned her back on them

When they saw that she closed the door, the four breathed out heavily.

"Sh*t I almost lost it" Zhou Meng put both her hands on her blushing face

"I can't believe she said that it's so..." Gu Wenan held her forehead

Mu Linya bit her lower lip while blushing.

"waah why didn't I know she had that side," Tian Qinlu said embarrassed

They were all in their world when suddenly Mu Linya felt a familiar freeze attack she clenched her abdomen and let out a soft whimper.

The three noticed her and immediately panicked because they knew how painful it is.

"Linya, wait here I'll get Lu Xie" Zhou Meng immediately run to the house and saw Lu Xie just changed her clothes

"Senior sister, what's wrong," Lu Xie asked

"Linya is having a freeze attack" Zhou Meng immediately said worriedly

They both run out of the house and Lu Xie held her hand and forced her energy into her but it was not working. Mu Linya felt the attack getting worse.

"Senior sister, please forgive me for doing this to you," Lu Xie said softly then carried her to her room closed the door, and lay her gently on the bed.

Mu Linya was conscious and knew that she is in her junior sister's room.

"Senior sister, do I have your permission to do this" Lu Xie asked softly seeing that she still had her senses

Mu Linya felt the attack again freezing her core as if wanting to kill her so she nodded hurriedly.

Lu Xie got what she needed and then didn't delay and pressed her lips to her against her, she felt the chaotic yin energy and let her yang energy surpass the chaotic Yin.

Slowly she parted her lips, pry opened her mouth, and gently wrapped her tongue against hers. Slowly giving her pleasure and letting her relax.

Mu Linya had not been this intimate with anyone even Lou Zhen that she trembled even moan.

Lu Xie kept kissing her gently then moved her hands and slowly removed the person's clothes below her. It's time for the punishment.

Mu Linya didn't notice that she was already half naked until her breast was groped and pinched. She widen her eyes and moaned while they were kissing.

Lu Xie still kissed her while both her hands groped and fondle her gorgeous breast. Seeing that the person below is having a hard time breathing she parted their lips. Then bowed her head and sucked on her nipples.


Mu Linya suddenly arched her back and covered her mouth her eyes were hazy and had a layer of mist.

Lu Xie licked and bit her nipples like a baby while fondling her other breast, slowly she moved down until she reached her thighs and slowly removed her lower clothes.

Mu Linya didn't have time to react the pleasure for her is too much, when she looked down she noticed that she was fully naked in front of her. Her face was flustered and wanted to cover them but was stopped.

She looked at her junior sister and her eyes turned dark and there was lust in them. Mu Linya gulped she was nervous but felt happy that her body can make the person she liked lustful of her.

Lu Xie knelt in front of her and removed her upper clothes revealing her pale white skin and tone muscles.

Mu Linya licked her lips watching her remove her clothes she wanted to look away but her eyes kept looking at her body.

Lu Xie smiled then bend down and capture her lips again, her right hand went to her cunt slowly rubbing.


Mu Linya moaned her legs boldly wrapped around her waist and both hands around her neck. Lu Xie slowly kept rubbing and pinching her clitoris arousing her lust.

"Ahh..." Mu Linya felt unsatisfied by just rubbing and wanted it

Lu Xie smirked and slowly put her middle finger inside her.


Her cunt was tight and wet, she still didn't get her hymen since a finger is easy then slowly rubbing she put in another finger earning her a loud moaning.

Lu Xie activated the barrier so no sound escaped, Mu Linya felt her body twitching and electricity zapping her brain making it blank.

Lu Xie kept rubbing and thrusting her fingers inside her cunt while also playing with her breast it was big and soft. So she bit on them adding pleasure to the person below her.

She felt that she loosen a bit then added her third finger. Mu Linya widens her eyes and tightens her hold on Lu Xie's neck. She felt a rush of pleasure and something wanted to get released.


Lu Xie watched her squirt in front of her and smiled wickedly, she removed her hands and removed her lower clothes.

Mu Linya was still feeling the after flow, but Lu Xie didn't want to give her time to regain her senses and position her mating organ then pushed her hips.

Mu Linya was about to regain her senses when she was again attacked by pleasure her cunt felt something was spreading and immediately looked down she was shocked to see a d**k.

"It's my turn senior sister" Lu Xie pushed her even deeper

Mu Linya heard her and her hands clenched the bed sheets tightly, her eyes had tears on them and felt a little hurt but the pleasure was still what she felt. The pain subsides almost instantly.

Then suddenly a wave of Yang energy rushed inside her whole body her mind went blank. Both energies blend perfectly.

Lu Xie saw red liquid come out of her cunt and smirk, Hehehee. This will be the revenge you did to the original owner, I'll vent all her grievances and pain through this.

She licked her lips and started to move her hips, slowly before speeding up. Mu Linya felt another kind of pleasure but this is more intense than earlier, she can't think of anything and could only moan loudly.

Lu Xie felt her cunt squeezing her as if wanting to squeeze her dry, she moved her hip faster and her hands played on her breast.





A Series of moans sounded in the room, Lu Xie felt her cunt get wetter then stopped turned the person below on the other side without removing their private parts, and started to f**k her in a doggy position.

Mu Linya can't even speak, she had a trickle of drool on her mouth and her body trembled in pleasure she can't get enough of this and wanted her to keep going.

Lu Xie felt the cunt tightening again and knew she was about to cum so she speed up her thrust and with the last thrust.



Lu Xie released her semen inside her rope after rope filling her insides with her juices. After she regained her senses she took out her d**k she still wanted to punish her but she saw that Mu Linya had already fallen asleep from tiredness.

She stood up and cleaned the bed and herself then covered Mu Linya with her quilt then went outside.

The three didn't know what happened inside and were talking when they saw the door open. Lu Xie's lips were swollen and red her face had a blush on it.

The three knew what happened but didn't get angry, Lu Xie came near them and sat down. Before she could speak her lips were suddenly kissed.

Lu Xie felt helpless and gave them each a French kiss.

"Baby is Linya alright now" Zhou Meng asked softly

"Uhm... She testing now and would be awake tomorrow" Lu Xie said shyly

"Oh~" the two teased looking at her playfully

Lu Xie made a fake blushed and lowered her head, they giggled at her innocence.

{A/N: Not innocent at all)