Chapter 54: Survive (Date 2)

Lu Xie wore a cool outfit a white polo shirt, mini jeans that reach her thighs, and a pink hoodie with soft cotton making her look petite and cute. She also wore light pink with black shoes.

She was leaning against the wall waiting for the heroines to come while she is thinking to buy a new phone. She had been busy that she forgot to get one, thankfully today she's gonna get one.

Lu Xie likes collecting new stuff in every world be it phones, clothes, shoes, etc.

While waiting she didn't notice other disciples from the sect were all looking at her.

"Oh my goodness, is that Lu Xie"

"Yeah, it's her oh my gosh it's my first time seeing her up close"

"Damn, she's so cute"

"Ahhh I want o to pinch her cheeks it looks like a hamster"

"How can she be so cute, she looks cuddly"

"Hey, stop it don't think of anything malicious to her, or your dead"

"What did you say as if you didn't think about it"

"I'm not a freak"


Whispers and exclaim sounded in the crowd, Lu Xie had no time to notice them she was thinking about where to take the heroines since she had never gotten out of the mountain in a whole month.

'System is there any place to take the heroines'

[Ding! I found four places for the host to take them]

'Really! Where?'

[Ding! First, to the amusement park, second, have a picnic at lunch, third, the Ferris wheel, and last host watched the sunset at the most romantic mountain]

'Oh oh'

Lu Xie was taking notes about what the system said when she heard a loud sequel. She was looking down so she raised her head and was stunned.

Zhou Meng was wearing a wrap over a dress that reach her knees and white heels about an inch. She had light makeup and exquisite earrings on her ear. Her aura was hot.

Gu Wenan wore a short skirt paired with a peach shirt, a denim jacket on top, and some sneakers. With light make-up and a simple cap on her head, she looked so cool.

Mu Linya wore an off-shoulder dress halter neck long sleeved dress. She put on exquisite makeup and eyeshadow, she's so sexy. Her legs wore very exposed.

Tian Qinlu wore a floral chiffon dress her skirt was black while the upper was dirty white. Simple makeup, elegant earing, and white heel. She's so charming.

All four were gorgeous she had no words each had its characteristics and aura. Lu Xie was smiling ear to ear seeing them approaching her.

"Senior sisters you all looked very beautiful" Lu Xie praised sincerely and her eyes twinkle like stars

The four had a slight blush on their faces and also smiled.

"I'm glad you like it," Zhou Meng said shyly

"Whatever you wear it looks good on you senior sisters" Lu Xie complimented them again

"L... let's get going then" Tian Qinlu was embarrassed

A limousine was waiting for them on the road, Lu Xie walked first then opened the door for them and protect their heads when they crotched down to sit.

The four were very pleased by her actions and each gave a kiss on her cheeks before going inside.

'The heroines got bolder' Lu Xie exclaimed inwardly

After they all got inside she also went in, when the door got closer she was pulled into a hug by the four.

She felt helpless and let them hug they were in their position earlier, she just sat there patiently.

"Lu Xie do you want to be our cultivation partner" Mu Linya suddenly said

"C... Can I?" Lu Xie had a black question mark

"Of course, you can" Gu Wenan kissed her cheeks

"That way we can keep you to ourselves" Tian Qinlu mumbled but they all heard it clearly

"So does Lu Xie want to with her junior sisters" Zhou Meng whispered and blew on her ear

"Eepp" Lu Xie was startled and her ear turned red

Her cute shriek made the four darken their eyes slightly and can't help but want to bully her.

"I... Then... I. I'm willing" Lu Xie fake stuttered

"Good, from now on your ours baby," Mu Linya said progressively

Lu Xie nodded with a blushing face.


Getting out of the car they instantly got the attention of people, walking with four big beauties and a petite and cute junior sister.

Women envy while men drool.

"Where does our baby want to go first," Gu Wenan asked softly

"There! the shooting game I want to compete with my senior sisters" Lu Xie's twinkled in excitement

The four chuckled and made their way to the shooting game, Lu Xie took the middle spot and held the small toy gun in her hand.

"What is the price of the winner then?" Tian Qinlu patted her babies head those very excited

"Then the winner can make the loser do anything they want," Lu Xie said seriously

The four's fighting got hotter and wanted to win.

"Alright then, I'll go get some coins" Mu Linya went to the exchange hall got a lot of coins then returned

Lu Xie put a coin inside the game then it sounded.

"Let's play" Lu Xie smiled beamingly

The four also ready their guns and start the fame. Lu Xie put on a serious face and started at the game, it's like the game counter strike back on earth. She had played a lot of games before and had always been lucky.

