Chapter 105: NPC

Lu Xie appeared inside a cave, without her partner. She calmly just walked straight, no one stopped her but she can hear other players' groans and shouts.

Slowly she arrived at a large cave, there she saw her partner sitting on the throne with no consciousness. She immediately approached her "Yanyan!" she called and tapped her cheeks

Jin Yuyan felt someone shaking her, she opened her eyes slowly and saw the woman clearly under the hood. She was stunned she had never seen someone as beautiful as her.

Lu Xie breathed in relief when she opened her eyes and saw staring at her without blinking she smiled softly.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly

Jin Yuyan snapped to her senses when she spoke and her cheeks felt hot, she covered her face with both her hands in embarrassment.

"Hahaha so cute Yanyan" Lu Xie pinched her cheeks softly

Jin Yuyan blushed, even more, her neck was also red and stared at the woman pouting.

"Ahahha cute, now come let's go I already found you my partner" Lu Xie help her stand up

Jin Yuyan stood and didn't notice she was still holding her hand. Lu Xie didn't speak and both walked toward the door at the end of the room.

A light shone and when Jin Yuyan opened her eyes again they were at the highest podium.


Fireworks exploded in the sky and the dragon child came down to their level.

"Congratulations! Here is your reward" the child said and gave them a pair of rings

The rings wrapped around their ring finger and adjusted the finger size to fit perfectly.

Jin Yuyan looked at the ring and was shocked.

[Mystical Ring - a ring made from a mysterious stone that's been carved by a mysterious person

-All Stats are raised to 100 if partners are together

-All Stats will be halved without the partner

- If a partner is in danger the other will be teleported to the partner's location]

"It seems like we're going to be spending some time together," Lu Xie said softly

Jin Yuyan blushed and felt very shy.

This scene was seen by Xu Syun, who just got out about 20 seconds late. His eyes looked at them both his fist clenching hard.

After the event, Lu Xie also disappear which made Jin Yuyan sad.

"Oh my god, nee-chan why didn't you tell me that you meet the mysterious NPC at the guild and now you partner up with her at today's event" Yuyu shook her sister

"Yuyu, s....stop....shaking me," Jin Yuyan said as she was getting dizzy

Yuyu pouted and stop shaking her "Woo woo sister I also want her"

Jin Yuyan felt embarrassed.

"Sister, can you please call her please?" Yuyu pouted cutely

Jin Yuyan was about to speak when a voice sounded behind her and an arm wrapped around her waist.

"Ara ara, I felt someone looking for me I guess it was not you Yanyan," Lu Xie said beside her ear

Jin Yuyan turned to see the person and was greeted with her golden eyes "Axie" she called softly

Lu Xie smiled and looked in front of them, she saw 4 teenagers.

"Oh my god, it's her" Zena was with excitement

"Aahh ahhhh sister, are you the mysterious NPC" Fred asked excitedly

"Oh my, seems like I'm already popular" Lu Xie giggled

"Sister, do you have any quest for us to take?" Yuyu said with sparkling eyes

"Yuyu!" Jin Yuyan was seriously

"Hahaha, it's fine, well I do have a quest right now" Lu Xie waved her hand and a paper appeared in her hand

"You know that getting a quest from me is rare and the danger ahead is also great right?" Lu Xie said

The 4 nodded "Even though it's dangerous we can do it with nee-chan helping us" Yuyu said proudly

"Hmm, alright here is your quest" Lu Xie showed them their quest

[In the Unforeseen Forest lays an egg in the middle of the forest, get this egg and return it to me your reward will be according to your contributions] Lu Xie said

"Ohhh, it is dangerous," Zena said nervously

"Hmm, but the rewards are also great," Ben said seriously

"The Unforeseen Forest lived by level 40 to 55 beasts" Fred sighed

"Don't worry, nee-chan will be coming with us" Yuyu comfort

Jin Yuyan sighed "Fine, but don't do this again," she said scolding them

"Yes" the 4 nodded

"Then I'll see you again, Yanyan" Lu Xie said then slowly she disappear behind

Jin Yuyan looked at her disappearing and felt a pang in her chest she tried to reach and hold her but her hand was passed through her.

"Nee-chan, what's wrong?" Yuyu asked

Jin Yuyan clenched her fist and shook her head "It's nothing"

"Then let's go and level up some more before doing the quest!" Ben said excitedly

"Let's go" the 3 teenagers were hyped up

Jin Yuyan just followed them.


Xu Syun got second place with his partner whose an NPC, what he got was very different from what he heard in his previous life.

Originally, he should have gotten the tears of Gia for the second place, but he didn't get any. He only had an ordinary sword, some exp, and some money.

It might be because he took something before the game even started and disrupted the main plot. He thought

He sighs angrily and looks at the two women side by side talking, he has the urge to approach the person he had been longing for all his life in his previous one.

He was a fool to believe that snake woman and they both didn't meet again, the last thing he heard was that she got married and was living a happy life.

But he couldn't accept it, it should have been them whose happy and not with someone else.

He tried looking for her but he doesn't where she is and he knew her family was rich and he is only a frog in a well. That's why he wanted to get rich from the game hurriedly.

But fate had other plans for him and reborn him, he was excited and the game was also newly released. So he took part in the beta tryout and accomplished he was able to get a few treasures that he sold.

When he got the money in real life, he immediately move out of his old apartment and got a nice one. So now he wants to earn money and confess to the woman he likes.