Chapter 53: Survive (Date?!!!!!)

After saying goodbye to the three Lu Xie went back to her room and Mu Linya is still fast asleep.

'System do you think I overdid it'

[I don't host, the system was blocked out the entire time]


Lu Xie approach the bed and lay beside her, she was about to close her eyes when someone drill itself into her arms. Opening her eyes she looked down and saw Mu Linya rubbing her head in her chest and let out a satisfied sigh before going back to sleep.

Lu Xie stopped herself from laughing and put her hand around her waist then hugged her to sleep.


Mu Linya woke up first, opening her eyes she saw a delicate collarbone she was not fully awake yet then she blink her eyes again and again.

When memories of last night, appeared in her mind. She was stunned then she looked up and saw the most beautiful sleeping beauty.

Her eyelashes were long, delicate nose and those pink soft lips. Her face looked cute when she was sleeping. Then her eyes travel stopped at her eyes, she suddenly remembered how she kissed her so passionately last night.

Mu Linya licked her dry lips and wanted to taste those lips again, slowly she moved her head closer and she can hear her heart pounding fast in her chest. Her face blushed like a tomato.

The moment her lips press against hers, she felt overwhelmingly happy and kissed her more.

Lu Xie felt someone kissing her and she can hardly breathe she was forced to wake up, she opened her eyes slightly and Mu Linya was kissing her.

She smiled slightly, then pry open her mouth and put her tongue inside wrapping and sucking on her tongue. Mu Linya grips her hands on her clothes and kisses back shyly.

After a few minutes of kissing, they both parted a silver thread connecting them.

"Good morning senior sister" Lu Xie greeted sweetly

"G...good morning" Mu Linya blushed

Lu Xue smiled then woke up from the bed and stretch her limbs.

"Senior sister, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere" Lu Xie looked at the person in her bed naked

Mu Linya also sat on the bed and then realize that she was naked and remembered the embarrassing night. She can't believe her junior sister was actually a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

Looking at her smile she almost believes that she is innocent but last night her mind was refreshed by her. But she liked it also she had that 'thing'.

She had no plans to tell the others and let them experience it Hehehee.

Lu Xie waited for her to speak but she remained silent.

"Senior sister" Lu Xie called a little nervous

Mu Linya snapped back to her thoughts and saw her junior sister looking at her worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry" Mu Linya patted her head gently

"Really" Lu Xie looked into her eyes if she is lying

Mu Linya felt embarrassed and shy when she started at her like that. Buy nodded her head while looking down.

Lu Xie was amused by her and chuckled, she stood up and changed her clothes. Mu Linya saw her walk toward the ward and breath a sigh of relief she can't help but think of her naked body last night.


Her face turned red again and kept shaking her head, 'Gosh, she's so...'

"Senior sister, I prepared your bath and some clothes. Can you stand up?" Lu Xie came out with new clothes

Mu Linya nodded she was very embarrassed. Lu Xie smiled

"Then I'll go cook some food senior sister if you need anything please call me" Lu Xie walked toward her and kissed her forehead

Mu Linya felt smoke come out on top of her head and was in a daze. Until she heard the door closed she snapped back to her senses.

'She's dangerous'

She stepped out of the bed and then made her way to the bath, the tub was filled with warm water and some clothes were neatly placed on the side. Her lips turned upwards and soaked her tired body in the tub.

The water was nice and comforting, then took some soap and wash her body her eyes then looked at her chest and collarbone she noticed some dark purple dots on them.

There was a lot, she blushed and rubbed her face with water the scene last night appeared once again.

"Arrggg... So embarrassing" She mumbled then forced herself to calm down

Mu Linya finished washing and patted herself dry then put on the clothes that were left. She look herself in the mirror and was very satisfied with the clothes.

It was a normal plain white shirt and black shorts that reach her thighs. She was admiring the clothes when she noticed some dark purple dots on her thighs again.

'She... She left a lot of marks' Thinking about that she can't help but feel happy and a little angry what will she tell the three if they saw this

Then felt their presence coming, she stepped out of the room and saw the three sitting at the small table.