Now she wants to defeat them and get some hmmm punishment Hehehee.

On the screen there were red names which are the enemies, her character ran to the roof took her sniper and crotched down looked at the sling then shoot.

[Dead Shoot]

The screen said Lu Xie stayed on the roof for a few minutes and sniped on coming enemies.

She saw the heroine characters and hid behind the wall on the roof, left the place, and sneaked behind her slowly. Took out her dagger then grab her behind and killed her character.

"Aww" Gu Wenan pouted

Lu Xie when to the other side and saw Mu Linya and Tian Qinlus characters, she took out her grenades removed the pin then throw them at them. She throws a lot of grenades.



Mu Linya and Tian Qinlu pouted sadly.

Lu Xie looked for the last enemy, there were only the two of them left. Her eyes were concentrated on the screen she didn't notice a crowd was watching them from behind.

Zhou Meng hid behind the large box in a tunnel hidden then wait patiently but she didn't come so she had to move. Her character was about to run when



She got hit, she looked around but didn't see her when suddenly her character was hugged behind.


Zhou Meng pouted.

Lu Xie smiles happily put back the toy gun then turned to see them and saw them pouting at her. Her smile stiffen and grab their hands gently, she also noticed the crowd and smiled warily.

"Senior sisters lets go play more" Lu Xie said excitedly

"Boo, I want to win" Gu Wenan complained lightly

"Don't worry, senior sister there are a lot of games here we can compete in until we got tired" Lu Xie kissed her cheeks

Gu Wenan stiffen and her face published like a tomato. The three were jealous and looked at her sadly. Lu Xie giggled then each kissed them on their cheeks.

"Then let's go play, I need to win," Mu Linya said she's on fire

All of them played games in the arcade while being watched by passer byers. Lu Xie won every game they played she's just really good and lucky.

After they played they were all tired from standing and sat down on a large bench, Lu Xie being a sweet girlfriend went and bought them something to drink and called the driver to ready the car for lunch.

"Senior sisters, drink some and we'll go have lunch after you rest" Lu Xie smiled sweetly

The four were in a very good mood, Lu Xie took them to the picnic place she had contacted a maid using a dove to deliver the foods here in lunch and when they arrived the place was already prepared.

The heroines all sat down on a soft cushion, Lu Xie took out all the food on the picnic basket and serve them food as she usually does.

"Please have a taste senior sisters" Lu Xie gave them their plates

They took a bit and knew instantly that this dish was made by her, Lu Xie taught the cook how to do it so they can cook it for the senior sisters when she was gone cultivating.

"Very good"

"The best"

"I can't get enough of your dishes baby"

"Finger licking good"

They all complimented the food, Lu Xie felt happy her hard work of teaching the cooks paid off. Her technique is unique that's why she made it easy for them so they can at least serve 1/3 of her usual craft.

After eating they all rested for a while then Lu Xie remembered something she opened her space and took out the flower crowns she made before in the secret realm.

"Senior sisters, can I put this on you" Lu Xie showed the four exquisite flower crowns in her hand while smiling widely.

They all nodded. Lu Xie put each flower crown on them, looking at it closely it suits them so well. She was about to take her phone out to snap a picture but remembered she didn't buy any.

She pouted sadly, the four saw this and felt panicked.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Zhou Meng asked first

"I don't have a phone, I want to take pictures of all of you" Lu Xie lowered her eyes sadly

"Then how about we take some and send it to you when we go get one okay," Gu Wenan said softly and sigh in relief inwardly

Lu Xie's eyes lit up and nodded like a baby.

"So cute" Mu Linya pinched her cheeks softly

"Then let's take a picture, baby how able you hold it" Tian Qinlu handed her phone to her

Lu Xie held the phone and felt a little flustered.

Zhou Meng noticed her expression and asked softly "what's wrong baby?"

"I... I never used this kind of phone. In my hometown she used keypads and my family is very poor the only thing we can afford are the oldest versions of phones so I don't know how to use this" Lu Xie said while her head kept getting lower and lower as she speak

"Don't be a sad baby" Gu Wenan hugged her tightly

"No worries baby, we'll teach you" Mu Linya patted her head gently

"R... Really?" Lu Xie said

Tian Qinlu nodded and Lu Xie beamed a very bright smile, the hearts of the four were beating and that bright smile kept lighting their dark and gloomy hearts turning them into a world full of colors.

"Then teach me now" Lu Xie said excited

Slowly the four taught her how to use the phone starting with the basics then slowly letting her adjust.