The three noticed her and smiled teasingly.

"So, how are you feeling" Gu Wenan smiled meaningfully

"*cough* better" Mu Linya had a flustered face

The three sequels.

"Senior sisters, good morning" a cheerful voice sounded behind them and saw Lu Xie holding plates of food

Lu Xie smiled sweetly then put the dishes on the table, then run back to the kitchen and took the other dishes and also some bowls and chopsticks.

Tian Qinlu saw her holding a lot and took the bowls and chopsticks from her.

"Thank you, senior sister" Lu Cie beamed with a smile

Tian Qinlu blushed and nodded they both put the dishes and bowls on the table. Lu Xie serves each of them with no bias, with some soup and meat on their plates and also vegetables.

They all happily were eating and talking when they got an annoying visitor.

"Junior sister" A man's voice sounded in her courtyard

Lu Xie's face suddenly became gloomy inside then stood up and opened the door.

"Senior brother !" She came exclaimed

"Good morning junior sister" Lou Zhen greeted softly

"Good morning senior brother, does brother need anything," Lu Xie asked confused

'Just get out of here' she thought angrily in her head

"Well, I was wondering if junior sister has time this afternoon and I wanted to invite you on a... Date" Lou Zhen said while blushing

'WHAT?!' Lu Xie shouted in her mind she almost blurts it out thankfully it was in her mind

The four were waiting for their junior sister to return but it was taking too long.

"Who is that? Why is she taking so long?" Zhou Meng felt dissatisfied that someone disturb them

"Let's go check" Mu Linya immediately stood up she doesn't have a good feeling about this

And sure enough, they got closer and heard Lou Zhen's voice they could have used their senses but they wanted to listen to it personally.

Then they heard him say a ... Date.

Their mood plunged and turned very gloomy.

[Ding! Zhou Meng's favorability toward the male lead decreased by 20]

[Ding! Gu Wenans favorability toward the male lead decreased by 30]

[Ding! Tian Qinlus's favorability toward the male lead decreased by 10]

[Ding! Mu Linyas favorability toward the male lead decreased by 20]

Lu Xie heard the prompt and felt a little happy, then look at the hero and sneered inwardly. She was about to speak when suddenly she was pulled back and was hugged by four figures.

"She doesn't have time" Zhou Meng was the first to speak her voice was cold

"Lu Xie already made plans with us" Gu Wenan added

"She promised to accompany us today," Mu Linya said possessively

"So she doesn't have time to go with you, now leave" Tian Qinlu said coldly then closed the door slamming it shut on his face

Lou Zhen's face turned cold and gloomy, his fists clenched tightly then turned his back and left.

'One day... One day ill make you regret it ' he thought viciously

Back to Lu Xie

She was being stared at by the heroines as if wanting to eat her, her back had sweated and her heart was pounding.

"Ahhh, if only I can eat you up no one would ever see you again " Zhou Meng caress her cheek giving her goosebumps

"Or how about we lock you up and only you can see us day and night" Gu Wenan held her hand tightly Lu Xie gulped and thought 'Please no'

"Or we can just destroy him" Mu Linya sat on her lap and rubbed her head on her chest. Lu Xie breath a little relief

"Or break all your limbs and let us take care of you" Tian Qinlu kissed her cheeks looking at her lovingly

'Noooo, how can I punish you if you break my limbs huhuhu' Lu Xie cried inwardly she don't know what to feel if she could laugh or cry

"So, what does our baby pick" Zhou Meng was hugging her from behind, Tian Qinlu to her left, Mu Linya to the front, and Gu Wenan to her right.

'I'm cornered' Lu Xie wanted to run

"I... Didn't you say we have a date? How about I take all on a date?" Lu Xie said immediately and avoided the question she don't want to pick any of it

The heroine's mood improved and their faces blushed, Lu Xie breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly.

"How about we finish eating, and change clothes I'll wait for senior sisters down the mountain



"Then lets eat hurry"

"Be sure to get ready"

Seeing them pumped up Lu Xie smiled sweetly then resumed eating.
